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Everything posted by RealAvalon

  1. You might enjoy The Sparsholt Affair, by Hollinghurst.
  2. I was making a spicy tomato coconut soup for dinner and decided to make a bread to go with it. And I added seaweed to the dough. Gave it a nice savory flavour to go with the robust flavour of the soup
  3. Are you saying that Twinkies are cream filled ... or should be?
  4. True. I assumed he was stepping into his father's shoes, and how he may have labelled himself? My kids tend to get cool points from their friends on the gay dad thing. Different times. Same location.
  5. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=FdO2LwEN&id=6B0F6B334686C420102127F7221A9F04C3735F0D&thid=OIP.FdO2LwENjiJYHdp7qdte2QAAAA&mediaurl=http%3a%2f%2fchubstr.com%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2016%2f08%2fimg_2290.jpg&exph=600&expw=400&q=underwear+for+fat+men&simid=608013540442047375&selectedIndex=1&ajaxhist=0 https://chubstr.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/img_2298.jpg
  6. I've run out of the obvious choices on Netflix and am going farther a field and watching things that I haven't gotten to before. I was watching an old movie, Longtime Companion, (might watch An Early Frost tonight), and there was a reference to 'straightening up' the apartment in the event of death, not wanting to have the deceased man's family shocked. It got me to thinking there might be some guys on here that went through that experience. Just thought I'd ask about it.
  7. I just had my worst pandemic baking experience. I was making my random banana bread, where I add extra froze fruit from the freezer that I might have on hand. I added far too much apple sauce, tried correcting proportions, and fail. Big fail.
  8. He should so more of his media interviews at the beach, in a speedo …
  9. I'm thinking, malpractice suit with his personal trainer?
  10. … unless his father's an elephant
  11. Erin Moran started doing daily chemo/radiation six months before she died. His statement after her death, seems to be ignorant of her condition.
  12. that's a big package. I wonder what's in it?
  13. I didn't think you were going to actually do it when I said "fuck yourself"
  14. He's waiting to fuck the Uber Eats guy cause he's so horned up from this pandemic … oh wait … I'm just projecting
  15. this reminds me that Portia Del Rossi was considered the 'chubby one' on Allie McBeal
  16. turn around and there'll be an accident for sure
  17. Oh … that's not what I thought you meant when you said "want to tug?"
  18. I'm thinking either, July 10th Southampton, and then take the ferry to France, or August 14th in Ireland with a cycling tour. You?
  19. Go. Flights will probably be cheap. Where in Europe by the way? The Harvard prof that studies airplane safety says the air quality in airplanes is good, you just have to make sure to disinfect surfaces.
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