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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. I met him years ago in Seattle. He was a good kisser and quite limber. Gman
  2. You live in an apartment, but you still have to do yard work? You’ve just lost what I consider one of the perks of living in an apartment. I’m surprised the state will let you claim the P.O. Box as a voting address. I would have thought they would want your physical domicile for registration. I’ve had trouble in the past when I had a box at the UPS Store. I moved away from the city for a year. But I had them forward my mail. I left a certain amount of money with them to make sure everything was forwarded. They were supposed to tell me when the money ran out. But they never did. Gman
  3. The versatile part is interesting as Rex, before he left Daddy’s sandbox to play in someone else’s, was not known for partaking in activities that might usually be classified as versatile, bottom, or top by many of us. And the ad itself while it does state BFE and versatile, reads more like a massage ad. Gman
  4. http://dl.dropbox.com/s/qqok6aqeol1106h/IMG_5156.JPG?dl=0 Gman
  5. I’m good with that as long as the bodies are male. Gman
  6. While I totally disagreed with his politics, I have to admit that Charlton Heston certainly wore a pectoral well. http://dl.dropbox.com/s/i94yus9b8c2inuj/IMG_5126.JPG?dl=0 Gman
  7. He was also on that HBO Special year’s ago. It was called something like ‘101 Male Escorts’. I actually contacted him years ago. But he didn’t seem to be versatile-and I’m a strict top-and really seemed to be more into kink which is not what I wanted at all. Gman
  8. http://dl.dropbox.com/s/3tfn1s7sxoxrlhx/IMG_5115.jpg?dl=0 Gman
  9. I don’t think Alan is seeing ‘fans’ anymore. Gman
  10. You’ve done a great job of touting its health benefits, but for some reason you haven’t said a thing about its taste. If it’s one of those things you have to learn to like, I’m probably not going to try it. Gman
  11. It always seems to me a board of scientists ought to have more input into decisions like this. I think there are some warnings/prohibitions government should make. For example, take medications. There are reasons not to allow people to take or companies to market anything they want. I like caffeine. But I’m not much of a coffee drinker. If I go to Starbucks, it’s usually for something sweet like a caramel -or whatever they call it. If coffee were outlawed tomorrow, it would make almost no difference in my life. Of course I’d be up in arms, if they tried the same thing with tea. But even then unless it’s really cold, hot drinks are not my favorite. I usually end up burning my tongue. I will have an after dinner hot tea with my dessert if I am having dinner at my Mom’s retirement community dining room. But I usually have to add ice or water to cool the cup down before I can drink it. Gman
  12. Gar1eth

    Kyle Kakes 411

    I “met” many porn stars over the years although I don’t watch a lot of porn-or at least I met multiple actors in porn if not actual stars. It only bothered me if I observed them being extremely kinky-as I’m fairly vanilla-or performing bareback in pre PrEP days. Gman
  13. I thought so too. This song is where the thread title came from. However unlike the men in the song following this one, I have no intentions of dropping my anchor in the harbor of my dream girl-or any other girl/woman for that matter. Gman
  14. Not just in times gone by-but about 30 minutes ago. So my libido has been in the toilet for at least two weeks. Aside from everything else going on, I read that prednisone can decrease testosterone. I also haven’t-I’m not sure how to say this tastefully-let me just say it-masturbated in about 3 weeks. That’s not a record. And I even tried about a week ago. But Junior wasn’t really interested. I did wake with an old ‘friend’ visiting me this morning which doesn’t happen a lot anymore. Well I was just snoozing and had a short dream. In the dream, a woman/more like a college girl because I think I was in college in the dream-or in any case much younger than my current 57 years-was sitting on my clothed lap and squirming up and down. In the dream I started becoming aroused. And as part of the dream the girl started laughing and got up off of my lap. I woke up after that, and I found I was partially aroused. The reason I bring it up is because the last time I think I remember becoming aroused by a female was, unless I have lied to myself all these years, was also in a dream but back when I was a teenager. I don’t ever remember being aroused by a female while awake. But geez-what is my subconscious trying to tell me. Am I a closeted straight guy? Gman
  15. If I’m remembering correctly, all of the dorms at my college were community bathrooms and showers. I think some of the older men’s dorms had some kind of freestanding pole set up. The newer dorms and at least some of the women’s dorms had individual stalls. The only reason I know about the women’s dorms is that my dorm had previously been a woman's dorm, and we had private stalls. Gman
  16. I’ll have to disagree. This is really fairly simple. It’s a multi-building complex, and the signage is not done well. Plus Uber’s navigation and Google GPS might occasionally try to take them to a back entrance into the complex where you can’t get in. Gman
  17. Ahh but if a person isn’t reasonably flexible and either able to find some point of actual chemistry or at least be able to fake chemistry convincingly, then possibly escorting is not the career for them. Gman
  18. http://dl.dropbox.com/s/9k14o5dutmq6no2/IMG_5075.JPG?dl=0 Gman
  19. I apparently have missed something important. Has there been an announcement or a hint that that either the Review Side, the Forum, or both are about to go away? Gman
  20. He’s a nice guy. I think there was one point in time where he quit escorting, or at least wasn’t advertising as much. That might explain some of the gap. Although if the gap isn’t a figment of my imagination, it ended years ago. Historically, at least, or at least with me, he had some limits which kept me from hiring him more frequently. But the limits weren’t enough to keep me from considering seeing him again. I did consider him. But usually schedules kept us from meeting more than the 2 or three times we did. Gman
  21. I was interested in this guy for years. I’m glad to hear he’s a good escort. The main reason I never met him was that he kept the same pictures up for years and years, and that just put me off. I know. I know. I could have asked for current pictures to make certain. But he wasn’t an extremely well-known escort at the time, and I guess I probably met with someone more well-known. So why am I writing this? It’s because even though he obviously has updated his pictures since then, he still has some of the old ones up from years ago. Going thru all of his pictures it’s obvious his main picture and some of the others are from years ago. From an escort standpoint I guess it might make sense to grab a potential client’s interest with a really attractive main picture and then hope their interest remains when they see the obviously more current pictures. After all if a client never clicks on your ad, then there’s no chance of a meeting at all. But at least for me, I’d prefer to see current pictures only. Seeing older pictures even if mixed with current might have made me less likely to hire. How do all you who are still hiring and those of you who are marketing experts feel about this? Gman
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