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Everything posted by RealAvalon

  1. Pull on a sweater, the Zoom meeting starts in five minutes ...
  2. For me, when I am feeling anxious about something, getting outside for a long walk or run, something physical (masturbating does not count) really helps a lot to put my mind on others things and relax a bit.
  3. Upper right ... OMG. I knew what you were talking about. I'm just gonna go for a long run now ...
  4. Sounded more like you wanted to get it ON your chest, just saying
  5. It's sounding like posting those pics really gave you a stiffy.
  6. The BLM protests are definitely demonstrating the usefulness of wearing a mask while out in public. I hope (but don't expect) that'll be followed in the MAGA rallies. I don't want anyone to get sick needlessly.
  7. Okay. Second time this week I'm say "Yes" to the tattoo.
  8. I just watched The Big Bang Theory ... on purpose ... curse you @Gar1eth for getting in my head
  9. in a nod to @latbear4blk, it's not 'magic fingas' but 'magic pingas'
  10. It's a flash back to the year 2020
  11. Less Anthony is usually a good thing.
  12. Why do you keep bringing up the Swedish model? For the United States that is, currently, a COMPLETELY irrelevant model. I understand, and appreciate, an intellectual curiosity of how Sweden is dealing with this pandemic, but on a practical level, what difference does it make to Americans what Sweden is doing to address COVID? Whatever the Swedish numbers are, good, bad or indifferent, the COMPLETE SOCIAL CONTEXT is different. And the health outcomes would not be transferable in any realistic way. Does the USA have universally available 'free' quality health care? Does the USA have long standing sick leave provisions that sick people could use to stay home from work (and still eat and pay rent) and not spread the virus? Does the USA have a coordinated national public health system, that specifically targeted national resources to the most vulnerable population groups? Does the USA have a work force made up of high quality jobs where a large number of people can stay home and work? Does the USA have a population with an almost universal sense of the common good rather than individual - and will wear their masks without feeling "oppressed"? Are you suddenly advocating for single-payer universal public health insurance in the USA, with extensive sick pay benefits and wearing masks? Because that's the 'Swedish model' on COVID. It's silly and intellectually weak, to grab the single "libertarian" aspect of it, while ignoring all of the "socialist" context that makes it possible. So whether the Swedish model is working or not, might be relevant in Canada, New Zealand, France, Britain, Germany, Australia, Finland, Denmark etc ... but it is irrelevant with the USA currently. It's not possible to pick out one piece of the Swedish COVID response - look at Brazil. It's an apple and authoritarian orange (see what I did there) comparison.
  13. In the British Empire. If you don't like 'looting', you'll hate the British Museum in London
  14. I don't know when slavery was abolished by Britain, the slave trade was abolished in 1807, but slavery continued past that.
  15. He's probably pondering that age old dilemma: jerk off … then laundry?
  16. People protested and forced the laws to be changed.
  17. You should watch her Portuguese cooking show … incrível
  18. I'd like to say A Man Named Horse, or Raging Bull, but it'll have to be Modern Family. Which kind of works for me actually.
  19. You are wrong, with your premise that in North America the spread of the virus is inevitable. You said our geography is too hard to deal with, we aren't an island and isolated. That is a baseless conclusion, based on facts. Please, can you move on from that fiction? Or maybe you just meant that the spread of the virus is inevitable in the USA. That wouldn't be about the nature of the virus, or the level of scientific knowledge, that would be you indicting the failure of USA public policy leadership, in particular the failure of the Trump administration. British Columbia borders on Alaska, Yukon, Alberta, Montana, Idaho and Washington State (which had and continues to have a large number of cases). It's not isolated. British Columbia (population 5.1 million, same as Alabama or South Carolina) is urban, and internationally connected. There has been one death this week from COVID. There are four people in ICU. Schools are re-opened, restaurants, personal services, offices, outdoor recreation facilities etc. The economy is opening under the guidance, and with enforcement, of science based public health policy. The virus spread can be contained, tracing is ESSENTIAL (as demonstrated by the numbers), and treatment (whether by quarantine or hospital as needed) is critical. It's not rocket science. You need political leaders that will act on science rather than personal agendas. For example, public health officials quickly identified that staff working in multiple facilities is a vector for spread. Okay. So the politicians passed regulations so that staff can only work in one facility, and recognizing a possible loss in income, provided funding to public and private facilities to raise wages up to the minimum earned in unionized work places in the sector. There are numerous other examples of public policy following science in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia etc. DOING something when science informs us of problems, can help to stop the spread. Everyone wants the economy to open. You know that right? Its foolish to demand to open the economy without controlling the spread of the virus, unless a person wants to increase the numbers of death. To do that is just giving a pass to the complete failure of the current White House administration to provide any leadership and ability to plan and follow through and be led by science rather than some weird personal agenda. And opening the economy, when the virus is still out of control, without requiring everyone to wear a mask, is just stupid and cruel. Again, that's what science tells us. It's perfectly possible in North America to contain the virus spread, and open up an economy safely. Thinking that it is an either/or choice is just weak thinking. It's being done right now, in some jurisdictions in North America.
  20. I only recently learned that Lizzo is a very accomplished flautist.
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