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Everything posted by RealAvalon

  1. Well if I must go back to browsing …
  2. Think I'll give politics a rest today and focus on making a decision on which men I'm going to fuck ... oops … inside voice
  3. I've never tried checking the oil with that ...
  4. RealAvalon

    Safe vs. bare

    I can see where it could be true, in the opposite way that consistent flu vaccines provide more protection than any single vaccination can provide. There is a cumulative protection over years and years. The opposite effect is logical, cumulative erosion of health, from constant exposure to STIs. Not saying I have any 'proof' of that, just that it does have a logic behind it.
  5. RealAvalon

    Safe vs. bare

    Sounds like a suggestion.
  6. RealAvalon

    Safe vs. bare

    Yes, we agree, there is nothing on the market yet. (There are current treatments but not a vaccine.) What are you suggesting?
  7. RealAvalon

    Safe vs. bare

    True. There is research going on with an expected vaccine in the works - but there is nothing on the market currently.
  8. Canada's new Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland used the saying "you don't want to over egg the pudding" to describe her role as negotiating federal/provincial relations (a big deal in Canada). Such a good Ukrainian girl. The meaning is, you need the right quantity of eggs. You mustn't be mean with the eggs - you have to use enough or the pudding won't hold together - but you mustn't be too lavish either. If you 'over-egg the pudding' it goes unpleasantly rubbery.
  9. RealAvalon

    Safe vs. bare

    My comment was meant to be general, and no one in particular. I've clarified it.
  10. RealAvalon

    Safe vs. bare

    With PrEP and hepatitis A/B inoculations a guy is good to go, except for chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis - which if one tests for regularly can be treated with anti-biotics - with or without a condom. The only completely 'safe' sex, is no sex. I'm not advocating no sex. Just for everyone to be informed of the various risks and what to do about them.
  11. it was meant as a double entendre - "meat" lover
  12. This photo is begging for a sharpie addition ...
  13. A friend of mine sponsored two kids in Africa, one was in Ethiopia and other one was in Namibia. It was a long term sponsorship, and he went and visited both of them when they were older. The support he provided was really supporting the entire family. He did it through Save the Children. https://www.savethechildren.ca/
  14. When I was young I had a bit of a thing for Pavel … and his other ali-asses
  15. I'm checking in again. How goes the walking routine?
  16. Canada's parliament has a new preppy ... um … member
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