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Everything posted by RealAvalon

  1. The effectiveness of any vaccine is depending on the nature of the pathogen it is up against. HIV is a virus that mutates constantly - no effective vaccine. But with polio, a vaccine that was virtually 100% effective was possible. COVID19. Likely not going to be 100% effective. There is no silver bullet. There will need to be larger societal remedies, beyond a shot in the arm. And planning. And preparation. And governance.
  2. Which Olympics was Twister a demonstration sport? Sydney maybe.
  3. It's raining here. I searched for a copy of Sweatin to the Oldies on YouTube. I did a full 30 minutes of it. Just saying …
  4. According to your census Washington DC is the gayest city in the USA
  5. I know a Canadian that was refused entry into the USA for seven years because of a DUI
  6. Occasionally. Some. @VictorPowers has done a couple of tours in Canada.
  7. They are only open by appointment. Otherwise the ATM is working. No drive through. And extended call centre hours.
  8. I'm waiting for the sign, at the bank, that says "masks must be worn at all times."
  9. I expect that it will be treatments to manage the virus impact, will be the more significant drug intervention, same as with HIV. As far as vaccines go, they have a variety of effectiveness depending on the nature of the pathogen. 1. polio - total immunity 2. tetanus - limited with a booster needed 3. HIV and flu - no immunity or limited to certain strains 4. COVID 19 - who knows, but from what we know of this virus so far, I bet it's not total immunity
  10. While working in the yard today, I found myself thinking about this offer. The mind does wander in mysterious ways …
  11. Not shopping, but did have my first stewed rhubarb of the year from the garden
  12. Its that time of the year - warm and wet - when the grass needs mowing weekly. Or with my push mower, every four days.
  13. Thanks for posting that. It's a needed reminder how scientists have often had to have the courage of their convictions, in the face of ignorance. Today, more than ever, it's important to remember those convictions, given the anti-science days we are in.
  14. I did almost nothing today, other than buck up some fire wood with the chain saw.
  15. @jjkrkwood and @Monarchy79, a request. Kiss and make up, and post it in the Gallery …
  16. How widely are you making that generous offer available? Asking for a friend
  17. I don't post my own photos on the web, it'd have to be a 'similar' but not an exact view. This one kind of does the hike justice.
  18. I saw some Canadian flags being waved:
  19. Two hour hike up a local mountain today. Beautiful day. It's 18C out, perfect for a hike. And there'll be a panoramic view at the top.
  20. RealAvalon

    pay cut...

    hi. sorry. what do you mean, pay for school costs? do you mean college?
  21. two balls and one stryke®
  22. Well it's the special day of the year already: http://www.politicsplus.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Cinco-de-Mayo_Sinko-de-Mayo.jpg
  23. A graphic representation of numbers of dead from the various pandemics over the centuries: https://www.visualcapitalist.com/history-of-pandemics-deadliest/?fbclid=IwAR2kBC0ZST1Yfkqg30v2Yox4OYm26PZjc1jzaI6BH17g1x_mhy9YFjjYVhY
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