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Everything posted by RealAvalon

  1. I think it was Jonny Depp that said something along the lines of "I get paid $1million to act in the film, and $5 million to put up with the fame."
  2. I had a slightly irrational moment in the grocery store. Olive oil, Italy, COVID, economic melt down.
  3. I I've got three separate friends that are sewing masks and offering them to people we know. Creativity in a pandemic.
  4. Olive oil. Not because I need it right now, but because it stores well and I might need it in a month.
  5. I'm now shopping thinking vaguely of the second wave of what might run out. I bought an extra package of bullion just in case. A second yogurt, just in case. Nothing extraordinary, just a little bit out of the ordinary.
  6. This photo makes me think of space and the cosmos and ass-t-roids
  7. "That might work with the other refs but you're still getting a red card … What?" "Okay …. a yellow card … What? At half time?" "Okay." "Nothing to see here folks. No foul" "Play on"
  8. Re-re-reupdated the browser, and seems to have fixed the problem.
  9. I've never seen a ventilator like that before. And you just stick it down my throat? I know ... its for my own good
  10. That was my first thought, so I looked for updates and did a boot scan as well as a complete regular scan. Still glitching.
  11. How did you happen to stumble across that? Asking for a friend
  12. Lol. Crashing not banning.
  13. Is this site crashing constantly for anyone else?
  14. Derek has been spending the pandemic at my place, well at least in my mind. I'm going to nominate him for a 'Purple Butt', for exceptional service during a pandemic.
  15. Did you come up with that yourself?
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lr_tEdQvFcc
  17. My first thought with this pic was … SPF 100 guys My second thought was … I can help with that My third thought was … mmm strawberry flavor … not bad
  18. I was wondering yesterday how many dog walking businesses have suffered, with the work from home change in lifestyle.
  19. Looks like the garden hose model
  20. One of the few times I will say "thank you old money."
  21. I was in San Fran in February. I couldn't believe the traffic management. All those freeways cutting through the City. Historically bad planning
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