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Everything posted by RealAvalon

  1. I can feel your discretion
  2. RETRONYM — a term for the original version of something which becomes necessary after the invention of a new version of the thing. For instance, ‘acoustic guitar’, ‘broadcast TV’, ‘hardcover book’ or ‘silent film’.
  3. "Not exactly what I meant by 'cup.' But ... let's go with your idea"
  4. Do the tattoos make him go faster?
  5. Looks like you misunderstood. Try re-reading.
  6. Very Thomas Hardy of you. (Jude the Obscure et al.)
  7. It's the closest emoticon there is for "he likes to listen to himself talk," it's probably less about 'this is long winded.' I expect the use of the 'verbose' emoticon is going to increase post 'verbose thread'.
  8. And wear his sister Daisy's shorts
  9. I still want him naked It's a very good look for him
  10. Is it? Isn't it pleasure as a business? I've been reading a lot of auto-biographies of sex trade workers recently.
  11. Colloquially - in emoticons - I think it more symbolizes "this person likes to hear themselves talk"
  12. Good to hear about your first visit. Did he host or travel to you? Odd about the next time with the overnight.
  13. isn't that a song? "they call my melons yellow"
  14. The article says people need complete protein in their diet, and iron, for hair growth. That doesn't mean red meat (have you been to India), or any kind of animal protein for that matter. Everything has protein in it. You just need to eat widely enough to get all of the various amino acids needed to build protein. And sources of iron and other minerals.
  15. If interest was the information, that took about 10 seconds of Google search time: https://catholicclimatemovement.global/livestock-provide-just-18-of-calories-but-take-up-83-of-farmland-avoiding-meat-and-dairy-is-single-biggest-way-to-reduce-your-impact-on-earth/#:~:text= Biggest analysis to date reveals huge footprint,all land mammals are now livestock or humans.
  16. Everyone is different, after 30 years of vegetarianism, I've got very thick hair. But I've gained those 4+kgs back.
  17. Everyone is different, I didn't notice anything, other than losing 4kg, because of reduced fat consumption. I don't know how old you are, but are you maybe just losing your hair anyway?
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