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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. I don’t deny any of what y’all said. But I don’t want to feel as if I’m contributing in anyway. I guess for my own peace of mind, I need to make a note to unfollow this thread. Gman
  2. I don’t know if we are doing this young man any good by continuing to document what could be his breakdown. I’m getting a weird vibe. Maybe I’m wrong. But it disturbs me. Gman
  3. I was taking an Uber with my Mom today. She lives inside a retirement complex. The signage isn’t great because it’s a high class joint. And I’m told the powers that be didn’t want big, ugly signs marring the ambiance of the grounds. There’s a gated entrance with an immediate left turn after entering, but the main building is straight ahead on the left after going thru the gate. I texted the following to the driver before he arrived. “Come straight thru entrance off xxxxx. Then go straight don't take first left. Main building is straight ahead on left. Circular drive with fountain. The complex is off of xxxx and yyyyy But entrance is on west side of yyyyy” I know it can be difficult to read texts, drive, and navigate at the same time. Plus the fountain can be difficult to see. But the driver totally disregarded the instructions. We never even saw the car. He may have passed us up. But the entire complex is a circle. Even if he passed us up if he had followed my instructions when I talked with him by phone, he would have ended up back where he needed to be. I’m going to confess however that I was a bit po’ed. Mom and I had an appointment to get to. It wasn’t just a pleasure jaunt to the store. I know I didn’t sound too happy when I spoke with him on the phone, and he admitted he hadn’t followed my directions. The next thing I know even though he’s on the retirement complex grounds, he’s canceled our trip. We had to wait for an new driver. We were on time for the appointment though. Gman
  4. http://dl.dropbox.com/s/k87myj2adv30hjm/2B798ED9-0CB6-4DBE-98C0-C114B5A44D6A-1028-0000007AC0C903D7.jpg?dl=0 Gman
  5. Is it just me-or is the boss kinda cute. I’m not saying porn star attractive-only kind of cute. Gman
  6. My Mom says she and and my Dad ordered Canadian drugs years ago. And then at one point they heard that that Customs was stopping the shipments at entry. So they quit. One of the websites had a notice -of course it was to their own advantage-to say that while the USA had declared it illegal to order foreign medications, Customs was not stopping small amounts-under 4 months worth-at getting thru. Gman
  7. Sigh-if he had been gay and versatile/bottom I would have probably met him years ago. Gman
  8. Thank you all. Using the Canadian sites if her doctor will write the prescription will save my Mom over $200 a month. Gman
  9. A few months back in a discussion on obtaining generic Viagra and Truvada I think someone posted a site for obtaining drugs from Canada. My Mom needs a drug that’s expensive here in the States. So I was wondering if anyone remembered that post or has another good Canada Drug Site. Thanking everyone in advance for the help. Gman
  10. Forgive my not knowing the lingo. But would the “C” Suite mentioned be the “Corner Office?” If I’m sitting in a cube for 8 to 10 hours a day, I sure as heck won’t be wearing a suit and tie. Gman
  11. What about -is it called-Power Tools? There’s still some hot tubs in Federal Way Washington. They are called the Elliot Bay Hot Tubs. I met a few escorts there. I think I had met with two f-ckbuds there before. I even went there once alone when I had what was probably cervical discitis, and wanted some warmth for my neck. Gman
  12. It looks very very strange to me. I wouldn’t wear it unless I had to wear a suit and had lost my black shoes. But I’m no fashion maven. Gman
  13. WOW- now that I remember this thread (cf the Chicken and Waffles Thread from March 2018) it’s difficult to believe I posted it 3-1/2 years ago. I would have thought it was much more recent. I also can’t believe no one alerted me to the misspelling I made in the title “A Defining Question For Our Era-Crunchy Or Smootth?.” Well I’ve corrected the mistake. Now this thread will be able live on into the future and can hold its title high among the best of Forum Thread Titles!!! Gman
  14. Here’s a machaca with eggs recipe. I doubt I have ever had the ‘authentic’ version with dried beef. I’m sure mine has normally been brisket or pot roast. Oh and don’t listen if the recipes say always use flour tortillas. Corn tortillas are excellent with it. Also most of the times I’ve had it they add tortilla chips to it while it’s cooking. It makes a nice crunch in the dish. http://muybuenocookbook.com/2013/09/machaca-con-huevo-machaca-with-eggs/ Gman
  15. Oh yes, thank you @MikeBiDude!! Much like with Celine Dion, “It’s All Coming Back To Me Now!!” When @marylander1940 mentioned peanut butter, I was thinking of cooking with peanut butter not an opinion survey. Thanks for reminding me. Gman
  16. Can you post a link to that thread? I can remember threads on brisket, apricot chicken, and chili. But if I really waxed poetic on peanut butter, it has totally fled from my mind. Gman
  17. Thank you. Once I realized he hadn’t been around for a while, and especially with him having had some heart problems lately, I was concerned. Gman
  18. PS-I just wanted to mention that I love our food threads. But it made me think. I probably should have picked up on this earlier. But things have been a bit stressful lately. @jjkrkwood usually has great food thread contributions. Wondering what he might say to this thread, I realized I might not have seen a post from him for a while. On checking I see he hasn’t posted in close to a month. I hope he’s ok since we know he had posted about his own health issues. Does anyone know anything? Gman
  19. I saw @MikeBiDude’s post with the reference from PBS about the origins of the dish after I posted mine. I edited and added an acknowledgment to him at the bottom Thanks for the info on Roscoe’s. But I do think the increasing popularity of Southern Diner Cuisine has helped the dish spread even further in the last 10 years. I’m not sure where you live, @Kenny. But in my neck of the woods in Texas, one of the places I can usually count on finding machaca is at IHOP, and it’s actually pretty good-although their salsa is only ok. I’ve had it at California IHOPs too. In fact IHOP may be the place I first experienced the deliciousness of machaca. You don’t know how upsetting it was when I moved to Washington state and found out it wasn’t on the menu at the local IHOPs. They have had it occasionally at the local IHOP in the city of Seatac. But it never stayed for long. Crepes are very pretty. But I’ve never been that fond of them. Don’t get me wrong. I’ll eat them depending on the filling. But they aren’t my favorite. I’m a waffle lover over pancakes too. Gman
  20. When I saw the the title to this thread, I said to myself, “How interesting for this to come up now. Masterchef Junior just had a chicken and waffle on the last episode that I saw.” I have to admit to feeling very much the same as you, @Avalon although I’ve ordered it a few times-more for the chicken than the waffle. Now in the interests of full disclosure, I’m one of those odd ducks (I’ll bet none of you would ever have guessed this from my posts here over the years. ) who doesn’t usually like breakfast foods for my evening meal. I’m not as against it as I used to be. Plus I can eat a breakfast burrito at just about anytime of the day, and I love the Tex-Mex dish of machaca (pot roast beef with scrambled eggs, mixed with fried tortilla chips, onions-but hold the cheese, sour cream, and jalapeños. I don’t like them. ) But traditionally I much prefer dinner food for breakfast. I grew up in Texas, and I have had ancestors in Texas since at least the Civil War if not before. my mother never fixed this for me growing up. I don’t know if this was a staple in other Texas families, or whether it was imported from the Deep South. We were mainly ‘city folk’ though. But It seems to me it started showing up on menus about 10 years ago. While some families may have always served it, I almost get the feeling it became popular with the rising popularity of Southern diner cooking over the past 10 to 15 years. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone said, “Let’s combine these two southern favorites and see how they taste.” I think the dish itself probably belongs in the category of Americans liking savory and sweet things mixed together-such as the syrup mixing with sausage when when you are having pancakes or waffles. While not authoritative, it seems to me I’ve read several human interest pieces by Bristish expats-who’ve said they were always interested in experiencing American food. They tried the syrup/savory combination and didn’t like it at all. Gman PS Sorry @MikeBiDude -I hadn’t seen your post when I expounded on what I thought might be the possible origination of the dish. Gman
  21. Thank you all again. DANGER !!!DANGER!!! Will Robinson !! Frivolous Post Ahead!! Now that I’m back in Texas from Washington state, I’m 1600 miles closer to y’all. Mississippi is only about 575 miles away. SIGH-just my luck to be in a non-hiring mode. Gman
  22. A minor update- I was exhausted due to the week and a half of cleaning out my house. When I was at the airport on Thursday, I was handling two bags so heavy I would have had trouble dealing with them even without the myasthenia. With the exhaustion and the heaviness of the bags, I was having trouble straightening up. I was walking bent over like jackknife. It was particularly difficult to hold my head upright and had been for the past week. Also for about a week or so I was having big problems with my grip strength. As an example I had had to use two hands to pull out a knob on the washer because my fingers would just slip off and turning the knob on a door was incredibly difficult. Well I had some incredible sleep Thursday night/Friday morning (didn’t get to bed until 2 AM). And on Friday I felt the best I had felt in about 10 days. Even better my grip strength feels as if it’s back to normal. So while I don’t want to make this thread a running commentary of my symptoms, but after having complained I did want to let y’all know that I do have good days. Thank you again for all the nice comments and thoughts. Gman
  23. Great minds think alike. I almost added something along those lines. Gman
  24. I hope you dreamed that the burger was my treat. Gman
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