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Everything posted by RealAvalon

  1. I was out for my 6km walk, rather than a run, today, because of this annoying calf muscle pull, because of the runners my doctor recommended … I digress. During my walk I came across two guys that were practicing their turn arounds for para-sailing. I had a chance to chat with them about their equipment, I hadn't really seen the sails up close and in action before. Where we were they couldn't get more than a few feet off the ground for some moments. Tomorrow they're jumping off cliffs for 15 minute rides. I'll be picnicking.
  2. Off the top of my head I'd say there are about 36+ public outdoor tennis courts (I'm sure I missed some in the small parks) within 3-4 km of my house. All of them are full in the afternoons, with a line-up of people waiting for their turn.
  3. Expect an increase in the rat population if they do, which the eagles, cooper's hawks, coyotes and raccoons (or whatever you have) will not take care of completely.
  4. Did anyone say they were banned in California?
  5. Enya ... https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=enya&&view=detail&mid=9F869F2A7C7BEACDD6C49F869F2A7C7BEACDD6C4&&FORM=VRDGAR&ru=%2Fvideos%2Fsearch%3Fq%3Denya%26FORM%3DHDRSC3
  6. Nothing like a good conspiracy theory to go to sleep with on a Friday night. Hide under the covers thinking about who's under your bed. oooo
  7. Here disposals are basically banned, you can't get them installed with new construction. All green waste has been diverted to the City's composting/green waste system, and it all gets put in your green bin and collected by the City recycling trucks weekly.
  8. Do you pay extra for toad venom? Any chance this is the oddest assisted euthanasia on record, so far? When I go, I want to be smothered with Derek Atlas' nut sack. Oops … did I say that out loud?
  9. Where I live the 'disposal' is no longer a thing, in favour of composting/green bin collected by the City
  10. I've pulled a calf muscle which is completely messing with any running for me. Back on the bike for the week, I expect.
  11. well … all that sounds perfect for Florida to me. If the federal government can't do renovations for the G7, maybe the GOP will for the convention
  12. If anyone is worried about eating too many carbs while self isolating, remember this: Waffles are pancakes with abs.
  13. Yes, that was the joke I was making.
  14. I really hope his/her teacher isn't LGBT+, and in Arkansas. (And on an artistic note, with the size of that black dot, I'd of expected more soap bubbles in the pic)
  15. "drop trou" has taken on a whole new significance And sorry, totally off topic. It's the pandemic speaking.
  16. Grindr and all the other on-line choices would have probably made a big difference for you - a different time I expect …
  17. In British Columbia, population 5.1 million, the mortality rate for COVID in ICU has been 15%. Which is the same rate for anyone with anything going into ICU in British Columbia.
  18. Five year old Spanish kids speak Spanish pretty well. The difference is you'd know all the big words (they're probably the same in English and Spanish) and they'd know all the other words.
  19. I wonder if its the federalist nature of their government, and perhaps a more difficult time coordinating things nationally. I say that because Canada's numbers have been suffering because of that. 90+% of Canadian cases are in Quebec, Ontario and Alberta. And those are the provinces which the federal government has the most difficulties with.
  20. @Benjamin_Nicholas may have you doing some Sweatin to the Oldies first, so be prepared with very colourful head and wrist bands.
  21. COVID - currently on vacation in dallas
  22. The GOP could always hold it in Moscow, Idaho. With all the potatoes, they could serve P(o)utin(e).
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