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Everything posted by RealAvalon

  1. That's because in 99.9999% of cases there is no 'figuring out' to be done. It's absolutely obvious. Both the toupee, and the person's insecurity about their baldness. Have I gone out with bald men - yes. Do I find it an attractive feature - no. And it's just the way it is. Big feet, small feet, head of hair or bald. Where ever you go, there you are.
  2. Is it mean to say ... SharpieGate?
  3. Did you make it into the credits? As a grip?
  4. @marylander1940 toupees and animal print clothing ... just saying
  5. Um ... lets get back to Garrett Haak
  6. Do you think they're clip ons?
  7. I had to think about this one. I would mostly say preventive, for example 'preventive maintenance.' But, and maybe it's for emphasis? I could also say "It's preventative!"
  8. Elton John is proof that toupees are probably a bad idea. He's rich. He doesn't look good.
  9. Combining your 'love' and 'hate' threads today. I often read for a good hour while walking laps around the track, don't have to worry about paying attention to your surroundings on the track
  10. Archie's dad's house (also orange coincidentally) on Riverdale, had a suicide there about 20 years ago. [TABLE] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
  11. Are they texting each other?
  12. for some, tunnel checking is a job, for others, its a vocation
  13. to be fair, it's probably a recipe for the continuation of an existing disaster ...
  14. Has anyone mention Garrett Haak yet? (I probably did and forgot ... )
  15. I've got three speeds for walking. I've got a power walking friend that we plough through 6km in about 45 minutes. I've got a dawdler friend that I manage to get 3km in about an hour, as they need to sit every 1/2km to rest. And I've got my own pace where I read or write while I'm walking, often around a track so I don't have to pay attention to the surroundings. I prefer hiking to walking. Are there any hiking possibilities around you as an alternative to walking in the City?
  16. no one has said our new moderator @Daverwr yet ... haha
  17. Can you touch your knees to your shoulders? You can. Good. Now let's do that again ... slowly
  18. On a more serious note. I went to my doctor to ask about a largish mole. He referred me to a dermatologist. She looked at the mole (and nitroed a few spots of damaged facial skin she noticed and was concerned about) and referred me to a surgeon about removal of the mole. It looked like there might be a problem with it (pre-cancerous). Surgeon removed it at his office. I went back a month later so he could check on the healing. Whole process lasted about three months. Here, Canada, there was no cost involved in any of this, so the process I went through might not be relevant for you. I guess it depends on insurance coverage and whether its a cancer prevention or a cosmetic concern that you have.
  19. You lost me at 'home repair.' You should meet my electrician (fully licensed, does a good job, nice guy), I've been known to objectify him
  20. Reminder to Trump/GOP - you are dealing with the SAME virus that everyone else is. Other countries are opening up with out massive death counts. Coordinated planning and implementation of testing and tracing and treatment programs have worked other places work. "Learning to live with community spread" is the white flag of defeat.
  21. Oh he poked himself in the eye with his dick, or wait, maybe it was my dick ... I can't remember ... there was a lot going on ...
  22. And, whatever complaints people might have about masks, the economic shut down, schools etc. remember, there is another pandemic coming, we don't know from where and we don't know when. But it is coming. Are we better prepared for the next one, than we were/are with this one?
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