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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. That's interesting. Using free searches I've never been able to find me by entering my Google Number. I don't know if one of the paid searches would show me. Gman
  2. You might be truly aromantic. After all I'm sure there are straight guys who may only want sex. There may even be women who only want sex too. On the other hand saying you could see yourself having a non-sexual, but romantic, relationship with a woman seems to indicate that at least fantasy-wise you might crave affection on some level. It seems to me this could be something that therapy might help you explore better. Gman
  3. It's not that diifcult to set up a Google Voice #. I think the main thing is to download the Google Voice App to your phone and set it up. Gman
  4. Sure I can admire those guys. But I'm not going to have a relationship with them because they aren't into me. In general I'm also not, if the guy is honest and not pretending to be gay, hire him. Handsome gay guys aren't into me either. But maybe just as you can't explain to us your attraction for the unobtainable straight man, we can't explain why we don't want to be with them. Gman
  5. My iPhone 6 Plus got fried a week and a half ago -semi long story that I'll spare y'all. A relative has loaned/given me an old one. But it only has 16 gb of memory. My pictures on my old phone take up 17 gb, so I have the loaner set up as new phone. Now I'll admit, I could do with editing a lot of things on my phone. But even if I do that, I doubt I could get down to the memory limit imposed by this current phone. I want to get a new (for me) phone badly. But I'd prefer to get something newer than a 6 plus as it will be out of date sooner than the others. But I don't really have money. I may have to muddle through on my cousin's phone for the foreseeable future. I recognize it's a First World Problem. But it's still a problem. Gman
  6. I still say he looks a lot like Tom Hulce in Amadeus. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_ufQCTT1AJL0/TFiCRM1YXdI/AAAAAAAAAv4/OfdzwfWUS-Y/s1600/Tom+Hulce+in+Amadeus.jpg Gman
  7. So hating the gay scene-depending on what you mean-I'm not overly fond of it myself. However I am definitely gay. Do you mean by some chance that Leo is straight? Gman
  8. I just bought a new Chrome Netbook, so I'm restricted to using the Chrome Browser. Right Clicking and trying to copy and paste doesn't seem to work. You have to go up to the options to the right of the address bar, and open it for the copy and paste function. It's annoying. Is there a way/option to enable right clicking? Gman
  9. RIP He was what you'd call real beefcake-6'6" and a physique to match. Imagine what his physique would have been like nowadays with our greater emphasis on being cut and defined!!! You really get a sense of how tall he was when he is next to other people. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJRKKbGZNRE Gman
  10. As I'm sure most of y'all on here know, I hate to go off topic. In this case I offer my abject apologies, but I'm feeling compelled. @Ivan C, that is a truly adorable avatar picture!!!! And now back to the topic of BiCollegeGuy.... Gman
  11. I've missed your posts--and I know I'm not alone. I’ve thought about you and your family multiple times since your last post, but most recently it was on the day before Mother's Day. What put me in mind of you was that my 7 year old fraternal twin nephews had their 1st piano recital after about 8 months of lessons. It was a large recital. There were at least 20 students. The twins were adorable. They both had on collared long sleeve shirts and baggy off-white pants. Twin A had a tie on that extended way down past the waist of his pants. Twin B had a bow tie on. Twin A played his piece. Then Twin B came up, and they played a duet, "Zum Gali," an Israeli folk song. Then Twin A sat down, and Twin B played his piece. Gman
  12. Just quit a counselor that employed CBT (and I don’t mean cock-ball-torture). It just wasn’t for me. And come to think of it, neither is cock-ball-torture. Gman
  13. The ad says he’s only been on since 5/17. It seems to me he must have had a previous ad. I’m almost positive I remember him (from a reading standpoint only) in the past. Gman
  14. The site that started this thread http://snugglebuddies.com/ no longer has any male snugglers listed. Gman
  15. I don’t know if anyone ever saw him. But I can tell you that those pictures in his ad are the same ones from 2013 when this thread was started. Gman
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYRi1F5lDnw Gman
  17. It’s a shame about his face. I wonder if a good dermatologist could help. Gman
  18. I like masculine guys. But when I think of cocky, it often translates in my mind as smart-ass. And then I think-so (in most cases) these guys are really handsome, built, and possibly well-endowed. All things that I am not. I don’t need them cocky. I’d like them to be self-assured and more on the humble side. Someone telling me that they are ‘cocky’ is not a way to my heart. Gman
  19. But did he teach you the way I understand Asians often eat with holding the bowl up close to your mouth/chin ,or were you using the chopsticks to carry food from a plate lying on a table?? Gman
  20. Please don’t knock hot dogs, hamburgers, and apple pies. I love there. They are delish!! Gman
  21. As I don’t really like seafood, you might as well be speaking Martian to me. Gman
  22. I’m a knife and fork guy myself. Gman
  23. Using GoodRx at a Safeway in SF, you could have gotten the same 50 tablets for $23.80. Gman
  24. I have trouble believing guys in Lubbock would be willing to shell out that kind of money unless they are so desperate for some companionship. I never would have hired him when I lived in the Hub City due fear of being found out, his likes, and his fees. Gman
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