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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. When I indicated I "Liked" your post, I meant that to indicate that I'm sorry about your situation with your Mom. My father had Alzheimer's. So in many ways I probably have some idea of what you are going thru. I'm keeping you and your Mom in my thoughts. Gman
  2. Oh yeah that was a 4th thing. But really, if he's actually straight, that makes sense. He probably prefers massaging. Gman
  3. It has to do with what we consider respect for the dead. That's why we don't do viewings or open casket funerals. For some reason that I can't remember, one of my grandfathers did have a viewing. I was in college at the time. I couldn't decide whether I wanted to go. My Mom finally said to me that my brother -he's the second oldest grandchild and the oldest male grandchild-was going, and I should let him be my representative. After that I never really had an opportunity to go to a viewing or an open casket funeral until I was in my thirties or my forties. I have to tell you I that I find them creepy. At my father's funeral a year ago, we, and the rest of the mourners who wanted to, did shovel dirt into the grave. But it was more symbolic. There were still people from the cemetery who finished the job after the last of the mourners put in the last shovelful. In large cities there are burial societies called Chevra Kadisha (Holy Society) that prepare the body for burial-all male groups for men and all female for women. These are volunteer positions. There can be more than one per city affiliated with different synagogues. The deceased is never left alone. There is always someone present -sort of like an honor guard. Working on the Chevra Kadisha is considered a mitzvah-holy/good deed/commandment. My oldest cousin was on one for years. She helped with at least one of our grandmothers-possibly both. She said it was the last respectful thing she could do. This was twenty or so years ago. I still get teary thinking about it. Gman
  4. It has to do with what we consider respect for the dead. That's why we don't do viewings or open casket funerals. For some reason that I can't remember, one of my grandfathers did have a viewing. I was in college at the time. I couldn't decide whether I wanted to go. My Mom finally said to me that my brother -he's the second oldest grandchild and the oldest male grandchild-was going, and I should let him be my representative. After that I never really had an opportunity to go to a viewing or an open casket funeral until I was in my thirties or my forties. I have to tell you I that I find them creepy. At my father's funeral a year ago, we, and the rest of the mourners who wanted to, did shovel dirt into the grave. But it was more symbolic. There were still people from the cemetery who finished the job after the last of the mourners put in the last shovelful. In large cities there are burial societies called Chevra Kadisha (Holy Society) that prepare the body for burial-all male groups for men and all female for women. These are volunteer positions. There can be more than one per city affiliated with different synagogues. The deceased is never left alone. There is always someone present -sort of like an honor guard. Working on the Chevra Kadisha is considered a mitzvah-holy/good deed/commandment. My oldest cousin was on one for years. She helped with at least one of our grandmothers-possibly both. She said it was the last respectful thing she could do. This was twenty or so years ago. I still get teary thinking about it. Gman
  5. He only has three flaws. 1. Straight 2. Top 3. Earrings Gman
  6. He only has three flaws. 1. Straight 2. Top 3. Earrings Gman
  7. I could have sworn that’s what I was trying to say. But you were definitely more succinct. Gman
  8. Something y’all might not be taking into account- chromosomes often mix pieces of themselves with other chromosomes. Let’s say-and I’m not a geneticist- in case there are any on here I apologize for mangling the subject- that you receive a chromosome from your mother but 10% of that chromosome came from your father. That’s probably going to screw up your percentages. As Hamlet probably meant to say, “There are more fractions in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophies.” Gman
  9. I liked the guy but he was very sarcastic. He told me that he reflected what he was given. And I’ll admit to being a bit on the sarcastic side myself-in certain situations. But I finally did vote with my feet. While this isn’t the only therapist this has happened with-but it got to the point that I was more depressed after my meetings with him than I was before. I realize therapy can stir up emotions. But there was never any resolution to what the therapy sessions stirred up in me. Gman
  10. I guess it had to happen someday. Now we are discussing calculus on Daddy’s Forum. But if anyone quotes the epsilon-delta definition of the limit, I may have an attack of the vapors. Gman
  11. Whoops-that’s what I get for not proofreading my thread tittles-er titles. Gman
  12. I never used either word, so I’m not sure what you are referring to. However there is definitely something that could be said about being in the ‘Outbox’. But I’m choosing to refrain!! Gman
  13. I’d like to add in case anyone hadn’t realized that all of us fine members here at Daddy’s Forum have been having congress with each other for years. And that’s in spite of the fact that 99.9% of us have never even met each other in person. Gman
  14. While I’ve never used that definition of the word in casual conversation (I might have used it a few times jokingly), he has definitely used the word correctly. Gman
  15. I’m using it on my iPhone. An outgoing email was placed in an outbox. Addendum-after 4 tries the email suddenly was sent. Gman
  16. Just what everyone needs-an insecure therapist. I may have mentioned this before. But I’ve had had some fairly attractive gay male therapists-and if they weren’t attractive in absolute terms, they were still attractive to me. And what I found out was just as bad as me feeling some attraction for them was how I would always think about how easier it was for them to find guys because they were a lot better looking than I was. It’s a lot easier being gay when you know there will be others attracted to you. I had one therapist who said he knew he was gay at a young age-maybe 9 or 10. Now I didn’t grill him on what his understanding of being gay was at 9 or 10. And he was a little older than I was -so it’s not like he grew up in today’s society where a precocious youngster might know more about things than the typical youngster of 4o or 5o years ago. But in addition to saying he knew he was gay. He also said he had always wanted to be gay. He thought even as a youngster that being gay was as better than being straight. Now as someone struggling with being gay-#1. I had trouble believing him at face value. Considering society at large-and growing up in the 1960/70’s-I had trouble seeing him as being so enlightened. But maybe he was a socially evolved prodigy. Even if he was telling me the truth, I don’t know if it was the best thing to tell someone like me -someone struggling with being gay. It seems like just the thing that could (and did) make me me feel even more guilty about not being able to accept myself. Here I was in my late 40’s, and I couldn’t come to terms with myself. And here this wunderkind had loved being gay since childhood. I think sometimes gay therapists-even the ones that struggled to accept themselves-have a bit of the ‘true believer’ attitude. While undoubtedly accepting oneself as gay is healthier, many times these ‘true believers’ seem a lot like missionaries wanting to lead me to the promised land of accepting being gay. That’s not the right tack to take with me. Gman PS I just had my 1st session last week with a new therapist. She’s a lesbian. The last time-and I think only time- I had a lesbian therapist was 17 years ago. We had two visits. She said at the second session that the time I wanted to meet was inconvenient for her, and she wanted me to meet with a social worker (male) she supervised. That guy had stereotypically gay mannerisms-not a good match for me at all. I only saw him once-maybe twice. I hope it goes better this time around.
  17. I have to admit I’m not sure I exactly follow you. If you meant something about adding something to the quoted area and emphasizing part of the original quote-there are ways to make something in the quoted area bold/underlined/italicized which show that it is different from the original quoted material even though it remains in the quote box. And if the picture is the only thing -there’s no reason not to delete the rest of the quote box when you take the picture out. Gman
  18. Why add them in the quote zone? Gman
  19. Some places advertise real butter. I don’t usually order it with butter. Most of the time I’m satisfied with that yellow coating (whatever it is) that comes on it. Gman
  20. I know tastes change as we get older. But recipes and production methods change too. I’m wondering if, possibly, the type of oil theaters use these days might be the cause. Gman
  21. Forgive me @takkt1 if I’m missing something. You copied and pasted a comment by @ontheroad. Did you mean to add a comment? Gman
  22. Sorry to interrupt the thread. But this reminded me of something that happened years ago. I was having a weekend equivalent with an escort at his place. His boyfriend was out of town for the weekend. But I’m sure he knew about it happening. In any case they had white bath towels. I noticed when I was about to shower that there were brown stains on it. They were quite noticeable-and stopped me in my tracks a bit. :confused:I think the escort noticed me looking. And he said don’t worry, my boyfriend dyes his hair. I’m sure that was what they were. But the stains were a bit disconcerting when I first saw them. However aside from the stains, the weekend was very nice. Sorry again for the interruption. Gman
  23. What’s the start page address? Gman
  24. Has Planet Jockboys gone by the wayside at last? The URL listed on here is now down. Gman
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