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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. Gar1eth

    Big Pecs

    I'll happily concede that my 1st contention-that it wasn't Mr. Woods- could be totally wrong. The dark hair might have fooled me. Gman
  2. Gar1eth

    Big Pecs

    People, people!! I "know" Skye Woods. I've been with Skye Woods (albeit years and years ago). Here is Skye Woods-- http://images.yuku.com/image/jpeg/b1a36a241f08d3504fa91653a1fded1a7f6b04b1.jpg Isn't Mr. Phatt Booty much too young to be Skye? But on second glance, maybe it is!! Gman
  3. I'd call him 'muscular'. But then again I say "to-MAY-toe." Will we have to call the whole thing off, @alexslaveboy? Gman
  4. I haven't read the articles yet. I'm on the edge of my seat with anticipation. Did either article mention it being due to him having a large tallywacker and being one of g-d's most handsome gifts to the gay hiring community ? Gman
  5. I wish he hadn't gotten his nipples pierced. Gman
  6. Either he's not advertising now or his URL has changed. Gman
  7. Gar1eth


    ' Am I the only who has never heard of this expression before and had to look it up? Gman
  8. Could you expand on this as I have no idea what you mean? Gman
  9. I'm wondering as a gay male who is not attracted to women whether a woman kissing me would make me hard. Gman
  10. No wonder he is so skinny. That fat tallywacker is probably using up all his nutrients. Gman
  11. When you really compare the two pictures from 2014 and now, they really aren't that different. John has more white in his hair/beard now, and his tattoos have expanded. I think a lot of the other 'superficial' differences that people are noticing are due to lighting. The lighting in the current picture is awful and making lots of shadows. And I think that's what people are noticing. @TylerandAce, does Tyler know anything about Alex Collack who was John's previous partner. He never escorted as far as I know. But boy did I used to wish he would. Gman
  12. I'll admit he's looking a bit more mature these days, but he could still eat cookies in my bed. And as long as he's settled in my bed for the night, we might as well canoodle. Gman
  13. From looking at his ad right now, I would have thought he was in his base city of Dallas. Where was he supposed to be? Gman
  14. I have a vague memory that he lived in Seattle for a while, but I think he either quit advertising or moved before I arrived in the Pacific Northwest. Also if I remember correctly, he only did porn and escorted occasionally as he had a car eer at a prominent company. But then again it was a long time ago, I may have my rememberings wrong. Here's a picture from around the year 2001. I would have posted the picture. But I'm being mindful of Daddy's Rules. I don't think his tallywacker is totally erect in it. But he's def not flaccid. I thought, "Better safe than suspension. from the Forum." https://www.thesword.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/jon-galt-1.jpg Here's one from 2014. And we have a more current picture. His boyfriend (I don't know if they are still together or not) was Alex Collack. I had a big crush on him. But I don't think he ever escorted. https://www.google.com/search?q=alex+collack&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS801US801&hl=en-US&prmd=vin&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjbodnYuKbcAhVF54MKHZ5FDF4Q_AUIEigC&biw=375&bih=591#imgrc=U_zXUqjbtVOYJM: Gman PS Apparently he and Alex have broken up going by @big-n-tall's post.
  15. If anyone is interested in him, they might think of hiring him soon. While this thread was initially started in 2014, it was revived about 6 months ago. From comments 6 months ago, Colin's age was 45. He's now advertising as 47. If this rapid aging continues, he'll be 49 next January and 51 in July 2019 followed by... well y'all can do the math yourselves. Of course he looks incredible. So I guess age for him is just number. Gman
  16. Your pictures don't show up for me. But he's not really my type. Gman
  17. I would ask him about kissing if you really like him. What can it hurt? Gman
  18. I remember once in college a guy on my floor rented some straight porn which we must have watched on a VCR connected to a TV. I remember liking the guys. I don't know if I 'actively' knew I was gay. Or I probably did as I had been attracted to men even as a child and never attracted to women. But I didn't want to think about being gay. I don't watch a lot of porn. (The most lately I've seen are the clips on Rentmen ads). I've seen straight porn occasionally over the years, but it's nothing that I specifically seek out. Gman
  19. http://www.playbill.com/article/ringwald-biggs-harris-and-bierko-open-in-modern-orthodox-dec-6-com-122884 Gman
  20. He also played Harold Hill, as a replacement I think, last time The Music Man was brought back to Broadway. So apparently he can sing. Plus I saw him in a play with (possibly) Molly Ringwald and Jason Biggs on Broadway about a Chasid ending up living with a couple. Gman
  21. http://dl.dropbox.com/s/jzvkahc1iwvg973/IMG_4243.JPG?dl=0 Gman
  22. Craig Bierko. I always liked him. The picture on the left is of him probably in his late 20's to early 30's. He's about 53 or 54 now. (The one on the right is a picture I took of his appearance today on the Rachel Ray Show). http://dl.dropbox.com/s/w4t84tsbypse2we/IMG_0091.JPG?dl=0 Gman
  23. While I'm not institutionalized ,it's an irreplaceable feature of the place I'm living currently. I can't change the furniture. Gman
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