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Posts posted by nycman

  1. 27 minutes ago, Monarchy79 said:

    You forgot the other adjective that describes you…. 

    It’s a six letter word…

    Starts with an “R”

    Ends with a “T” 




























    WTF dude? You’re calling him a rapist just because he wants to then have sex with a black dude?

    You should be careful, some people might consider that racist and report you!

    I look forward to your retort!



  2. LMAO. I thought we were talking about a good old fashioned farm friendly porcine slaughter too!

    Unfortunately I’ve witnessed both forms of Pig Butchering first hand. 

    I’d have to say the Mississippi/porcine one was more humane than the NYC/human one. 

    An older wealthy friend had thankfully consented to giving me access to their online banking information after falling for several minor scams and getting their computer repeatedly hacked. A few months later, I was able to quickly identify "unusual" behavior on the account. Believe it or not, the person was furious with me for intervening. That is until we were in front of the bank officer who said, “the words you are looking for are ‘thank you’, he just saved you from getting wiped out." While the loss was significant it was only a minor dent in their overall wealth. In fact, the person’s heirs even called me to thank me. 

     This was after repeatedly having frank, face-to-face discussions about online scams and security. They STILL fell for it. And they were initially mad at me! Something very odd happens in our brains between 60 and 70 years old. So, if you’re near or past that age range, find someone younger whom you trust inherently, to help monitor your accounts. I know it feels intrusive, but it’s vitally important. No matter how many "safe guards" you set up with your bank, you will ALWAYS be able to override them. You need a smart, caring, compassionate person who loves you, looking out for you. It’s just a fact. 

    I’ve already got my speech prepared for my one day financial minder…."$1,000 here, a $1,000 there, is just me being a dumbass and having fun. $10,000 is ok if I’ve already warned you I was about to knowingly do something stupid. More than that? Freeze the account and get my banker, accountant, and attorney involved. Something’s wrong."

  3. 1 hour ago, Medin said:

    I already mentioned all the red flags in my original post and "moved on" a long time ago.  Now I'm just curious so was asking if anyone has met him or knows anything about him.  

    That’s not moving on…..

    Just FYI.

  4. 4 hours ago, Medin said:

    First red flag. 

    4 hours ago, SilverFoxRox said:

    Second red flag.

    4 hours ago, SilverFoxRox said:

    Third red flag.

    4 hours ago, SilverFoxRox said:

    Fourth red flag

    Exactly how many do you need???….move on!

  5. 1 hour ago, marylander1940 said:

    Are wegovy babes next? 


    Numerous women have shared stories of “Ozempic babies” on social media. But the joy some experience in discovering pregnancies may come with anxiety about...

    Not the first time one medicine ends up being useful for other things, Viagra for example was invented to treat heart problems and now it's used for other purpose. 

    Ummm….yeah….when fat chicks loose weight…..guys fuck them.

    This isn’t rocket science folks!

  6. To me it’s weird and I personally wouldn’t be directly involved. 

    Nonetheless, I’ve been at plenty of cocktail parties where the "new boyfriend" is obviously a whore. Just like the aging queen who wears too much makeup, it’s not my thing but I’m happy to play along with the farce. It doesn’t hurt me. 

  7. 1 hour ago, CuriousByNature said:

    ultimately these were not created for the world to view

    Says who?

    1 hour ago, CuriousByNature said:

    now I think they're best placed with their creators.

    Most of whom have been dead for centuries.
    So…do you want us to bury them, place them on funeral pyres, inside pyramids, or sink them to the bottom of the ocean?

    1 hour ago, CuriousByNature said:

    Exact copies could be made and kept at museums,

    Why not give these "exact copies’ to the locals, and let the museums keep preserving the originals as they have for centuries?
    The originals cannot be replaced. That way, when the "locals" loose, destroy, or simply misplace their copies (which you know they will), they can just be given more copies.

    1 hour ago, CuriousByNature said:

    greater access to artefacts their ancestors created.

    yeah…like in free museum, in a world capital, someplace everyone can get to…you know, like London. 

    1 hour ago, CuriousByNature said:

    I would advocate for the return of objects that were taken and had a ceremonial or sacred purpose, not artefacts that were created to be sold or traded.

    Good luck figuring out which pieces those are.
    You know all the "world famous" pieces would immediately be classified as "sacred" by the locals, regardless of their origin or purpose.

    Your intentions are noble, but I feel misguided. They will lead to a great loss for humanity. 

    At the end of the day it’s all about the money. To pretend otherwise is naive and/or disingenuous. 

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