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Everything posted by RealAvalon

  1. I think me and the dog are 'sympaticos' as far as snorfing for a bone goes
  2. And speaking of 'planting a flag pole' ...
  3. I was going to ask if @Guy Fawkes was taking a break, I noticed you were on more lately. Thanks for herding the cats.
  4. Vancouver is an international city year-round, 100% hotel occupancy rates. From the genome analysis of virus strains from all of the infected people, it was determined the biggest contributor to our outbreak was an international dentist convention in early March - European and East Coast dentists arriving when the virus was spreading rapidly where they came from. Chinese variant, mostly caught at airport, and no community spread. I expect our hospitals are operating at 95% capacity most of the time. More community health clinics are being opened, to try and get people in earlier and divert them from eventually showing up at emergency wards.
  5. Built for efficiency and better health outcomes. During the beginning of the pandemic, March 16th, all elective surgeries were cancelled by the Ministry of Health, to free up space for potential pandemic response. This reduced surgeries to about 1,200 per week. Since May 15th elective surgeries have resumed, back-up to about 6,000 per week. The proportion of non-scheduled emergencies surgeries has remained constant at about 1,200. Since entering phase three of re-opening, there has been an increase of COVID related hospitalizations, province-wide, from six people to 16 people, and ICU beds from two people to six people. Population 5.1 million.
  6. Weird, thinking about hospitals "making money." Foreign concept for a Canadian.
  7. Ah. Could be a "European-style" hotel now? Road trip ...
  8. Did you ever gone back to that room? Does the hotel still exist? Road trip ...
  9. I'm thinking there's going to be a lot of meat in that sandwich
  10. I don't know, the elderly bare breasted 'dykes on bikes' still have a certain something something ...
  11. Well of course those are going to be limited to sexual attraction. That's a myopic way to assess Pride, and the gay community in general. Is your attendance at Pride celebrations about "who do I want to fuck, and who wants or doesn't want to fuck me"? That sounds like being trapped in a Grindr world. Pride and life as a gay man is much more than that, in my experience, although its way to corporate. Do we need that many real estate agents in the parade?
  12. There is slice of Nova Scotia history that's difficult between the black community and the white government. Google Africville, Halifax. But moving on from there. My last experience with a Canadian cop. Driving with my insurance having lapsed two days. I'm pulled over. Cop says it's a $600 fine. He looks around at the parking regulation signs and says, "you're good to park here, it's legal and safe. Run and renew your insurance, and I'll let you off with a verbal warning." I did. No fine. I'm white, but that's not why this happened.
  13. You didn't? Here all the focus is the "dykes on bikes" that start the parade. Then its the drag queens and bears and the "unusual" people out of the mainstream, which also includes the water soaked muscles boys. All are "freaks" in a fun carnivalesque sort of way. There's the contingent of elderly nudists that always get some TV time. The generalization of your experience onto others.
  14. Are you talking gay relationships, or are you talking about fucking?
  15. You're describing different economic classes. You're making a broad generalization. Your experience is one of many, and has very little in common with mine.
  16. That's the same as discrimination against "feminine" men
  17. We've all got our own individual experiences, yours and mine sound very different. I'm involved in a lot of different gay sports and social clubs, which might be different from how you experience "gay life.' Just a lot of normal guys, living normal lives. To me, what you describe sounds more like an experience from Grindr, not real life.
  18. This is a series of kids books, which I thought were great when I was reading them to my kids. All about a secret underground city beneath New York. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kiki_Strike
  19. Interesting. Not something I have run into before. Keep talking if there is more to say about this. Edit: Someone PM'ed me if this was sarcasm. No, it wasn't. It is an honest question.
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