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Everything posted by RealAvalon

  1. All of the pejorative descriptions of self-absorption … its reminding me of someone that's in the news a lot … hmmm … who is it?
  2. Hi. Thanks. I know about reporting a post, but typically, I think, that is more about one forum member saying something to another forum member. I was wondering more about homophobia, that isn't aimed at anyone in particular, but all of us in general.
  3. Is the promotion of homophobia covered in the Terms and Rules? Thanks.
  4. How about: You shit your friends, and I'll shit my friends, but lets not shit each other
  5. Has anyone else run into this issue with Airbnb. I was a bit shocked when I found a profile "5 meters away." The host. And, just hoping, he's got the sense not to message or tap first.
  6. I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. So out of the loop …
  7. which one would hate this more?
  8. They're older than some seem to think. They are pushing 40 now, the 25-40 age group. Under 25 aren't Millennials
  9. Wow. The things that some people are faced with and have to live with. I hope his daughter has been able to flourish after her ordeal. I hope he is able to fit the pieces of his life's puzzle into a coherent whole.
  10. It's usually always more expensive to drive only one-way with a rental vehicle remember, especially between countries. Train and subways are the way to go. A car in Portugal for a day or two, just to get out of Lisbon, and see a bit of the country might be a good idea. If you do decide to rent a car (in spite of the advice on here), if you are interested in getting anywhere quickly, stick to toll highways, the other routes might be prettier, but they would be endless. Although, is this a vacation or are you working?
  11. It's good for the child, its good for the parents, and its good social policy for the countries. Reduces the need for childcare investments, reduces health care costs. Most programs are provided through the existing unemployment insurance schemes, its not the individual companies supporting the worker.
  12. I could never get past the first episode of Happy Valley. Too upsetting. Maybe because I have kids
  13. There is a recent book out about the disappearance of the middle child, so many families now have only two kids, there are no middle kids. (and the kids are almost always exactly 2 1/2 years apart … at least in my social circle).
  14. I've heard that as "useless as tits on a boar" and then there is always "cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey"
  15. In most countries, it would be assumed that the mother would have a paid year off after the birth or adoption of a child. Of course in some countries, Sweden/Norway, its two years. Miscarriages are another thing of course. When we had one, I was at work the next day. I do find there is a need for regular positive acknowledgements with under 40's, I don't know if that is just good interpersonal behavior or just a great big time suck. I can go both ways on that.
  16. I understand the underlying wariness of accepting an offer. I guess an escort can't ever trust 100% that a friendly offer is just that and nothing else, just a friendly offer.
  17. I guess it's possible he was jerking off in the video … for a woman … maybe … nah … never mind … total fag
  18. HIT might be an acronym for Homosexual In Training. And @Milo Farnsworth is kindly offering his personal training services
  19. The way the show explored the relationship between two "traditional" older people, being buffeted about by current issues and family demands, was really well done. People had trouble and argued but really loved each other in their best, most imperfect, ways. Lovely. And funny. Ta for the link.
  20. I highly recommend Last Tango in Halifax. It's a great story, with great acting. Two older widowers reconnect via Facebook with their childhood sweet hearts, and get a second chance.
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