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Everything posted by RealAvalon

  1. 20 minutes on the step machine. And free weights. And self distanced walks around the neighbourhood.
  2. Have any USA states taken similar actions against re-sale of hoarded items yet? https://www.straight.com/covid-19-pandemic/march-26-coronavirus-update-vancouver-bc-government-invokes-emergency-powers
  3. I hope that the stimulus cheques will have more value than anything your president says. Admin Warning: Stay on topic. OP intended this subject for the Lounge.
  4. I bought roofing nails. All done for today
  5. I am rediscovering things in my deep freeze that I had completely forgotten about. Hand picked frozen blue berries - hello.
  6. He was the best. I was very lucky.
  7. As I said (sort of) in another thread. 'The skin tone of your bare ass really makes the color of your eyes pop.'
  8. the skin tone of your ass really brings out the blue in your eyes
  9. Really? It's never referred to that way in Canada. Just the actual scientific label COVID19
  10. Good news in corporate responsibility: https://www.richmond-news.com/covid-19/costco-won-t-accept-returns-on-hoarded-items-1.24103053
  11. And Ivan. Woof … see balls from behind thread for reference
  12. I've always declared all of my self-employed income, makes life a lot simpler. Taxes are bulk buying, makes it cheaper to get social goods built.
  13. Speaking of yeast. There are so many micro breweries on the eastside of Vancouver, Canada that it's been called 'Yeast Vancouver.' The provincial government just changed regulations, that will allow these micro breweries to start producing hand sanitizer as on off shoot to the brewing process. The first hand sanitizer is being donated to non-profits in the city.
  14. I'm good for yeast. (Which sounded 'gayer' than I expected.)
  15. The income tax rate hits 33% on income above $214,000 per year. The Emergency Benefit would be on declared income of course.
  16. A little annoying as I'm someone that bakes bread regularly, I'm not even panic buying. I just needed flour. "You had better be using that flour sister."
  17. Your Wholefoods is quite new. and I've even been there. Excellent humus selection
  18. My local supermarket - family owned independent - basically has all its usual stuff and normal crowds. What I did notice was that all of the flour and baking supplies were almost sold out. That worried me a bit, about people's perspectives that this might be a long haul.
  19. If this has anything to do with Montreal, the federal parliament is sitting on Tuesday to consider legislation to implement a number of new programs. One is an Emergency Benefit for self-employed, of up to $450 per week for lost income. Dancers in Montreal would be able to apply for that federal program based on loss of income.
  20. Yes. I was checking out your ass. Rim or fuck, or both?
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