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Everything posted by RealAvalon

  1. New virus. A lot more to learn. Policies have to adapt to the increasing scientific knowledge being amassed.
  2. Hopefully the Canada/USA border closure will continue past June 21st. Immediate family members can now cross as of today, in addition to essential trade and medical staff going to the USA to work.
  3. He's got great hair. That's hair you can do anything with.
  4. We've been over this. I AM staring at your ass … again …
  5. When he was younger Ian Hanomansing was known as Ian Hano-man-thing. National reporter for CBC in Canada. http://img.src.ca/2017/08/01/635x357/170801_cv8vh_rci-hanomansing_sn635.jpg
  6. Manspreading? Could he get his legs together, with all that in the way?
  7. I'm a bit embarrassed that I know Garrett Haake is from Texas. Not a stalker ... haha
  8. Yes, I did delete my question. Your point is?
  9. It's amazing how much they/we are learning about the virus, how much more we know and how much more we still need to know about it. I found it very interesting today, the explanation from our Medical Health Officer that the virus mutes same as the flu, but because it mutates at a slower rate that strains of the virus can be traced back to their source. So there was genomic testing done of virus samples from all the provincial cases to identify the various stains in circulation. Public health was then able to trace back where our location infections/outbreaks originated. In our case it was mostly Europe and the East Coast, because the Chinese strain that arrived first was better contained by us initially.
  10. Previous poster used it as an insult (post #36). Context seemed to be, any guy that's "woke" and not a gun toting, red meat eating true Amerikan. I was picking up that he feels threatened, that being socially aware is emasculating rather than liberating.
  11. I have more of a preference for fit, healthy and smart 'soy' boys. So it's a win win for both of us.
  12. Speaking of gay journalists whatever happened to Thomas Roberts?
  13. I understand, and appreciate, an intellectual curiosity of how Sweden is dealing with this pandemic, but on a practical level, what difference does it make to Americans what Sweden is doing to address COVID? In relationship with the USA is it relevant? (This isn't direct 'at' @stevenkesslar, you just happened to bring it up again.) Whatever the Swedish numbers are, good, bad or indifferent, it's a completely different social context that bares little resemblance to the USA, and the health outcomes would not be transferable in any useful, practical or realistic way. Does the USA have universally available 'free' quality health care? Does the USA have long standing sick leave provisions that sick people could use to stay home from work (and still eat and pay rent) and not spread the virus? Does the USA have a coordinated national public health system, that specifically targeted national resources to the most vulnerable population groups? Does the USA have a work force made up of high quality jobs where a large number of people can stay home and work? Does the USA have a population with an almost universal sense of the common good rather than individual - and will wear their masks without being resentful? I venture to say that its five no's to those questions. So whether the Swedish model is working or not, is irrelevant. It's not possible to pick out one piece of the Swedish COVID response, without embracing all of the public health COVID realities listed above. It's an apple and orange comparison.
  14. Who knows? Could be juggling other commitments, could be meh interest, could be bad timing, could be … ? Try and step back from it and think about other guys. What's the saying, "best way to get over someone, is to get under someone … "
  15. No @marylander1940 … just no … I'm going back to the Belfie thread now … to calm down ...
  16. Can we share your cum rag … err … I mean … towel.
  17. Massive crowd. Glad he felt safe to walk through it on his own. And … woof. He's got great hair. I'd tug it.
  18. The car mullet. Business in the front, and party in the back
  19. Softener? Maybe after I've done my load
  20. Hope it's not a wet dream. Awkward.
  21. Canada has two separate pandemics going on. There is one in Ontario and Quebec, and there is a different one in the rest of the country. Ontario has been recording about 400 new cases a day for the last number of weeks. BC has had about 1 new case a day for the last couple of weeks, the Maritimes a few and Albert, Manitoba and Saskatchewan only a few as well. Part of this has to do with the nature of Canadian federalism, how much (under the constitutional division of powers) the federal government can independently initiate actions, and how much has to be negotiated with the provinces which can be time consuming.
  22. Aren't their chemicals for that …?
  23. I just know, he doesn't have a 'bad side' for photos.
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