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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. And here I've been a passion fruit all my life but never known it. Gman
  2. I don't know 'fruit fly'. It sounds derogatory to me like something a straight person would use disparagingly. I don't know 'passion fruit' either. It puts me in mind of what you might call a lesbian. Gman
  3. Forgive me. But I can't figure out if this is a compliment or if you are saying his abs are fake. Gman
  4. On a side note, if the tallywackers we see of most Brazilian escorts are representative of their (male) population as a whole, I'm feeling very sorry for those guys under 7". Gym class must be heck for them. Gman
  5. Thanks for bringing up this thread, @samhexum. I had forgotten about my scrambled eggs-rice-turkey dinner from years past. I'll have to try it again one day. Gman
  6. FF, I'm sorry about the IV. I hope it will help if I tell you that IV's can become a bit red and irritated even if the drug stays in the vein. IV's aren't natural. And so they can irritate the vein even if saline is running thru it. So there is every chance that the iron didn't extravasate outside the vein. I am sorry that it is hurting you. Try putting a cold compress on the site. If it remains red or seems to be getting redder/spreading, then you need to call the doctor. Gman
  7. I like curry in tuna salad!! Gman
  8. I look at his pictures and think, "G-d/Mother Nature is just really unfair sometimes." Gman
  9. It's very opaque, and difficult to know for sure since I wasn't a party to the conversation, but what if once they met up for dinner, they decided they were so taken with each other , they decided to skip the meal and stay in for the evening (or for 2 hours-whichever cums 1st;))? Gman
  10. Why does he list himself as a 'twink'? Gman
  11. Well the guys in both escort ads previously said they were based in Dallas, and both the ads have Dallas area codes. So it's not beyond belief that two Dallas clients reviewed two (or rather one singleton escort and one duo escort ) Dallas escorts. Plus neither of the reviewers is new to RentMen. Each has had a profile for over a year. Plus Stephan has other reviews besides the two from these two guys. Is it a red flag that these three are in Chicago at the same time? My question is how did you find out they had also reviewed Stephan. When I clicked on the reviewers' names, the listing I saw did not mention anything about what guys they had reviewed. I was using the mobile site. So maybe that's a difference if using the Full Site? Gman
  12. Normally I'd advise you to stay away from escorts who don't show their faces. But Kristian has had good reviews for years and years. I don't think I ever remember a bad one. I've always regretted it never worked out. Some of these pictures might be a bit dated-but maybe not. Ask him for a selfie showing the current date. https://rent.men/KristianLA Gman
  13. I remember vaguely that the pig was looking forward to the meal, realized the meal was pork, and possibly left the table, but indicated to the child that he shouldn't say anything to the mother. I enjoyed that book. But I think I first knew it before reading it myself thru story time at school. We either heard an audio tape, or the teacher read it to us. For years I thought E. L. Konigsburg was male. Another one of her books that I as loved as a child was About the B'nai Bagels. The protagonist's baseball team loses a coach. And his mother becomes the new coach. Hilarity ensues. E.L. Only died three years ago at the age of 83. Gman
  14. So would you say that picture 2/8 on his current RM ad is enhanced in some way as the tallywacker shown there looks to be more than an average mouthful to me? Gman
  15. @Lucas Weston I'm sorry you've been robbed and taken advantage of. But considering all the hiring members of the Forum (we also have some escorts and former escort members), there are lot of years of hiring experience here. Some of us are extremely experienced at hiring. Altogether we probably have more years of experience hiring than you will ever have as an escort. Some of us also-not me-have good jobs with good incomes. The upshot of all this (and I think I am not making an outlandish claim here), the majority of us would almost never prepay. And if we did, it would be someone we knew and had met before- not a new hire. On the other hand I would never want to advise you to stop a practice that you think makes you safer. Gman
  16. If there is any spanking to be done, then I'm the one doing it. That being said, I think I like the bearded picture better-but not by a lot though. Gman
  17. No Show reviews are still reviews. It wasn't a review because @5280Dane never met Lucas. Gman
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VoDJsz1f7b8 Gman
  19. I'll have to disagree. The escort was obviously trying to scam @matt842 from the beginning. I would have been very reluctant to pay. It also takes two to tango. The escort is responsible for the time as well as the client. It's up to the escort to say "We are heading past our agreed time to end. Did you want to extend?" The only thing I'm still having trouble with is mistaking 4 hours for one hour. If I were that jet lagged, I'm not sure I would have been coherent at all. And I probably wouldn't have been hiring. Gman
  20. I've gone to an ATM with an escort before. Maybe not the smartest thing to do in retrospect. But the guys I was with were mostly good guys. I can't remember any problems. The one problem I vaguely remember was one time when I was out of town. I needed money after a session. But it was going to require more cash than my daily limit allowed me to get. I knew that ahead of time. But I also knew the session was going to extend past midnight when the limit was going to be reset. I'm sure I told the escort beforehand that I was going to need to go to the ATM afterwards. So we get to the ATM after midnight, but the ATM still says I'm up to my limit and won't dispense the full amount. What I had not counted on, my bank was in the Central Time Zone. I was visiting Florida in the Eastern Time Zone. Midnight in Florida was only 11 pm in Texas. My limit wasn't going to reset until midnight Texas time. I was willing to barter -I could buy him anything for the remaining money as the shopping limit hadn't been reached on the card. Luckily by the time we found an ATM, and I had been refused the money, it was only about 15 minutes until my limit reset. So we waited, and I gave him the rest of his fee then. Gman
  21. During my early days of hiring, I knew about how many guys I'd been with, and I'd start counting them off on my fingers trying to see if could remember them all. Occasionally I might try the same on a sheet of paper. That's the closest I ever came to keeping a log. Gman
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