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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. I made a mistake. When you mentioned Armand, I was thinking of the Armand who used to advertise on M4RN as being from Alaska (probably to show up on the 1st page). He advertised as versatile but had a large tallywacker. I'm not sure whether Rizzo ever advertised as a top. I'm not saying this scene didn't get me hard. Be it disturbs me on some level when the bottom looks to be in actual pain. Gman
  2. I think CutlerX advertises as a strict top-of course who knows what he would do in his personal life. Both Adam and Armand advertise as versatile although I'll bet they were usually hired as tops. The permutations just boggle the mind. Gman
  3. Ok, I've had that problem before too. I think the solution is to get to the View of the Review Site where the Escort is listed off to the left in its own pane. You can get there my using the search for escorts function. Then hover your mouse arrow, or your finger if using a phone or tablet, over the escort's name in the left pane. The entire URL with the escort's name should show up. And if on a pc, right click to copy and paste like normal. If on a phone or tablet, keep pressing with your finger to copy and paste. And if on an iMac of some type-well the one time I had one, I configured the mouse to work like a pc mouse. So I don't remember how to copy and paste natively with an iMac. Gman
  4. Who was his former boyfriend? I have forgotten. Wasn't it another pornstar/escort? Gman
  5. Can you not paste and copy the address in your browser window? Gman
  6. I believe the reason Ayou can't copy and paste pictures directly into Forum posts is because it would require too much bandwidth for the Forum. Photos have to be hosted on server and can be imported using the picture function here (the portrait icon at the top of the message box when posting). Gman
  7. Not to minimize the psychological main thrust of this thread. But not all of us travel like this. I'm both an American and a Texan-a state known for large distances. When I lived near a smaller coastal city in Texas, I'd drive for 2 hours to San Antonio when I had scheduled a weekend with an escort. I hated that drive. I often needed a Red Bull or two to stay awake. And once while living in the Dallas area I traveled 2 hours away for lunch with some family members for a chicken fried steak that had been written up in the newspaper (The paper turned out to be right. It was delicious.). But that was 10 years ago, and we've never repeated a similar trip since (although I'm trying to convince my Mom:p). Gman
  8. My (previous) therapist sent me an email a day or so after I called it quits. I don't think it was financially based. I think it was due to her concern for me which was nice. She said she started thinking about some of what I told her about my trouble with making friends. She came up with that I might have Social Anxiety Disorder-hereafter referred to by me as SAD. After giving it some thought, I had to tell her while I might have some traits of that, I doubt I have a full-blown disorder. In my previous career I spent a whole lot of time talking to people. And the majority of the time it wasn't a problem. Also I can remember telling my high school best friend (that was an interesting situation-I think-well I know-I 'forced' the friendship-on the other hand it lasted from junior of high school until he went offf on his mission after freshman year in college. After that we were still friends. But he got married fairly soon after coming back) that I didn't do well at parties where I didn't know anyone. David, my friend, said "Well it must only take you 15 minutes to get to know people. " Granted he only saw me at parties with LDS'ers. And they are always on the lookout for a convert. But I still liked those parties as the main source of fun was not based on drinking. In any case my troubles of not finding 'commonality' to lead to friendships is not, I think, usually due to anxiety although I will admit to becoming normally anxious in new situations. There were a few other points she made. I sent back a really long reply. It was basically a refutation of her ideas-I hope in a repectful way. Although possibly in the same way that escorts on here who repond to bad reviews only confirm the bad review, my long rambling response may have confirmed every idea she had about me. She never responded back to that email (I don't think I expected her to-or at least it wasn't a surprise when she didn't.). But maybe she read the email, began shaking her head, and thinking, "None so blind as those who will not see." I still haven't mentioned to my family yet that I've quit therapy. I've thought about it. But I'm sure when I do, it's going to make my Mom worry. She worries enough. I don't need to add to it prematurely. As it is while I can't say I feel better without therapy, I am definitely not feeling any worse. Although considering we only met about 4 or 5 times at most, it probably shouldn't even really be called therapy. Gman
  9. That sounds like a good way to live/love to me. Gman
  10. Vapors -you mean flatulence? Gman
  11. I loved the Scholastic Book Club. I think it started for us in the 4 th grade. What an exciting day when the books arrived, and the teacher passed them out. I think I remember being upset when my 7th grade reading teacher didn't participate when other reading teachers did. Gman
  12. In his ad he says he's a top. Plus $500 is still a lot of money!! Gman
  13. You mean I could have had Zeb Atlas bottom for me for $500? Gman
  14. I bought a Casio from Walmart a few weeks ago. It set me back $15.88. But so far the expense has been worth it as it keeps excellent time. Gman
  15. On M4RN there were three or four guys in Las Vegas who never changed their pictures for years and were always logged in at the same time. Gman
  16. I think the first time I saw an uncircumcised tallywacker was in junior high around 7th or 8th grade. Most of the people in my neck of the woods were circed. But while I can't remember it now as it was 44 years ago, I can remember remembering, if you know what I mean. I'm sure there was one guy in my PE class who wasn't. But what your story for some reason put me in mind of -when I was 5 or 6 someone invited us to swim at a membership only pool. Some adult guy that knew the family we were with came over and started talking to the adults. Well the guy had a shaved head. I don't remember ever having seen someone totally bald at this point in my life. I remember circling around him as if I were the moon, and he were the sun searching for some hair on his head. Gman
  17. But, and this is my point exactly, while obviously there are going to be exceptions or extreme cases, the best escorts working now-and again I'll use for an example @Mikegaite since he is the one I know the best, but I could probably also mention Kristian (if he is still escorting)- and those escorts of blesséd memory which we on the Forum still reminisce about fondly such as Dirk from Man to Man or Alec Andrews (and notice I didn't mention Alec's partner Ryan. Ryan was a nice guy but from my experience with him probably only really performed well if Alec were present or if he felt some attraction for the client), could promise fairly effortless encounters for the majority of their clients. Could I do it if I had the looks, physique, and tallywacker to be an escort, but were otherwise the same? HECK NO!! But that's why not every handsome well-endowed guy can be an escort. And the only reason I am commenting is the same reason I had when Rex B used to praise certain escorts. The escorts he liked, he praised to high heaven. But the majority of them weren't full service, and many probably required the elusive "chemistry" to perform well. But if people hadn't read (what this is turning out to be) long, involved threads, or had prior knowledge derived from other threads they very possibly might have totally unrealistic expectations for their encounter leading to disappointment. And as you mentioned previously, @Gymowner this is an expensive hobby. While I have no direct knowledge, my impression is that Hooboy started the review site and the forum to make encounters less nebulous for the benefit of both clients and escorts. Goan
  18. I was being sarcastic-not to you-towards him. While he may actually be bisexual , I'm sure there is also a good chance that he is straight and only buy-sexual. Gman
  19. You must be thinking of someone else. His ad clearly states he is bisexual. Did you ever review him on RM? All his reviews there are 5 Star? Gman
  20. I'm sorry about you needing the iron. If you consider the number of people who receive it in intravenous nutrition, I'm thinking the incidence of allergic reactions is fairly low. Maybe some of the physicians on here could speak in reference to patients they've had if anyone has had a bad reaction. Gman
  21. I'm confused-not really an unknown condition for me. Did you change your opinion on Ryan between 2016 and now? Gman
  22. In my humble opinion, I'd prefer not to waste my time doing that. I mean sure every situation is different. But in general I'd like to know what the escort is generally into from his ad. I hate ads with very little info and 'Ask Me-s' on the important info categories. I don't mind confirming information that is listed in the ad. In fact I highly recommend doing that in case the the guy is one of those escorts that blindly checked every option in the world to appeal to the widest client base without ever planning to fulfill the majority of what he had listed. But I am not into guys who base everything they are willing to do on the nebulous factor of chemistry. That's too much work for me. I'm reminded of a Forum Member, although I can't remember who it was now, who liked finding non-professionals off Backpage or Craig's List. He enjoyed the thrill of the chase. That never really appealed to me because when I was horny, I wanted someone then. I didn't want to have to cultivate someone over weeks. Don't get me wrong. I'm glad you guys like Ryan. And I understand his physicality is incredible. But you could never really say that he is a "top" tier escort (in my humble opinion) no matter what his talents are because most top tier escorts are usually a lot more forthright in their ads and seem to be able to generate chemistry (or fake it extremely convincingly) with the majority of their clients. So when I think of someone top tier, it would be someone like @Mikegaite or the recently retired Alec Andrews-guys who are/were known to be able give stellar experiences to almost every client. Gman
  23. Gosh-universities are really getting intrusive into their students' lives. My Alma Mater never cared a whit about my pubes!! Gman
  24. While I know this from prior reports, it would probably be helpful to the newer guys on the Forum if y'all would mention that as great as Ryan is, he is not (what is generally known as) a full service escort. You'd be doing a solid to both newcomers on the Forum and to Ryan himself because it will hopefully cut down on guys contacting him and looking for things he doesn't offer. Gman
  25. Gar1eth


    It is interesting that he lists himself as gay. In the old Rentboy days, the majority of Eastern Europeans listed themselves as bisexual or straight. And it seems to me that there were repeated complaints that a lot of them promised the moon and never delivered. Gman
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