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Everything posted by RealAvalon

  1. That's a very rainbow firework. Appropriate. Now a Liberty Bell in the background and one other thing ...
  2. I was just writing something similar. Then I deleted it, cause the thread was boring me.
  3. Any urge to pick it up again during self-isolating? There's probably on-line Rubik Cube Clubs now. Look what I found, a Facebook, speed cubing club with 38,000 members. https://www.facebook.com/groups/117632558303556
  4. A teenager needs this information? What aren't you saying.
  5. This is a pointless thread posting. And I just posted one on Rubik's cubes! Everyone, please check out the Rubik's cube thread, in the Lounge
  6. I'm assuming you're joking. Right? I hope no one would feel the need to hide health related information from the man/woman they rely on for medical advice. Top/bottom no one cares. If they do, get a new doctor.
  7. Good luck. I hope you aren't worrying, Do they let you pick the colour of the balloon?
  8. Definitely not enough tongue from my doctor. He's very cute
  9. The mask that Garrett was wear today, looked a lot like my gonch. Garrett if you're reading this ... wink, wink
  10. It was probably stressful coming out. Sometimes stressful situations are just doors that need to be opened.
  11. I expect that there are, with all those Chinese and Saudi Princes running around there, both male and female.
  12. Or, it really is. Something that makes you swoon could be fun to investigated ... no?
  13. "you guys" ... I'm confused. Who/what do you identify as?
  14. Executive orders were issued to compel meat manufacturers to keep open, with penalties for workers that didn't come into work (excluded by some States from unemployment insurance); but no executive orders under the Defense Production Act to compel the production of PPE. Trump/GOP: "Let them eat meat" (and so not in any sort of fun gay way)
  15. There is an explanation of the Oxford vaccine on the Netflix three part series on corona virus.
  16. You should hear me play the skin flute, I'm amazing
  17. I wonder if the ball needed to be that big ... ?
  18. He might be practicing his juggling act. It's gripping I could trip over that bottom lip of his
  19. Not often, but occasionally if I'm really not paying attention to being out of the country, I've found myself driving 60 and people are just whizzing by me. And I remember ... oh that's 100 down here
  20. I fixed it. I had to give up and go for a run and re-think. But after I uninstalled the drivers and then re-installed them, it seems to have repaired whatever it was that I had some how messed up. Whew.
  21. You'll have to excuse me. I am grumpy at the moment because, I am currently fighting with my printer, and its drivers, and I am losing.
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