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Everything posted by RealAvalon

  1. Lube, again. I'll leave it at that.
  2. They might need to stop staring at your nut sack first … very distracting
  3. And, in terms of marketing, that might be a new tag line for some guys - COVID19 immunity. Documentation provided.
  4. And a new reason for your wig presents itself
  5. #6 brought the cum towel - very thoughtful of him
  6. There have been a few discussion threads on where to retire. This is one of them: https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/close-to-50yo-where-to-retire.154106/#post-1828043
  7. Making lasagna today. I'll be looking for ricotta (or cottage cheese in a pinch as a substitute).
  8. This is feeling like a bit of a "swine" flu … if you get my drift. I've been masturbating like a fiend trying to be a good citizen. Thank you Derek Atlas for your service. If you don't have a Purple Heart, well, you'll soon have a purple ass.
  9. Why not just build a wall around Florida?
  10. Hmmm … let me think on that for a nanosecond … nope … he wants me to eat his hole
  11. If I'm picking up on his signal, he's saying to me "its time to eat my hole"
  12. Your avatar isn't a selfie? I'm shocked
  13. Pondering people's reasoning is almost as good (or bad) as sex sometimes.
  14. Has this thread topic already been posted? An anecdotal observation. I have never been approached by so many men before that really wanted to get fucked. Is this because: 1. boredom and not knowing what else to do 2. boredom and left alone with an obsession acting out is to be expected 3. I can see the end times from here 4. My daily work out is really paying off 5. Too much time on our hands 6. Too much/too little cottage cheese 7. Other 8. All of the above
  15. This may be a naïve question. This $1,200 per month - how many months does that go on for? In Canada the federal income supplement proposal (not including any additional provincial supplements) is up to $2,000, for four months. But I don't know how that compares with the USA.
  16. I bought flour today. That's it. Nothing more to report.
  17. Well, I still miss the sample tastings
  18. Okay men. Seriously. Tongues back in your mouths.
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