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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. Actually I’m kvetching an awful lot. There have been copious tears-however I’m going to blame the prednisone for affecting my emotions. As proof of this, I offer the fact that I was watching the situation comedy ‘2 Broke Girls’ on the American Airlines plane yesterday and was finding it hysterical. Gman
  2. I was too exhausted yesterday to read all these responses . What with everything I didn’t get to sleep until around 2 AM-didn’t arrive at my Mom’s until around 11 PM. (She made me tuna salad-the only seafood I eat. ). I’m still tired now. I think this is only a momentary awakening. I hesitated for a bit about posting this yesterday. But for one thing I’ve always been honest on here about what’s going on with me whether it’s been my difficulty accepting being gay-still there but this Forum over the years has helped me overcome so much of my phobia over this (I’m not exactly open open but I’m definitely not closeted-multiple people in my family know I’m gay as well as multiple old friends), to my thyroid cancer diagnosis, and this new myasthenia gravis diagnosis. Also I was going to mention not being in the PNW anymore at some point in a post. So why hide the move? @mike carey, there was a movie by that name years ago. I had forgotten what the reference meant until I looked it up just now. In case you decide to visit us (Texans) out here on the frontier in the future, be a bit careful about slinging this term around. It might be difficult to explain to a non-Texan. While as I said, I don’t really have an innate sense for this phrase as I think the first and only time I’ve ever heard it was in reference to the movie, as a Texas native, my gut feeling is that it’s a phrase better uttered in the breach rather than actually out loud. I want to thank all y’all for your kind thoughts. I don’t know what I would have done all these years without the Forum-and all of you are the Forum!! Gman
  3. Myasthenia Gravis is classified as a rare disease. There are estimated to be only 60,000 to 100,000 people with it in the United States. I always knew I was special. I just didn’t know I was a 1 out of 60,000 to 100,000 special. When I was diagnosed in October, it seemed like it was just going to be an annoyance that I would get used to. That’s still true, but the symptoms have become more onerous starting in December . I was hospitalized three weeks ago for five days of intravenous gamma globulin due to moderate problems eating. It was taking me three hours to finish a hamburger because my jaws were too weak to chew. And at least 50% of the time food would lodge at the back of my throat. I’d have to cough to try to get it so I could attempt chewing it again. And then there’s been loss of hand strength, trouble talking, difficulty holding my head up, and multiple other symptoms that can change from day to day. All isn’t hopeless. Before I was on therapy that was only directed at symptoms. The fact that the medication isn’t cutting it anymore means the myasthenia has progressed to the point that I need therapy that attacks the disease and doesn’t just try to ameliorate the symptoms while allowing the underlying disease to progress. Those are medications that decrease the immune system much like someone who has received an organ transplant. The first medication they usually try is high dose prednisone for at least 6 to 8 weeks-or longer if it continues causing further improvement after that. I’m on about day 12 of taking 60 mg of Prednisone. I’m not sure if it’s really done anything yet except give me two forehead zits (sorry if that was too TMI). In any case I wasn’t working a lot before my diagnosis, these new symptoms combined with the hospitalization have made it pretty much impossible to work at all. Hopefully in 6 to 8 weeks I’ll be much better from the prednisone. But whether I am or not, the time has come, as the Walrus is wont to say, to go back home to be with family in Texas. On one hand I’m sorry to leave the PNW. On the other hand my Mom is 83. She’s in pretty good health. But still, she’s 83. It used to really upset me to leave her after a visit. I also have 4-greats (great nieces and nephews) all under 6 years of age. One just turned two, and I’ve only seen her about three times. As Erma Bombeck once wrote, “Families, The Ties That Bind- And Gag. But in spite of the gagging to come, it is time for the prodigal Gman to return to the fold. Sayonara PNW. I’ll miss you. Dallas, place of my birth, I’m coming home. Gman
  4. You have good taste,@poolboy48220. I did notice him. But I do have to admit that I was more attracted to this guy who appears to be new. https://rent.men/Mason_Andrews Gman
  5. Beau doesn’t seem to be advertising in Seattle anymore. Gman
  6. I know who Scott Sloan is. Does anyone remember if at one time he advertise something like a ‘live with Scott Sloan fitness camp.’ Where you would stay with him-possibly at a beach setting. He’d guide your workouts. You’d meet his other workout buds-be one of the guys, etc, etc, & etc. If it wasn’t Scott, I wish I could remember who it was. Gman
  7. Gar1eth

    Austin TX

    Assuming ‘he’ refers to Kurtis, his Rentmen ad states ‘top’ and he’s mentioned on here before that client-wise he is only a top. However things like that never particularly stopped me from asking when someone really interested in me. The usual answer they gave was still ‘top’. One of the main times it did change, a popular guy at the time from Spain named David if I’m remembering correctly, it was expensive, didn’t go well, and not worth it at all. Gman
  8. You had trouble with an iPhone. I don’t really understand the difference between the words ‘fewer’ and ‘less.’ We all have our bete noires. Gman
  9. Aren’t there some really cheap smart phones out there? Of course they are probably as slow as Christmas, and then there’d be the outlay for the data each month. And of course if he already has a phone then whatever he gets -a new flip phone or new smartphone would be an outlay. Gman
  10. I’m glad it worked you. I don’t think I could do that. As it is I’m going to be on a fairly high dose of prednisone for months. I’m dreading what it’s going to cause. Gman
  11. I never met him. But Willy, I believe, had good reviews when he lived in Seattle. Gman
  12. My next door neighbor, a married woman who is just a little older than I am, just got her 1st smart phone. One of her sons, the straight one I believe (she was recently on that outs with her gay son because she thinks everybody needs to quit holding a grudge against Trump and come together, and the gay son became upset-imagine). She’s not too sure about it yet. She says she sees how they can become addicting. Then there’s my 91 year old Uncle. He’s totally with it. You’d probably think he was in his 70’s if you saw him. He’s been emailing for years and loves web surfing on his iPad. But he seems to take some kind of pride in his non-smart flip phone, not texting, and not belonging to Facebook. Gman
  13. Gar1eth

    Austin TX

    I thought I had heard that. But I’m fairly sure that I remember him stating he was a total top when meeting fans. Gman
  14. Gar1eth

    Austin TX

    I don’t follow a lot of porn. My understanding is that as far as Kurtis’ public relations go, he is a strict top. I have no idea about his private life. Gman
  15. Gar1eth


    You might need to sign in. It’s free to make a membership. Does anyone else besides me get the feeling that if you looked in the dictionary under ‘fabulous,’ there would be a picture of this guy’s hair? Gman PS: Having been bald since my late 20’s, I’m just jealous. Gman
  16. They are real. I used to know a woman who was a physician who had previously gone to Bob Jones. And medical school wouldn’t have taken her if the undergrad wasn’t a real college/university. And I think Liberty has a large accredited correspondence catalog which wouldn’t be accredited if the parent university weren’t. Gman
  17. How did Bob Jones U and Liberty U not make the worst list? I don’t actually know what it’s like on their campuses. I’m just guessing from general knowledge that I doubt they’d be too welcoming. Gman
  18. I’m going to catch flack on this. But while he’s totally handsome, and I’m envious of being able to move like that, the moves are a bit too fluid for me. They don’t scream masculinity. Yes, I know I’m wrong to think that. It’s a prejudice. I’d have to get to know the guy to gauge his masculine vs effeminate mannerisms. Or maybe I’m just jealous of a handsome guy with a great physique who has rhythm? Gman
  19. @peterhung85 , Peter, Peter!!! I haven’t looked at your ad for a while as I’m not hiring anymore. But better to praise you publicly rather than a Conversation, so someone new might become aware of you. Wow!! Just WOW!!! You were always adorable. But you, my man, have put on some very nice muscle since I last perused your ad. It looks incredible!! I was always sorry I never managed to meet you. On the other hand when you decided you really were only a top and not versatile (if we had met) and I was remembering back on the experience now- I would have been sorry that bottoming wasn’t particularly pleasant for you. But the few times we corresponded when I attempted a few meetings, I was always impressed by how polite you were. And I wanted to let everyone know what a kind man you are. Gman
  20. I can tell you from past experience that it’s difficult to schedule Peter last minute. I’m betting the reason is he stays busy. Gman
  21. Sigh-I’m 8 years away from Medicare. And if I survive with this myasthenia gravis (I’ve gotten a lot worse since I first talked about it. Nothing life threatening but daily symptoms like not being able to always eat either because food gets stuck at the back of my throat, or I can’t chew. The latest thing is hand weakness. It took me two hands, and I could only barely pull out a knob on a washing machine. Plus I can’t hold a pen tightly enough to write. And my texting thumbs are really weak.)-I won’t be able to afford the biologics. So I’m on 60 mg of prednisone daily right now. That’s nothing cost wise. But to reduce or get me off that eventually to decrease steroid side effects, I have to either move to transplant anti-rejection medications, a few cancer drugs, or the new biologics. Gman
  22. That seems pretty cold to me. The only possible extenuating circumstance I can think might be is that you are a reminder of her being born male. And she is trying to put that life behind her. In which case it’s something she needs to do for her own mental health. I’m sorry you are caught up in that. Gman
  23. The article I found talks about a study from 2016. I don’t think it’s definite yet just suggested. And according to this article it doesn’t prevent against the more dangerous types of prostate ca. https://www.webmd.com/prostate-cancer/ejaculation-prostate-cancer-risk Gman
  24. My worry is around quality control and counterfeit drugs when the FDA isn’t inspecting them. I know India has a well developed generic industry. But I remember the counterfeit cough syrup that was really antifreeze that killed children years ago, or the more recent fake heparin (I say recent. I think it was 6 or 7 years ago now) that killed people. Both these were from China I believe. I also remember a program on 20/20 or Nightline years ago about counterfeit Viagra. These tablets looked like the real deal. It took chemical analysis to determine they were fake. Gman
  25. Well there’s a fantasy shot to HECK!!! I wonder if his reputed ex-roomie was straight too. I can’t remember his name exactly. He was a tall thinner porn star. I think his 1st name was Matt. Gman
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