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Everything posted by RealAvalon

  1. In Canada the federal government, in it's discussions with the provinces, has done everything to not declare a national emergency, as it's a kin to martial law. Everything is being done to support provinces to use their emergency powers instead. This week Ontario is mandating masks for in-door public places, under it's emergency powers. Quebec is mandating masks on public transit. BC is mandating 14 days quarantine for international travel, and anyone that has been in immediate contact with the virus. Three new cases today, 16 people in hospital, two people in ICU.
  2. To paraphrase Olympia Dukakis in Steel Magnolias, "whining is what separates us from the 'lower' animals"
  3. That seems obvious. Wouldn't the State's Ministry of Health provide a regular comprehensive report on the state of the health care system in general, with COVID specific data provided, as a basic minimum of information for residents during a pandemic? And beyond compiled reports, isn't most of that information available through 'open data' sources of government? https://open.canada.ca/en/open-data https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/data/open-data
  4. I thought the discussion was more about what are you looking for at Pride, are you looking for sex or are you looking for a sense of community? Even if the community was 100% "welcoming," I know I wouldn't want to have sex with 100% of the men there.
  5. Between 1982 and 2002, Donald Duck received so many write-in votes in Sweden that he was, theoretically, the country's ninth most popular political organisation.
  6. Head phones? Dude ... you can cram for your exam later
  7. You got that on a t-shirt for Pride? IW2FY on the front and IWY2FM on the back.
  8. I hope your selection of movies is better than ours!
  9. This is what we get. Current active COVID cases, daily and total COVID cases and deaths, break down by region, by age and sex. https://governmentofbc.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/11bd9b0303c64373b5680df29e5b5914 In addition there is a synopsis given on the health care system in general. Starting with the March 16th shut down, elective surgeries were canceled, and only emergency surgeries were performed. This reduced the surgical rate from about 6,000 per week down to 1,200 per week. Since the 2nd phase of re-opening May 25th the surgery rate has returned to about 6,000 surgeries per week, of which 1200 remain as emergency surgeries and 4800 as scheduled elective surgeries.
  10. For me, I most frequently use 'queer community' as it's short and inclusive, in a general way, and clearly means non-heterosexual. BIPOC was new to me. Thanks. In Canada everyone is already hyphenated (Ukrainian-Canada, Fijian- Canada, Asian-Canadian, Queer-Canadian), so maybe it's less of an issue.
  11. Have they said why not? Our CDC has a live weblink, with continual updating of the numbers of hospitalizations and ICU beds used.
  12. Lorne Green was from Canada, providing 'hot daddies' since 1867
  13. It will also, probably, be an indicator that it'll be harder to get the virus contained, and reduce future deaths, because it's community spread, and not 'contained' in seniors facilities.
  14. You've just reminded me there was a plan in town to have a "pop-up" drive-in theatre as a special event in a large parking lot, using a temporary screen. I don't know the status of that special event though.
  15. Well, I like my quaint idea of the "European Hotel" more than the $1million dollar condos (which is kind of a standard base rate for a three bedroom condo where I live). Nonetheless ... road trip?
  16. Most of the dancers at Stock are straight, most have girlfriends/wives, and most of them know that they are stripping/dancing for employment. I know this isn't escorting, very few have even a small interest in that, but it's within the male sex trade industry.
  17. Benny and Joon, and Edward Scissorhands are both classics.
  18. That would mean something entirely different in the Gallery
  19. Drive-in theatres have been open for a month. In door theatres start this Friday. Only a few. Tickets bought a head of time. No line ups. Social distancing in the theatre.
  20. It's the rabbit warren of identity politics
  21. Why has no said "my house" yet? Come on guys, show some cajones. (Literally if you like, like literally show some cajones ... like ... literally)
  22. Kind of. Sorry. It's about being inclusive and naming EVERYONE. And in Canada it's LGBTQ2S+ - to include 'two spirited people' within the Aboriginal community.
  23. So the movie theatres are opening on Friday, with the require physical distancing of course. And all six films showing at the theatre near me come with an "extreme violence" rating. Seriously? I can go to the movies, and I don't want to.
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