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Everything posted by RealAvalon

  1. That would be expected. Health systems actively learn and adapt treatment protocols to improve health outcomes, e.g. we've learned that having a patient on his/her/their stomach rather than back, improves outcomes.
  2. What's the phrase ... necessity is the mother of invention. Georgia Tech students have come up with a county by county map, so you can calculate your risk of infection from attending a public event, considering the local COVID infection rates. https://cos.gatech.edu/news/georgia-tech-researchers-release-county-level-calculator-estimate-risk-covid-19-exposure-us?utm_medium=email&utm_source=dailydigest&utm_campaign=july8&utm_content=map&fbclid=IwAR00E5chYbjvyRza1F9M1ik4aQYCOuRm37od3SwDroHeWO0n7DVVXnDo39k
  3. It's an ear thing. Some people have good ears for masks, and some people don't and need the straps behind the head models.
  4. And, replying to my own post, I've just had another idea. Derek, if you're listening, you could sell masks that have photos of either your junk or ass printed on the inside of the mask.
  5. Some of those onlyfans guys could take an entrepreneurial leaf out of the Orange is the New Black women's play book, and start selling masks that they have worn as jock straps. Derek Atlas if you're listening ...
  6. The voice of sanity peals. In Canada there's about 1/3 of people from either East of South Asia, where masking wearing is culturally common, perhaps because of the pollution levels in some Asian cities. Then there's about a 1/3 of people from some sort of British background, that love following rules - cueing up neatly at the bus stop and not butting into a line. Then there's the other 1/3, half of whom will wear a mask because everyone else is. And that leaves about 16.6666% that won't wear a mask.
  7. I thought this thread was going to be about 'a' and 'the' ...
  8. You misunderstood what I wrote. I said, there is a wide spectrum of what some people will consider to be racist. I'm sure no one on here will be surprised with your opinion.
  9. I don't know. There's 'racist' and then there's RACIST. Did he say 'all lives matter' or did he join the KKK? There's a very long gradient on what some people consider racist. How important is this to you: is this an issue that is central to your way of thinking? No relationship is perfect: if it's not central, do other things make up for this behavior? Some relationships are worth some conflict: is this a relationship that's of value for you long-term, or one of those many transitory relationships that come and go through life?
  10. I knew my time learning braille wasn't going to be wasted
  11. The point would be, women in a group of people being referred to as men - latinos. The other grammatical solution is to, in reference to a mixed group of people, use latinos and latinas, and name everyone - which is the same thing the construction 'LGBTQ2S+'is trying to do and also what, 'ladies and gentlemen' did.
  12. Mexico, Chile and Argentina. Some native speakers and some long-term resident ex-pats. A mix of people. Por que?
  13. New research looking at a possible mutation with the virus that allows it spread more efficiently. Must be July. We had seven new cases today. Two people are still in ICU. Economy 65% open. Potential virus spread from the re-opening of K-12 schools seems to have been managed well, with no new outbreaks. Elective surgeries are all being scheduled, back at the pre-shut down levels.
  14. Okay, I'll explain the scenario again ... slower? You take your gonch off, and then, for the next 20 minutes, you just agree to anything I say
  15. Variant opinions, Latino/a friends of mine use it all the time. I'm ambivalent, it's not my issue. Just tell me what you want to be called and I will use that, I don't need to get worked up about someone else's identity.
  16. The black strip in the pride flag, is in remembrance of people that died of AIDS. It has nothing to do with race (which btw doesn't exist genetically, although racism exists socially).
  17. his electrolysis sessions must have been exhausting
  18. You might be thinking about this a little too hard ...
  19. @Trebor you've managed to combine two of my favourite things - coffee and naked men. I also love fresh pasta
  20. @Trebor you've managed to combine two of my favourite things - coffee and naked men. I also love fresh pasta
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