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    + nycman reacted to AdamSmith in Friday Funnies   
    One more try [only because it's Cyanide & Happiness ]...

  2. Like
    + nycman reacted to AdamSmith in Friday Funnies   
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    + nycman reacted to + Gar1eth in Friday Funnies   
  4. Like
    + nycman reacted to + tristanbaldwin in Instead of a Review of an Escort- Review of a City..   
    (For Escorts and Clients alike; take this as you will...)
    Since it seemed like the type of unusual place that not so many of the guys on this board visit, I thought I'd take a few moments to share some of my experiences here, and keep guys from either making an expensive mistake / going into something knowing what it will be and what it WON'T...so they can concentrate on having a vacation, etc.
    First- getting here is not going to be one of the cheaper destinations you'll find. Expect to find it around 800-1300 USD, from most places in the US, economy. Had a ticket set up from BDL(Bradley field in Connecticut, our small little airport), for just over $1000 to Hong Kong...so I looked up how much it'd be to make it multi-city, and stop off in Singapore for a time- only increased the price by $160 and change. So I would NOT do this place as a 'standalone' destination, but rather as part of a larger Asia itinerary.
    Second- Hotels. No offense to the clients from Singapore that might be on this page; but they are very picky about the location of hotels. If you grab a place down by Sentosa Island(the resort area), you'll be too far away...even though the Metro out in Singapore is phenomenal. It'd be like staying out in Oakland, while you advertise in San Francisco- there are going to be a majority of people who just can't or don't wanna swing the trip. Also, you might find a great deal on Orchard Road or in the Geylang area of town on a four star hotel- but believe it or not, some clients are gonna find those locations unsatisfactory as there is female prostitution going on nearby(Case and point- for one day of my trip I was staying at the 4.5 star[believe me, it was NICE] Orchard Hotel, on Orchard Road. Right next door is the infamous 3 star 'Orchard Towers', also known as 'Four Floors of Whores'- where there are probably 400 female or transgender prostitutes randomly rolling around.) Many clients didn't wanna be anywhere near that. Also...if you grab too 'boutique-y' of a hotel, security at the front desk is most certainly going to wonder what is going on, as almost every hotel had the dreaded keycard-activated elevators. You'll have to do alot of tapdancing to stay off the radar screen.
    Transportation- As discussed above, the MTR is phenomenal and everything worth seeing is pretty much a few blocks off the line. For those of you fitness guys out there, a great way to see singapore is to wake up decently early- like 630/7AM, and go for a walk or a run, several miles each day- and divide the city center up into quadrants and really walk and run across it all. The hustle and bustle and crowds don't start till 9 / 10AM, so you'll be on pretty vacant streets.
    Food- American food brands will be ultra expensive out here. For a mixed drink and a pizza at California Pizza Kitchen(on the final day of the trip I was craving a taste of home)- it was the equivalent of $42.00 US. (Frame of reference- roughly 1.4- 1.5 SGD for every 1 USD.). There aren't a ton of huge grocery stores(called 'Cold Storage') here, there will be lines even getting into small places like 7-11's. The majority of people in Singapore stock up once or twice a month, then eat out quite a great deal. There are places like 'Lau Pa Sat'- an open market with all sorts of food stalls where you'll get chicken, race, soup or a small salad/vegetables for literally 5 SGD- 4 bucks US. Portions are just a hair smaller then US portions so I found myself eating more meals a day. Probably a good thing in the long run.
    OHHHHHHHHHH- very good piece of advice here from a west coast client/friend in San Francisco- bring Rolaids, Tums, or some other sodium bicarbonate or bismuth/antacids or whatever it's called, to nullify the effects of all the spicy foods and stuff you aren't used to. In addition- medicinal charcoal is available cheap in the pharmacies to help food poisoning, as is 'arsenicum', something available at health stores here in the US- it'll help get used to the food.
    Alcohol- very expensive here, if you are a drinker...buy it at the duty free at the airport and bring it in with you, otherwise, you'll get SHELLED.
    Clients- VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY(Did I say VERY?) Conservative. They won't even wanna be seen on an open street with you...for fear of getting spotted or labeled or judged. Most have never done this before or very infrequently, so it'll require a massive degree of patience to deal with them. Also, because of language barriers(even though English is the working language over there), you'll want to kind of identify how long you're going to be playing for, several times over. Anyone who knows me knows I'm not a clock watcher- I always try and give tons of extra time...but alot of the younger clients here(another reason I don't prefer young clients; they don't understand the nature of this), seem to think they have you for the night. Perhaps that's because the female prostitution here is on that same level- by the night vs shorter session? I literally had a kid show up in my room and start unpacking clothes and opening my drawers and putting his stuff into them-(AT 6PM AT NIGHT MIND YOU), and I'm kinda like..."..Umm..what are you doing...?"- and his response in broken english(he was Indonesian vs. true Singaporean) was "I'm just making room so we have for space for our night together". LOL. Again, this is why I don't go for the young ones- they'd hard enough in the English culture let alone overseas.
    Sights- Marina Bay Sands is an absolute MARVEL of construction. However, to see the full thing up top(A park, pools, mega beautiful...built like 65 stories up..), you have to be a guest there. Otherwise, it costs about $16 US to go up the elevators just to see the observation deck. In my opinion, kind of a waste- if I could get a room there for $250, I would have rather paid the 250 to see the entire thing, vs. just the 16 to see the observation deck. Problem is, thing was SOLD OUT. I kid you not, not even listing prices on Priceline; all three towers SOLD to the brim. Asian gamblers primarily from all over the Orient, with serious $.
    Gay culture- About 4 gay bars in the entire fucking city, with none of them having nice terraces or anything outdoors to enjoy the temperate weather- all closed door cement ugliness to 'hide' what is within. A shame.
    Just waking up and adjusting to the time change here on the East Coast, but I just thought I'd jot down some thoughts.
  5. Like
    + nycman reacted to sincitymix in Friday Funnies   
    Reminds me of a guy I know who trained his African Grey to scream "CANNIBAL" every time his family sits down to eat chicken or turkey.
  6. Like
    + nycman reacted to Kuriousity in Leo Giamani escorting again...   
    Only porn models at the top of their game can theoretically demand 400.00 an hour, and he's not Chris Bines, Ryan Rose (can't abide him, but the bitch is booking gigs left & right), or David Benjamin. Leo has been out of the business a few years, and you do not ask top table prices when you have no good current advertising to back that up. For that money, you need to squall like Michael Brandon, be more flexible than any member of the US Men's gymnastics team, and be saying "Hell yeah, I can take a DP, motherfucker!".
  7. Like
    + nycman got a reaction from Dirks in Fingered   
    Damn...you guys are pushing ALL my buttons today!
    I think it's hot as fuck to put my fingers in another guy's mouth.
    The best part is you can communicate a thousand different messages depending on how you do it.
    Tender reassurance.
    Degrading inspection.
    Playful teasing.
    Dominating control.
    Inquisitive probing,
    All with the simple act of putting your fingers in his mouth....
    Like most sexual play, the key is knowing which one your man needs...and when.
  8. Like
    + nycman got a reaction from TruthBTold in Fingered   
    Damn...you guys are pushing ALL my buttons today!
    I think it's hot as fuck to put my fingers in another guy's mouth.
    The best part is you can communicate a thousand different messages depending on how you do it.
    Tender reassurance.
    Degrading inspection.
    Playful teasing.
    Dominating control.
    Inquisitive probing,
    All with the simple act of putting your fingers in his mouth....
    Like most sexual play, the key is knowing which one your man needs...and when.
  9. Like
    + nycman got a reaction from tennisjock in Fingered   
    Damn...you guys are pushing ALL my buttons today!
    I think it's hot as fuck to put my fingers in another guy's mouth.
    The best part is you can communicate a thousand different messages depending on how you do it.
    Tender reassurance.
    Degrading inspection.
    Playful teasing.
    Dominating control.
    Inquisitive probing,
    All with the simple act of putting your fingers in his mouth....
    Like most sexual play, the key is knowing which one your man needs...and when.
  10. Like
    + nycman got a reaction from Adam_6969 in BOOTS   
    God I love boots!
    I once went on a Recon date where the guy made his fetish for motorcycle boots abundantly clear.
    I was happy to oblige and I fucked him silly for over 2 hours with both of us wearing our boots. After
    I came I figured we were done, but I had no idea just how serious he was about his fetish. Right after I
    finished pound his tight muscle ass to kingdom come he rolled over in bed and said, "I gave you what
    you wanted, now you have to give me what I want". He spent the next 2 hours performing what can
    only be described as making love to my boots. At first I was a little stunned, but he was so into it, and
    since he had just given me the the ride of a lifetime I was happy to return the favor. He was so intense
    while he was licking, rubbing, fucking, caressing, worshiping and fondling my boots that it was clear
    that my actual body was only a minor bit player in the scene. I have to say as a top...it was fun to be used!
    God I love fetishes!
  11. Like
    + nycman got a reaction from + glennnn in BOOTS   
    God I love boots!
    I once went on a Recon date where the guy made his fetish for motorcycle boots abundantly clear.
    I was happy to oblige and I fucked him silly for over 2 hours with both of us wearing our boots. After
    I came I figured we were done, but I had no idea just how serious he was about his fetish. Right after I
    finished pound his tight muscle ass to kingdom come he rolled over in bed and said, "I gave you what
    you wanted, now you have to give me what I want". He spent the next 2 hours performing what can
    only be described as making love to my boots. At first I was a little stunned, but he was so into it, and
    since he had just given me the the ride of a lifetime I was happy to return the favor. He was so intense
    while he was licking, rubbing, fucking, caressing, worshiping and fondling my boots that it was clear
    that my actual body was only a minor bit player in the scene. I have to say as a top...it was fun to be used!
    God I love fetishes!
  12. Like
    + nycman reacted to + Russ in Best Ass to Rim in NYC?   
    I wasn't insulted! But "nowadays"? That passage is from 1978.
  13. Like
    + nycman got a reaction from Mrmongoloth in Best Ass to Rim in NYC?   
    Since I was intrigued...but ultimately confused by Russ' 1970's literary response above....
    Let me add my experience...
    I gave Russ no special hygiene instructions other than to make clear my preference
    for the top bunk. When he arrived his ginger haloed hole was fresh and clean as were
    his pits. And after 2 hours of what can only be described as two grown men rutting like
    orgiastic 18 point stags in the wild....his pit scent was manly and intoxicating, but far
    from rank or offensive.
    Hope that clarifies without getting me in trouble for writing a review.
    PS the kid is a really fun fuck...if you're into that sort of thing...grin
    PPS Dancer from the Dance?....my 1970's Queer Lit is a little rusty
  14. Like
    + nycman reacted to MrMiniver in Seeking arrangements success!   
    Well, I thought the whole thing sounded kinda lame but I had a little time on my hands so I created a profile. I can't say I found much in the first few days: twinks, fakes, flakes, the usual assortment of game players. Then I met a guy who is an aspiring fitness model based in Toronto. I took a leap of faith and flew him to New York. Well, we just spent the better part of the past 10 days at my place in CT. It was amazing. He's 23, ripped, beautiful, and for this initially visit all he wanted was his airfare and other expenses covered.
    So, perhaps, it's not a bad site after all. It was worth the $70 initial fee.
  15. Like
    + nycman got a reaction from geminibear in Which are you, glass half full or glass half empty?   
    Mine is always 1/2 empty....and I fucking LOVE it that way!
    All you 1/2 full pussies can fucking SUCK it!...face reality and embrace it you little bitches!
    ....then...and ONLY THEN...are you a MAN!
    (with apologies to my full to 4/5's full idol jawjawteck...grin)
  16. Like
    + nycman got a reaction from craigville beach in Which are you, glass half full or glass half empty?   
    Mine is always 1/2 empty....and I fucking LOVE it that way!
    All you 1/2 full pussies can fucking SUCK it!...face reality and embrace it you little bitches!
    ....then...and ONLY THEN...are you a MAN!
    (with apologies to my full to 4/5's full idol jawjawteck...grin)
  17. Like
    + nycman reacted to AdamSmith in Friday Funnies   
  18. Like
    + nycman got a reaction from + Truereview in On the Fence   
    Funny, if you had asked me "are fences sexy?"....I would have said, "nope".
    But after this display....fences are sexy as FUCK!
  19. Like
    + nycman got a reaction from beachboy in Ginger model Kevin Selby   
    He's a 1,000 times cuter...when he smiles!
  20. Like
    + nycman got a reaction from instudiocity in Ginger model Kevin Selby   
    He's a 1,000 times cuter...when he smiles!
  21. Like
    + nycman got a reaction from geminibear in 'Tis the season! Merry Saturnalia to all!   
    I just spit out my morning coffee....that man is brilliant!
  22. Like
    + nycman got a reaction from + jrhoutex in John Stamos does not take advice from Burt Reynolds   
    My "luxury top brother"...is posting pics of his incredible ass?
    Seriously bro?
    Teasing me like that is just plain mean!
  23. Like
    + nycman got a reaction from geminibear in That Man In Mesh   
    Funny, other than football jerseys.....mesh has never done it for me.
    Thus, #26 wins by a mile!
  24. Like
    + nycman reacted to corndog in Responding to clients who say I love you   
    Quite a while back, I had an (unpaid) one-night stand with a guy who was just passing through town. The circumstances were such that we were both totally clear that there was no future for us. However, for the few hours that we were together, we had an intense connection, sexually, as well as emotionally, as our senses of humor were perfectly synced and our pillow-talk was unusually candid. During that short period, there was no world outside of him, and I sensed that he was equally focused on me. Even in the moment, I knew that I was in love, but I knew that it would be over when I walked him to the door. I don't remember his name, or have any recollection of what he looked like, but I will never forget the time that I was "in love for five minutes." I cherish it.
  25. Like
    + nycman got a reaction from geminibear in Hello-o-o Yellow   
    Suddenly I see my least favorite color...in a whole new light!
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