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Everything posted by RealAvalon

  1. I've been to that wedding. Not all it's 'cracked' up to be
  2. Vocabulary error or bad auto-correct when he was typing in delirious
  3. Its 26 today and its creeping up to 28 by end of the week. I hope it doesn't get any hotter than that. Lovely and bright with next to zero humidity. I remain a seven.
  4. 11 of the 12 men that have walked on the Moon were in the Boy Scouts.
  5. I hope I never find him driving next to me in a convertible. There would be an accident.
  6. I'm not 100% sure I'm getting the point you are trying to make, but ""this is allowed, but this isn't" is frequently the case. Its not necessarily unusual or unfair. Not all mass events are created equal. A Beyonce concert would be a super spreader event. And unnecessary and can be canceled, postponed, watch her on Zoom A November Presidential election would be a super spreader event. And necessary and couldn't be canceled. One is allowed, and one isn't, and it isn't bullshit. People exercising their civil right to protest (with organizers encouraging mask use, rather than seeing it as a conspiracy), is not the same as concerts or other commercial events (in my humble opinion).
  7. Expecting concert promoters not to sell tickets is one thing, expect civil society not to react to injustice is something else. Isn't it? We've had protests up here - here is more about Aboriginal rights rather than BLM - and similar results. Not a lot of infections or new cases from protests. Our community spread 'embers' are coming up at - seriously - strip clubs that opened. Two strips clubs, a suburban McDonald's and a lake party were the community spread events last week.
  8. I know I am speaking from the outside looking in, on what is happening in the USA. This is meant as a reality check, as the virus that the USA, Canada and the European Union is containing, is the same virus. No difference. And it isn't inevitable that the virus wins. The European Union's three day rolling average, with a population similar to the USA, has been about 2,000-2,500 new cases daily. Canada (population 37 million) had 237 new cases of COVID yesterday, with 10 COVID related deaths. In Canada, we are starting to talk about whether outdoor mass gatherings can commence again. The USA talking about opening the economy, opening schools, allowing mass gatherings ... ? It sounds a lot like "I want a pony for Christmas." It sounds like either magical thinking or an admission of failure. And what's the body count on failure that is acceptable? It must seem pointless to expect/hope for your federal leadership vacuum to be filled with something other than hot air. And it remains critical from the experience of every other country that hasn't given up.
  9. I understand that you want that to be true. And, your want, doesn't make it true. That's just truthiness. Facts are stubborn things.
  10. I still have wet dreams. This pandemic ... not sure I was this hard during adolescence ...
  11. Hmm ... I think I could grow to trust him as well
  12. He squeals ... or maybe it was me ... there was a lot going on
  13. A PRECRASTINATOR is someone who rushes to get something done earlier than is necessary so they can tick it off their mental to do list.
  14. "Yes, doctor. I have trust issues. And it really helps in our sessions, knowing you aren't concealing anything from me ... "
  15. Word of the day: SOPHOMANIA – a delusional belief in your own superior intelligence.
  16. That reminds me ... don't forget my snorkel
  17. Was Golden Girls originally going to be called Miami Nice, or is that an urban legend?
  18. It's a good solid jog. I walk fast, and it takes me 40 minutes to do five kilometres. I've been looking (well perhaps occasionally browsing is more accurate) for someone to show me how to race walk, I was thinking that would be easier on my knees.
  19. Then why is he working for a conspiracy website?
  20. Apparently not very much. If people would agree to take personal responsibility and wear masks, there are lots of things that could be done to bring life more back to normal. Other than big crowded indoor events, things are (mostly) back to normal - in a socially distanced sort of way - where I am.
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