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Everything posted by RealAvalon

  1. Nothing west of Toronto. Go to Montreal
  2. Take a wild guess what book we are reading at book club this month?
  3. Really? That's a great service. My MasterCard didn't do that.
  4. Faking a drowning would be wrong, right? Cough … cough … I can't breathe … can you check my airway … yes you can use your dick
  5. At a craft sale years ago I bought a hollowed out book, it sits on my bookshelf with all my important papers hidden within.
  6. A Trump rally. It's a time warp, just a step to the right …
  7. Here I thought you might say, skin to skin. Different thread I guess
  8. I thought I'd lost a credit card a few months back, cancelled it and then found it. The card wasn't the hassle, it was going to all of my automatic payments and updating them all. Lesson I learned, do all the automatic payments on one card that stays at home that isn't going to get lost, and use the main card as I normally would. What about your library card?
  9. He got a job at a coal fired power plant … kidding, kidding. He does naked solar panel installs.
  10. I meant of Edmund White's. But the second one looks interesting. Ta
  11. The last thing I read of White's was The Married Man. I remember I was really looking forward to reading it. And, unfortunately, that era and personal privilege of his life didn't speak to me much at all. Is there something you would recommend to a jaded reader?
  12. I've read #1 and #2. I remember the writing and his turn of phrase more than the actual details of White's. It made an impression on me as this was part of my coming out reading list. And I've hesitated to read them again, because I think they would mean less to me second time through. I read On Becoming A Man, Paul Monette's auto-biography, and loved it the first time. The second time I read years later, I didn't identify with the book much at all. Although I've always appreciated his dedication at the beginning of book, something along the lines of he 'could only have met his partner out in the open.'
  13. Curling is a sport. They even have a calendar of sexy athletes. https://www.shoptcf.com/moc20
  14. I loved the metro in Paris, took it everywhere, quick efficient. But then I thought, I'm not seeing the City down here. I started taking the busses, bit slower but, I'm on vacation so who cares, I was able to see everything sliding past my window, instead of another tunnel. I love taking public transport anytime I visit any City. And if it doesn't have it, I probably won't go there.
  15. The look you have when you've found the end of that gay fucking rainbow ...
  16. Speaking of which, is anyone participating in the Sin City LGBTQ2S+ multi-sport event in Vegas this week? http://sincityclassic.org/
  17. It reminds me of ping pong, on a really large table, that you're standing on. I like ping pong
  18. This might be my favorite spread … err … I mean thread … thread ... favorite thread
  19. As of last week, the best thing to do while stoned (and only way to see it) is to go and see Cats, in theatres everywhere!
  20. Are you over the pneumonia? Best of the new year to you.
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