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Everything posted by RealAvalon

  1. You can try and catch my balls any time mister
  2. I'm sure you'd much rather blow something else
  3. If I'm sitting down to watch something on Netflix I'll sit on the exercise ball, so at least I'm keeping the stabilizer muscles working. With runs, I've found that longer runs every other day (6-7 km instead of 3-4km) are better than short ones every day. Mixing it up with long walks. Biking is a great way to social distance. And light free weights with some push ups and chin ups.
  4. A friend was telling me I could make baking yeast from a potato. Time to go outside for my run.
  5. Just the obvious. I wasn't being deep. No steam baths because of social distancing guidelines to prevent virus spread, until there is a vaccine, and/or effective treatments, and/or antigen screening. But streaming is fine. And explaining a joke inevitably kills it.
  6. I think there's a market out there for them - no?
  7. He is totally ready for his Zoom meeting
  8. If you stare at it long enough you can see the crack. Just along the frame, on the left of the painting.
  9. I hope he's not thinking about fucking the vase … a waste
  10. One of our very smart Chief Health Officers or Ministers of Health quoted Churchill today saying: "luck favours the prepared." One of the differences between BC and Quebec was the timing of the school Spring Break within the infection cycle of the virus - it was nothing but luck. In BC the Spring break was later than in Quebec. One of the results, there was a lot of travel to France from Quebec during the earlier school break, just as the virus cycle was cresting in France. This probably led to a higher infection rate in Quebec than in BC.
  11. I keep getting calls from friends - "I saw ___, do you need it?" Today it was whole wheat flour. I may never leave the house.
  12. The only time I have ever had a small tiney tiny wish to be in prison was during Meloni's shower scenes in OZ. OMG. And of course it was for his acting and screen presence … gripping
  13. Eric Bana from his Sparta days - woof woof http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_I8ibIrc7Ea4/TO93_kCviDI/AAAAAAAAAOw/EhjKKNNgHs0/s1600/gs.jpg http://media.cineblog.it/d/d1e/Troy-trama-colonna-sonora-e-curiosit%C3%A0-sul-film-di-Canale-5-9.jpg
  14. Tons of old clips on YouTube - he's hilarious while remaining natural in his interactions.
  15. How have I missed this thread? Anyway … he might have the second best nuts. Derek Atlas has the best nuts Maybe they could have a nut-off …
  16. I was four pages behind on this thread - feeling negligent
  17. Graphs are hard to put too many lines on, so it limits some important comparisons. By this graph the USA has 5,380 deaths on April 13th. Canada had 63 total deaths on the same day. The per capita death toll in the USA is nine times what it is in Canada, even though they share similar demographics and economy. And this even though a much higher percentage of Canadians hold passports than USA citizens, and travel more extensively around the world.
  18. Wow. Seriously? Mass graves? Let that just sink in. Have 'mass graves' appeared anywhere else in western democracies other than the USA? Honest question. Perhaps they have. I just haven't heard of them.
  19. That isn't a logical comparison to make. Austria and New York State. Or Vienna and New York City. But Austria and New York City - apples and oranges.
  20. The fewer people tested, the lower the number of cases. Screw science and medicine. To be blunt about 'some' countries.
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