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Everything posted by RealAvalon

  1. I'm just acknowledging that sometimes I cross the line from 'lounge news' and the 'politics forum.' The science gets overwhelmed sometimes by the nature of USA politics I think. Even when there is something interesting/hopeful scientifically new, it can be buried, I suspect, by the current realities of life in the USA.
  2. There is an answer, but it doesn't belong in this thread.
  3. Leonard Cohen, always has a turn of phrase to hear:
  4. I think there is lots of hope in the work that scientists are doing around both treatments and potential vaccines. The cry of defeat coming from the White Houses, concerning any sort of coordinated plan to implement a national testing, tracing and treatment strategy, is where the negativity comes from. There is some amazing scientific work going on, in spite of the work Pence/Kushner/Trump/McConnell in Washington.
  5. That is a very clean subway car
  6. Yup. Laundry day. And I've got a white load waiting ...
  7. There are remnants of the Imperial System when referring to personal statistics (in Canada as well). For personal stats some Brits still use weight in stones (1 stone = 6.35 kilos), that's archaically 'cute'. But only the USA, Myanmar and Liberia still hold on to the old Imperial System, instead of the near universal use of the International System of Measurements (Metric).
  8. England (U.K) uses the metric system. Only the USA and Myanmar still use the Imperial System.
  9. There is nothing nicer than a warm late evening of 20 degrees. And bonus here, we've got no humidity and no mosquitos. (But don't tell anyone.)
  10. I'm just a weather weenie
  11. There is a forest filled with trails on the escarpment just above the beach. You do the meth ... err ... I mean math. Math
  12. This is the location. http://www.wreckbeach.org/ I'm going the 26th annual Butoh Dance performance on the 21st https://wreckbeach.wordpress.com/2020/07/15/july-21st-26th-anniversary-wreck-beach-butoh-dance-performances/
  13. Its going to be 28 tomorrow. I'm going to melt.
  14. I hope his hat says "big book ho." If it does, he can talk while we fuck
  15. Vancouver's nude beach was crammed today. Dune to dune (physically distanced) asses. The majority of the 4km kilometre beach is the straight nude beach, and to the south there is the gay nude beach. RCMP were walking through with their sniffing dog, I assume they were monitoring for drugs. (Two of them should have stayed after their shifts were over.) Illegal (unlicensed) liquor sales is the more frequent fine. Other than that ... sun and fun
  16. Or paranoid and the walls have ears ...
  17. Did he finish a work out, or is he just in Florida?
  18. I would have suggested a squirrel tattoo. Stashing nuts
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