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Everything posted by RealAvalon

  1. Damn. If only the GOP Magical Thinking would work. I'd win the lottery. And you'd be on the Supreme Court.
  2. Warm weather will kill the virus? More magical GOP thinking. Alabama: 31,624 cases British Columbia: 2,835 cases Same population.
  3. That reminds me of a lot of Latinos I know.
  4. Reducing the infection and replication rate of the virus is possible. And essential. A government either wants to reduce the death rate, or they either don't care or are incompetent. The virus is, what the virus is. It was the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. The virus is not changing. It will continue to seek out weaknesses to multiple and expand. In the USA the "leadership" exhibited by Trump has been an incoherent failure, with the added uselessness of trying to blame any and everyone else. Admin Note: Warning: No politics in the Lounge. https://www.msnbc.com/all-in/watch/europe-suppressed-the-coronavirus-the-u-s-has-not-85485125688
  5. I visit cemeteries when I am traveling. Even in small towns. Gives a sense of the place. We also always go to the Cenotaph on Remembrance Day for the parade, bag pipes and Last Post. The ceremony is more about a hope for peace, than it is about glorifying war. We have streets, a park, a school and benches with family names, so there are other remembrances beyond the grave site to jog memories.
  6. I took the kids on a mountain hike and we had a snack by a small lake. Socked in, so couldn't see too much of the view beyond the trees.
  7. This misfortune is particular, because there is an element of vengeance with the misfortune. You wouldn't laugh at the disabled kid tripping over the garbage can, but you might laugh at the school bully in the same situation.
  8. I hope you other dads have a great day on Sunday. What better way to acknowledge the day than a few Dad Jokes. My friend David lost his I.D. Now's he's Dav
  9. Which Irish rugby player do you want, and how do you want him wrapped?
  10. You're turning 80 this year? How are you going to celebrate?
  11. Give it up. You are coming across as the lawyer that has lost the merits of the case and is now reduced to technicalities.
  12. Talented Mr. Ripley, by Patricia Highsmith (1955) Capital and Ideology, by Thomas Piketty (2020)
  13. Why does "context" seem to be such a profoundly difficult thing to understand?
  14. That's basically a complete misunderstanding of what happened in Sweden. You've put the cart before the horse, in describing what Sweden chose to do. And I'll reiterate that point, chose to do. They thought about it at a national level, considered all of the resources they had, and made a number of choices about how to use those resources. They didn't start with "herd immunity." That was an after thought. First they decided to focus their national resources on the most vulnerable population, seniors ... which blew up in their faces later when the 'herd' started to show up at the hospitals and overwhelmed them. . "Herd immunity" was a symptom of that focus of resources. This is all we have left, so we'll have to rely on voluntary compliance by the population at large. As much as anything the choice of "herd immunity" in Sweden was a vote of confidence by health officials and politicians in the general Swedish population's ability to think beyond individuality, and accept responsibility for other peoples' health and the public good.
  15. The "Swedish Model" is universal free quality healthcare available through publicly run health insurance. That's the "Swedish Model." If all you are interested in talking about is "herd immunity" talk about Brazil.
  16. @Gar1eth this isn't a tallywacker. it's a snuffleupagus
  17. Australians often won the Nanaimo to Vancouver bathtub races, 33 kilometres of open water. He's probably one of the guys that would have built a racing tub. (Frank Ney probably isn't a 'cute' critter, sorry).
  18. psst @marylander1940 ... sexy belfie tan lines ... just saying
  19. The sunbeams that shine out of his ass
  20. Forget soccer moms and NASCAR dads, if I was running for elected office, this is the demographic I would appeal to on election day, fuckable morons.
  21. This guy, really wants to fuck himself. No judgement. I'd want to fuck myself, if I looked like that
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