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Posts posted by jbro

  1. This once happened to me too, and it was pretty surprising and serendipitous and hot.


    A couple years ago, I was in Maui for work. I had an afternoon off one day, and thought I'd get a massage because I was super sore from work and travel and stress and all that. My hotel had a spa/massage service, so I booked a massage for my room, with the sole goal of relaxing. I didn't even specify if I wanted a male or female therapist -- just had them send over whoever was available on short notice.


    I hear a knock, and open the door, and there's this attractive blond guy wearing a blue polo and white shorts -- probably 6'1, wiry like a bicyclist, mid to late 30s. I idly thought "he's kinda hot," but was distracted by how sore I was, so nothing more. He set up his table, I got undressed, lay down on my front, and he put a blanket over me and started massaging.


    It's a really good and deep massage, especially on my neck and shoulders, and I start to relax. To stretch me out, he keeps having me rest my hands on his outer thigh while pushing on my shoulder, but this doesn't strike me as unusual, especially since I'm still covered in a blanket. And then, one time he switches my hand position from his outer thigh to his inner thigh, and I notice he actually has placed my hand on his bare skin, just underneath his shorts. I kinda start to wonder if there's something going on, but it's still tough to be sure. He then goes back to massaging my neck and shoulders, and then goes to my other side. This time, when he stretches out my arm, he places it pretty high in between his two (muscular) thighs, and squeezes them together, making sure my forearm rubs against his crotch. I involuntarily moan a little, and then he lets go, and this time, as he goes around the table near my legs, I hear the unmistakable noise of his clothes hitting the floor, and the rest is pretty much history.


    The hottest part of it was how completely unexpected it was.

    This story is crazy hot! I love it when the therapist places your hand in a perilously questionable place. Thigh. Grazing his bulge, etc. I sometimes wonder if I’m supposed to provide a little sensory feedback. Slight rubbing back or something. Sometimes it’s impossible not to. Once or twice it has been a totally legit massage and then somehow they rub a massive hard on against my hand and I’m floored.

    There is one straight guy who seems to know what hiss clientel likes. He never has a hard on but always makes sure you get a feel and teases you.

  2. I've had this happen twice at "strictly" therapeutic places. In retrospect, I'm not exactly sure how or why they happened at a legit place. Perhaps the masseur was in the mood. Maybe I was their type (chemistry). Or perhaps it was just a slow day and they were workin' the tips - But I didn't ask for it and I didn't drop any hints.


    If I really thought about it the common factor is that I tend to treat people with respect and courtesy. I do like a little conversation prior to session. During which I treat them like a human beings who matter and not a means to a [happy] end. When I go in for a 60 minutes massage my only expectation is for a good massage... for 60 minutes. After that it's up to the parties involved and not an written agenda I hand the masseurs when I tromp in. I'm not sure I would want to be treated like a 'Have it Your Way' Burger King employee, so I don't treat others like that. It goes a long way.

    This is a good approach I think. Speaking of working for tips usually what do you drop on tip for exceptional time? A percentage or a flat rate?

  3. So do I. I've learned and been told by several masseur that you're far more likely to get what you want without preestablish expectations than the client who wants to lock the masseur down as to the details and extras prior to the appointment.


    The term YMMV comes up a lot in these forum, which is probably true, but the variables that weighs in the most with the competent players are the clients who respect and tip well, but also allow the masseur to do there thing.

    I’m glad you said that. A lot of these posts say “make your expectations clear” but somehow that takes away from the experience for me. I’m not sure what that says about me. But it’s true. I like a little mystery in the world.

  4. My best massages have always been largely therapeutic, but where the therapist ends up getting pretty turned on too and wants to finish with me. This is especially hot in a legit spa setting. Does anyone have favorites where this has happened? I usually go in without any conversation about expectations so this makes it extra nice.

  5. Yes. He’s a decent massage therapist. I had an out all and he came to my hotel on DC. He came with all of his stuff including his table sheets everything. He gives a massage that’s mostly Swedish techniques. Rey nice and would definitely repeat.

    Sounds really good! where would you place him on the therapeutic to erotic spectrum

  6. I don’t think dc has anything like you do in New York. If they do I have never seen it. At any rate bumping in case there are suggestions. There are dc spa discussions here but they are typicaly very legit with occasional stories of side experiences.

  7. Lol no one actually answered your question and someone went on a tangent about their oral skills but...shocking.


    I was once working in Toronto and had arranged to meet a client, who to my surprise was very friendly via text and elaborated on his wants very thoroughly (better than most). He communicated he did not hire often but “the apps” were time consuming and frustrating.


    Closer to our agreed meeting time he asked if he could bring a bottle of wine. So naturally I was a little taken back and felt indifferent about the meeting because truthfully guys, sometimes after working a full day, you just don’t have a bf-experience left in you and it’s easier to fulfill a simple 1-hr request. But I was a tad stressed and it was freezing so I said “fuck it, why not?”


    When he arrived, this statuesque 6’2 Persian man opened the door. Beautiful dark features, perfectly groomed, big full lips and incredible eyes so I immediately went from thinking “oh god here we go” to “ohhhh.” We sat and had wine and he said he was very nervous (as was I at this point) and he wanted to take things slow. I could tell that his track record with men was not a good one because he continued communicating insecurities about himself, which I found appalling sitting in front of such a beautiful man. We tried to play a little but he wasn’t the most experienced bottom which was a shame because I really wanted in. And to be quite honest, I seldom bottom for clients but he could have definitely slid in me. His kissing was also impeccable.


    We were together several hours and he asked if we could spend more time together and that we could go get more cash together. I told him not to worry about it and he ending up spending the night with me. I think we slept in each other’s arms until he had to leave for work in the AM.


    Never saw him again. Contacted him when I was in Toronto a few months later but our schedules didn’t align.


    I always get a little hot when scruffy daddy types that are bigger than me book me, as well as men from the Middle East. I encounter hot clients often, especially now being based in Europe, where I find the client base is much younger.

    Wow! Great reply!

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