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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. Well you’re right it would only take one. And while hope, or is it just continual desperation, springs eternal-but in my experience the chances are few, slim, and, none that an athletic you guy like that would be interested in a guy like me. Gman
  2. I’d wonder if that depends on your stage of life. As an out of shape 57 year old, I doubt a young, in shape marine is going to have much of an interest in me-and same goes for any older marines out there. Gman
  3. I have my least success of anything on A4A. Gman
  4. I wonder what he’s doing in Lubbock. Gman
  5. When you are in as desperate financial straights as I am, $35 for 90 tablets that will last months is a little different than splurging on a $50 to $60 room for a 2 hour one night stand when the other guy isn’t even interested enough to pay 1/2. Oh and I while I ordered the sildenafil 3 days ago, I haven’t picked it up because I’m trying to come up with the money. I’m about to pay $64 dollars for 5 tablets of a medication to help deal with my myasthenia. It’s an extended release tablet to take at bedtime. The purpose of which is to see if it can keep me from having to wake up at 3 or 4 AM to take the normal non-extended release formulation, so I won’t have symptoms on awakening in the morning. The doctor wrote for 30. But that’s $184 or so. I want to make sure the tablets work before spending that kind of money. Myasthenia meds come before playtime meds. If the tablets work as hyped they will be helpful. Just this morning they would have been really useful. While this isn’t usual-happened more often when I was really bad back January thru early March before starting the prednisone-I had a short episode of not being able to breathe thru my nose this morning. I could breathe thru my mouth. But on trying to breathe thru my nose it felt like there was an obstruction. I think it might have been momentary palatal weakness as it was a much more common occurrence pre-steroids when I was a lot more symptomatic. And back then I would notice how my voice sounded hoarse too. Thanks @MikeBiDude. Much appreciated. Gman
  6. I appreciate the sentiments although I have little hope of it happening-or to be possibly more true to life rather than just perpetually looking at the worst case scenario, then yes it may occur. But it most likely won’t occur without a struggle, be anytime soon, and only after endless hours/weeks/ months spent on the apps. One caveat- unless the phrasing is universal and works for guys of all positions, I’ll have to consider it more in reverse as I’m a top. Gman
  7. To quote a line from one of my favorite songs from when I was younger, “I think we’re over the storm,” although the thrust of the song is a lot more hopeful than what I’m feeling now. No I neither found sex nor pleasured myself (yet-although that may be coming.). I tried my darndest yesterday, but my efforts came to naught. Today my little friend didn’t wake me up. And while I miss him, I’m glad. Being constantly sexually frustrated when you are raring to go is not a pleasant feeling. I had originally written a much longer post. But in the interests of National ( and Forum) Security, I redacted it:p. I decided that this fairly simple post was better than the long, bitter jeremiad (love that word! And really how often in normal discourse do you get to use it?) that I was writing. In parting I leave you with the following. It was one of my favorite songs from when I was about 14. I don’t subscribe to its sentiments. But it’s still a nice tune. Gman
  8. Normally I’m short on money. I couldn’t ask the other guy to pay it all. In this case I did have a little extra. But the guy wasn’t interested in paying for half. I thought about offering to pay it all. But again I don’t have a lot of cash. Plus while I’m DTF, it seems to me that if I had paid the entire thing, it would have indicated I was more interested than he was. So it’s not just making the beast with two backs. There unfortunately is gamesmanship involved too. Oh and I had another offer this morning. It’s a guy I’ve been with before about a year and a half ago. It was an ok experience. He’s a hairstylist and I couldn’t touch his hair. But at that time while he said he was just going to sit on me to get a feel, he slipped me inside bare when we had agreed I’d be wrapped. I didn’t like it. But I was on PrEP at the time, so I wasn’t overly concerned as I was being checked frequently. Now he said right off the bat he only wanted me bare. I told him I couldn’t do it as I wasn’t on PrEP anymore. Gman
  9. DING DING DING-I have probably hit the HAT TRICK. A cute guy messaged me. I didn’t even have to message him first. We texted for over an hour. His profile said he enjoyed coffee dates and wasn’t into ‘NSA’. Right before we signed off I asked if he were interested in meeting-notice I just used the subjunctive were as used in statements containing wishes contrary to fact- and there was in the words of Phil Collins from his days in Genesis—- NO REPLY AT ALL!! Gman
  10. I was about to pass out. My pulse was thready and tachycardic, and my vision was grayed out. I shouldn’t have been driving. Gman
  11. Strike #1. I finally got back on the apps with my usual luck. There was a handsome athletic looking younger guy in his 30’s who wanted me to top him and could host. It sounded great. But he doesn’t like to kiss. And while I’m not in love, making love without kissing is painful for me. My tallywacker responds to deep kissing. In addition he likes doggie style. On a preference basis I prefer missionary. I like seeing whom I am with. On a physical basis due to being underendowed, I can penetrate deeper in missionary position. Then comes STEEE-RIKE #2 this evening. A guy about 29. He’s not as good looking as the guy above. But he’s cute. He-to put it mildly wants me. I had had in my profile I couldn’t host. I took it out. But I thought we had discussed it. We hadn’t. We had arranged to meet 10 minutes ago until I found out he couldn’t host either. Just a routine night on the apps for me. Last time I had (Clintonian) sex was about 7 weeks ago. Last time I had more was probably October. Even with the lowered testosterone from the prednisone, I feel like I’m (over)DTF (Sorry to be so graphic. Tonight frustrated me as I really was looking forward to it.) Gman
  12. I don’t advise this, but I’m so paranoid that I’ve taken 6 when I was worried. Once -years and years ago, I took some viagra, hadn’t been drinking much for about 2 days prior, took my blood pressure medication, and right before meeting a guy took some Staxin ( same medication as Levitra). I was fine and hard for the meeting. Afterwards I went to eat an early dinner/late lunch. While I was sitting there drinking because I knew I needed fluid, I felt myself break out into a cold sweat. I knew what had happened. My blood pressure had dropped due to dehydration, my BP medication and the ED drugs. It was so bad my vision was blurry. I seriously considered going to the ER for some IV fluids. Instead I drove to my nephews. Thank gosh he was home. I told him I isn’t feel well, and I needed water. I drank a large glass or two of water, sat in a recliner with my feet as high as possible and with my head as low as possible. I was feeling better in about an hour and half when I had absorbed the water-and I left. Gman
  13. @samhexum -I don’t want to be argumentative-ok maybe I do-in which case I apologize in advance. But I really have trouble believing that setting up voicemail is that difficult. And that even if it by some strange chance was, then I am still having trouble believing that after scheduling a visit at the phone store, rather than trying to do it over the phone or online, wouldn’t get the voicemail set up in less than 20 minutes. And now I will apologize in the after position too. I’m sorry for being contentious. Gman
  14. My Mom turned 83 in December (sorry for telling on you, Mom). She almost never turns on her computer anymore. She has an iPhone 7 as well as an iPad MINI and sends out texts and emails with emojis. She also keeps up with family and friends on Facebook. And while I don’t think ever has ever posted anything to Instagram ( and I don’t really use IG, so I’m not sure how this works), but she’s alerted to the feeds of some family members so that she sees their pictures. Oh and did I mention she has a Roku, and uses it to watch Netflix on her TV? On the other hand I have an Uncle who is about to be 92 in August. He loves surfing the web on his iPad but refuses to get a smartphone. It’s like a badge of honor to him. He doesn’t even always carry his flip phone. The other day he was playing Skipbo at his lady friend’s apartment-and by the way that wasn’t a euphemism. She lives in the same retirement complex he does-same building. He didn’t take his phone with him. My cousins couldn’t reach him for several hours. They were quite worried. Gman
  15. Using the GoodRx app I have just ordered at a Tom Thumb Pharmacy (= to Safeway, Randall’s and probably Albertson’s since Albertson’s owns them both now) ninety tablets for $35.24. These are 20 mg tablets. So assuming I take 5 at a time for the equivalent of 100 mg Viagra that’s 18 tablets at about $1.95 a tablet. Gman PS ;)I don’t work for GoodRx or Albertson’s.
  16. It still must be a somewhat new rule or newly enforced old rule. I’m pretty sure I downloaded the Grindr app originally from the Apple App Store. Gman
  17. It was on there for months and months. I don’t know why the filter would suddenly say it wasn’t allowed unless there had been a change in the filter. It obviously pained me, as you can imagine, not to use tallywacker, but I have a difficult enough time meeting people for .... I decided not to use any words that impacted the chance even further in a disfavorable way. There was that to consider too. Grindr is not exactly generous in their character space allowance. Gman
  18. May 4th Heathrow Departures Board— Gman
  19. That was my thought too. I’m all for stopping trafficking. But this seems a bit... Gman
  20. I met him once years ago. The memories are vague. I think the session was ok if not spectacular. Seems to me he was a smoker. Gman
  21. While not really expecting it to usually lead to anything, I have a profile set up on Grindr. I hadn’t looked at it in over a month, but I opened it yesterday to update my profile since my move. When I went to save it, it wouldn’t let me because (embarrassingly I must admit to using) the word ‘cock’ in my profile:rolleyes:. But that’s not one of the words I changed. That’s been in my profile description for a long time. Gman
  22. He’s got to be the most muscular twink in the world. Gman
  23. In the ‘Children Say The Darndest Things’ genre, this article is hilarious. I tried to copy and paste. But it was too difficult due to the formatting. But do yourself a favor and read the article to see how children view things. This 5-Year-Old’s Hilarious Answers To Her Dad’s Questions Have The Internet Howling https://wokesloth.com/5-year-olds-hilarious-answers/mariam/ Gman
  24. What does “One time went in back “ mean? Does it mean you had a private with him? Gman
  25. My voice is on the higher side. Not quite so much lately, but over the course of my life I’ve been mistaken for female over the phone many a time. Gman
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