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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. You can hate something that only takes a few minutes almost as much as you can hate something that takes a long time-or at least I can. Plus because of the bed frame and the constricted location, I'm usually hitting my shins on the frame at the very least if not actually gouging them on the sharp protrusions sticking out of the frame. This bed is of the devil!! Gman
  2. My mother required it too. And I've always hated doing it. As a child I loved visiting my aunt's (my Mom's Oder sister) because she made up my cousins' beds. In my current living situation, I have to make the bed daily, and I'm constantly thinking while doing it how much I dislike doing making beds. Aside from just my general dislike, this bed is difficult. It's a trundle bed situated into a corner. Gman
  3. Gar1eth


    A twelve year correction factor seems a bit excessive to me although you may be exactly right. My rule of thumb was to add 7 years. Gman
  4. At what temperature do ping pong balls melt? Gman
  5. Gar1eth


    In the shirtless picture in the gym his face looks a bit fuller. And in the others, his face looks a bit more narrow. I'm not saying the pictures aren't of the same guy. But I'd wonder which is the more current picture. Gman
  6. I only really remember seeing him in Damn Yankees. My recollection is that he was pretty good in that movie although it's been a while. Maybe my opinion would change if I saw it again. Gman
  7. I thought it was the other way around. Gman
  8. The ad no longer gives as much info. So people might not realize there are two of them. Gman
  9. It's been too long. And any info I had was most likely gleaned from either here on the Message Center or from a review. So you should be able to search it out-unless maybe the threads are so old that they don't show up anymore. But the more important point is that the link to the guy on the Adam4Adam site is almost surely not Eric unless he is using false pictures. For one thing the guy is much too young to be Eric. And for another he doesn't look anything like him. If this was the guy you met, I don't think you met Eric. Gman
  10. While not really the point of this thread on Grant. I am trying to get more of a feel for you. So just a question @Jameslamassage. Did you by any chance mean to say "but physically more attracted to women" which seems to allow that you've had sex with men and enjoyed it but just not as much as having sex with women, or does your original wording stand which in my reading means you don't like having sex with men? If the latter is the case, then I have trouble considering you pansexual as your needs could be fulfilled by finding a woman who has more masculine attitudes. Gman
  11. That's interesting because, if I'm remembering correctly (and I might not be), he didn't have the best reputation as an escort around here. Two other points #1. This thread was from 2013 with one reply from 2016 so quite some time ago. Why did you bring it back? #2. @lasagnac , If you are talking about this guy being Eric, I have the same doubts as @pdxleo http://www.adam4adam.com/profile/view/COASTGUARDJOCK This doesn't look like Eric to me. Gman
  12. I'm sure this has all been studied ad nauseum. But evaporating sweat is one thing that cools you. And then there is the way that a fan blows away the heat we generate that is radiating off of us assuming the air surrounding us is cooler than our body temperature. Gman
  13. Do you, @Pensant remember about 4 or 5 years back when we had that two days of 103-104 weather? I didn't have any a/c, as many in Washington don't, and no ceiling fans either. I was basically lying on my bed (in a bedroom made even hotter by being upstairs), spread eagle, and in my undies (I know it's a horrible mental image, and I apologize) with an oscillating fan and a box fan blowing directly on me. Even when it wasn't that hot in Washington state it could get humid and still. One of the things I missed most about Texas when living in Washington was a/c. However last Sunday in the Dallas area it was 102. The humidity was 31%, and the heat index was 107. All I kept thinking was I can't understand why all those people in Westeros are so afraid of Winter coming. (Thank gosh we got some rain yesterday. The temperature actually went down to 78 in the late afternoon. ) Gman
  14. That might be the other thing. I've never been in love. I'm not sure if at 57 one can be be in love when one never has before-or rather I'll concede that probably lots of people can be-I'm not sure whether I can fall in love at this point in my life. Or who knows-maybe it doesn't matter about my age? Maybe I'm one of those people who would never have been able to fall in love no matter what my age was. The older I get the less I like watching love stories. They make me very melancholic Gman
  15. When I was in 8th grade, we had to give an oral book report. Now I love to read. But for some reason I didn't really read the book I was going to report on. I was going to wing it. It was a book about some kind of forest preserve, and one of the characters was Ranger Dick. Well every time I started to say his name, I started laughing. There's probably a fairly good chance it would have happened even if I had read the book. But I'm sure the nervousness over not reading the book played a big part. In any case I did not (and rightly so) do well on the report. Gman PS As long as I'm confessing, in high school I never acually finished "The Red Badge of Courage" or "A Farewell To Arms." In the case of "Arms" it wasn't entirely my fault. I didn't like the book, but I was reading it. Unfortunately I disliked it so much that I could never remember from day to day what I had read the previous day (we were were reading it during class). As a result I always had to go back to a point I knew I had read with the result that I was re-reading a lot of what I had read. And I fell more and more behind and hated the book more and more. And "Courage" as far as I can remember was just depressing with an unhappy ending. I always told myself I'd go back and read them. And I'm not dead yet. So there's still a chance. G PPS- ok and to be almost completely truthful-while I read most of it, I did use the Cliff Notes in college for the last part of "Paradise Lost" Boy, do I feel better now!! G
  16. There was a CPA in the city I grew up in whose last name was Swindle. Gman
  17. On my iPhone it shows the escort's name in the web address. Here's one with a spaces introduced , so that the Message Center software will show it. https://rent. men/ CarsonCruise I introduced spaces between the period and word 'men' and also between the last forward slash and the first capital C. Gman
  18. How did you go about trying to link them? It's basically just copying of the web address in the browser window, and then you paste it into the message. Gman
  19. I'll admit to liking really handsome muscular guys. But let's be honest. Even in those sainted days of yore, not everyone was a Greek g-d. And while I love masculine muscular guys, I also like guys who are rugged and other guys I classify as cute. I even occasionally like guys most people wouldn't think of as cute at all. These guys also have to generally be (what I consider) masculine and be muscular or at the very least athletic. Something else I require is a liking for deep passionate kissing. If the guy only grudgingly kisses or won't kiss at all, then I don't care what he looks like. I've passed on numerous Greek g-ds over the years because they weren't into kissing. Finally I need the guy to be gay or significantly bisexual (I'd prefer a 4 on the Kinsey scale. But possibly I'd go down to a 2 if the 'gay' wasn't confined to making porn or escorting but done because the guy truly liked being with other men.) There are others on here who don't care so much for looks or type of physique as much as they do tallywacker length or the shape/size of the escort's derrière. But the main thing not to forget is the wisdom imparted to us from Forum Members of times past as well as earlier in this very thread "De gustibus non erat disputandum," which of course freely translates as "Who the heck are you to tell me what type of (legal age) guy I should think is handsome??!!$@/$$&" Gman
  20. Probably not. I've tasted frozen yogurt, and it's ok. But I prefer ice cream. The non-frozen looks gross to me. Gman
  21. MT = ? 'mutual touch' Gman
  22. Am I misreading something? I looked at the 27th and didn't think I saw Blu's case listed. Gman
  23. My favorite color was always magenta. Is that a gay color? Does that make me gay? Gman
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