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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. I was pretty nervous the first time I realized I was going to have to get a rectal exam when I was in my late 20's or early 30's-and not nervous in an excited way. I'm glad it went well for you. But I can't even imagine having wanted crayons inserted up my bum at the age of 7 or 8. And it still doesn't really sound like something I'd enjoy. Gman
  2. He's obviously not awful looking now. But I'll admit to preferring him when he was more clean shaven. As attractive as he is though, I think knowing he was straight would have weirded me out if I had ever hired him. Gman
  3. From an article in 2010 describing his feelings on becoming an escort http://diningwithstrangers.com/the-dinners/22-gay-for-pay/ "The market just wasn’t there to be a heterosexual escort, so if he was going to enter the profession; he’d have to do it with men. One big problem: Malachi’s not gay. “If I was gay, I would be a lesbian,” he joked. I didn’t just jump into it. I was going through a lot of emotions mixed with stress and extreme motivation to make something of myself,” Malachi said. So he turned to his friend Carl for advice on what to do. Carl said that Malachi could probably get by initially offering nude massages to clients, but that some clients would be expecting more. “It’s just a dick,” Carl told Malachi to try and make him comfortable with jerking a guy off. “When you masturbate you’re touching a dick, it’s just another guy’s dick.” Adopting this mentality — combined with debt problems and using a substantial amount of pot — was enough for Malachi to get over his strong reluctance to doing anything sexual with men." Gman
  4. Guys who look like him always have big tallywackers. And if not in actuality, at least in my mind they do. Gman
  5. About your Dad-I will admit to never seeing my Dad erect either. Yuck!! But any 1st cousins you might have bathed with as a youngster? Gman
  6. I wish them every happiness. Gman PS Aside from being good looking, I'll bet he has a large tallywacker too.
  7. Much like the Great Wall of China, I'm betting your tallywacker is visible from outer space!! It also puts me in mind of the old song-with suitably changed lyrics (of course)-"Tell me, pretty lady, 'Are there anymore at home like you?'" So are there more in your family equally blessed, Lance, or was the Tallywacker Fairy just particularly enamored of you? Gman
  8. When I say 'normal' I'm talking about 'normal' mostly, but not entirely, in a more mathematical sense -where it signifies more the usual and customary state of things-where things trend toward the average/the middle. Whereas your use of the word 'abnormal' (and I'm not saying you think this obviously-it's just the example you are giving) is implying, I think, moral judgements if I'm understanding correctly what you wrote. Gman
  9. I'm probably going to get lambasted for this. But I'll contend that IT's (heterosexuality) assumed the norm because it is the norm. This is a hilarious video. But on a biological basis it seems to ring very true to me. Gman
  10. At the time it came out, I was deep, deep in the closet (although I was hiring frequently) and living in a city of population 325,000. I know I didn't want to see it in case someone saw me there by myself-I didn't have anyone there to go to the movies with. I probably also didn't want to see it because of the reasons stated above. Since then, while I'm not exactly closeted, but also not exactly out-or perhaps it's more accurate to say that sometimes maybe I'm still in and other times I'm out depending on the circumstances, I've thought about seeing it multiple times. But I haven't made a lot of effort to accomplish that. One of the reasons may be due to Heath Ledger's untimely death-but maybe not. As an aside, I did watch the first two seasons of Queer As Folk (although at the same time I was watching QAF, I religiously avoided Will and Grace and didn't watch it for years). However QAF came on in the privacy of my own "boudoir." When it came out, I was still a year or so away from having my first sexual experience. The producers/directors were really trying to shock in that first episode and really dialed up the sound when Brian took Justin's virginity. The scene was making me sick to my stomach, and I had to turn the program off. Gman
  11. Let's say gay-themed movies then. In general I don't watch them. Gman
  12. The difference is I'm not straight. I'm gay. So I identify more with the gay movie as opposed to the straight one. Gman
  13. It's funny y'all say that. When dear departed Rentboy was around, I can remember looking at LA and NYC-the cities with the most selection in the United States-and the majority of guys listed were tops. Gman
  14. I was over at my Mom's, and we were looking for a movie to watch-it was a movie I had bought on iTunes. I had seen it before. But I couldn't think of anything else we might both enjoy. Before we started, and me thinking of that scene, I told her that she was going to need to ignore one part of the movie. Gman
  15. My four year old niece had her 1st dance recital last Saturday. I unfortunately missed it. But she received several bouquets. My mother asked one of my niece's 7 year old twin brothers (whom we'll call Twin B as he was born second) if he would have liked some flowers for his first piano recital a few weeks back. Twin B* thought a second and said no he would have preferred money. Gman
  16. I have the advantage over the article of this being my thread. So I can define my own milieu as it were. Gman
  17. For the purposes of this discussion-if you just list an age then the assumption will be that the lister is talking about anal intercourse. If the lister decides to describe things in more detail, then the reader can form his/her own opinion on whether the lister satisfied the reader's definition of having lost the proverbial cherry. Gman
  18. 17.6 years!!!! I guess since I lost my virginity at 41 the spread of the standard deviation must be really wide. https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2018/02/05/the-average-age-gay-people-lose-their-virginity-has-been-revealed/ Gman
  19. I have no intention of seeing it. So you won't be the last. I'm not really into gay themed movies. The actors are either incredibly handsome and having sex right and left, or handsome but just can't find the right guy until they come across their soulmate-I find that depressing. Or there is the fat bald guy who looks a lot like me -and is either comically inept or possibly evil- and that's depressing too. Gman
  20. He now lists oral. Gman
  21. I'm sure he's great if you like straight guys. Gman
  22. I talked with him once by text years ago. He's definitely matured a lot since he started out. His ad says he is 30 now. If I hadn't recognized the name, I doubt I would have known it was the same guy. Here's a picture from back in the day. Gman
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