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Everything posted by RealAvalon

  1. Probably comes up as a consideration if you have a particular position that you're wedded to. If you can switch things around, don't see why it'd matter so much.
  2. He uses hot oil for his chest exams. It gets all over the place …
  3. Our Centre for Disease control did a genomic analysis of the various strains of the virus found in people that tested positive. From the slight mutations in the viral strains they were able to determine how much of the viral spread was from Asian, European or North American sources/contacts. (Most of the viral spread came from Europe and the East Coast, probably from an international dental convention, with thousands of people, in early March.) It's amazing the information that could be available, which opens the door for a wide-range of public health policy to contain the spread, and minimize economic impacts. If a jurisdiction will act on the science.
  4. Dr Vin Gupta is an expert contributor, pulmonologist, out of Seattle. "Cough, cough … can you check my chest"
  5. Legionnaires disease; remember that one? It was traced back to the AC tank on the roof and the Legionnaires that were infected had all been outside the hotel near the outflow valve for the tank.
  6. The virus spreading less outdoors isn't new information, it's been talked about on here for months by lots of different people @Corporate Shill. Even in the midst of a complete shut down, our Provincial Medical Health Officer was telling people daily to go outside (exercise is good for your body and mind whatever the circumstances) - and while you are doing that, maintain physical distancing, wear a mask, wash your hands and don't touch your face. We've had one death over the last week, with a population of 5.1 million. Quick immediate lock down, and a monitored staged reopening. Schools, personal services, restaurants, offices are re-opened, with logical public health standards that need to be met in this re-opening. It is possible for most people to do two things at once, caring about yourself and caring about other people at the same time. I think that's basic human nature.
  7. It's also illogical. Or perhaps, being generous, very inconsistent with the logic.
  8. "Yes, Officer. I ran that stop sign." (Note: inside voice is shouting "FIVE times dude, until you finally noticed … do you need to strip search me?")
  9. Sia's Cheap Thrills, there's a specific back story to this, which I won't get into …
  10. Anything by the Pet Shop Boys. Best when it's being blasted in the car while driving.
  11. He looks a lot like you, or, your avatar at least
  12. Not that I would encourage anyone to get a tattoo, however, his could say "choking hazard" in a very small font, Times New Roman is fine, along his inner thigh ... not that I've thought a lot about this
  13. I did know there were vegan beer options, I did not know there were vegan lube options. Do vegans swallow?
  14. and when it's on the lube … sheesh
  15. Not a lot of that is new information. More a summary of what's been reported from many different media sources over the last four weeks or so. The worst areas are getting it under some control, while there are new spikes in other areas. The elimination of "super spreader events" was part of the restrictions put in place since mid-March. From various media sources it does seem like, in hindsight, the best strategy is to have an immediate lockdown (in the USA that would have been in February, when China and Europe were already demonstrating what would happen) to prevent the community spread, and then the gradual opening could happen much more quickly. The delayed opening currently, is the result of completely botched planning and coordination by your federal government. If spread is slower during warm weather, when people are more outside, that doesn't explain the new spikes in the South and the Southwest.
  16. in case it comes up, 'soft-pull' is 'puxar suavemente' in Portuguese
  17. Doesn't your score go down if it is being checked frequently (e.g. shopping around at mortgage renewal time)? I know this is just a blip in the score probably, but you seem like you might know stuff like that.
  18. After I ask them to show me their ass pics, I never hear from them again?
  19. Just a minor thing that annoys me. When products made from rice say they are "gluten free." We know. Rice.
  20. If you have significant equity in your home, probably not.
  21. Credit cards, hydro, gas and phone/internet - all those bills will keep your credit history active.
  22. Is this in the USA as well? Grindr has removed 'ethnicity' as one of it's filters. No more screening out white guys (I'm being ironic).
  23. Is this in the USA as well? Grindr has removed 'ethnicity' as one of it's filters. No more screening out white guys (I'm being ironic).
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