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Everything posted by RealAvalon

  1. Dedicated to recent graduates and [uSER=15990][uSER=15990]@Corporate Shill[/uSER]
  2. Guess which one is Adam:
  3. K.D. Lang (one of the first out lesbian singers) had a crush on Anne Murray, confirmed that she wanted to be a "gym teacher."
  4. Still haven't found multi-grain flour.
  5. I thought you were posting Hoss Cartwright bear porn ...
  6. This is kind of an impossible article to respond to. When a woman says she was sexually assaulted, I believe the complaint should be taken seriously and investigated with due diligence. And, privately, I reserve the right to either believe her or not. And whatever I, or anyone else, believe, shouldn't impact on the seriousness of how the accusation is dealt with. Saying that, this is not my experience of Pride at all. And everyone has their own experience. And fat shaming can be awful, fat can get equated with gross and dirty. Did the gay community emerge from the emotional bonding of men, or did it emerge from the sexual attraction? Either or both. Depending on who you are and what you're looking for. Is sexual appeal going to be on display at Pride? Yes. I'm curious, when I read a piece like this, does this guy finds himself attractive and would date someone of his own characteristics? My impression, and yes this will be a generalization, is that men (gay and non-gay both) want to date someone a bit younger and in better shape than they are. I wonder if this guy is any different. I'm 5'11" and 170, and always think I'm 5-10lbs overweight, which I know is a very "first world problem."
  7. When you say "what an ass" in a good way.
  8. http://storage.edmontonsun.com/v1/dynamic_resize/sws_path/suns-prod-images/1344639374149_ORIGINAL.jpg?quality=80&size=650x
  9. That does the live streaming. He takes up a lot of space. I realize this is ruining my chances for that free back stage pass ... haha
  10. sorry @stevekesslar that's definitely photo shopped
  11. You'll have to narrow that question down please? Ass? Nut sack? Ears?
  12. Any chance Stock Bar will be changing the guy with the mic soon?
  13. In Vancouver, plex-glass has been installed for the dancers https://theworldnews.net/ca-news/dancers-protected-by-plexiglass-at-popular-vancouver-strip-club
  14. no and i thought this thread was going to be about peeing also, no
  15. Doubles as a mask. Comes with a 'risk of hyperventilating' warning
  16. Time to tap that tree for some syrup (this was a maple syrup reference for anyone that missed that)
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