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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. In my case I love the jockish look of the CF Guys. It seems to me when I first started looking at the escort sites, you could find several of these types of guys on Premier and most of the guys at Maximum until their last year or so. I don’t watch a lot of porn. But if I’m remembering correctly, Bel Ami guys while handsome look too made up for me and a bit on the thin side for me. I’m not usually into beauty. I go more for cute, all-American features. As our old friend @JT Brooklyn used to always say, “De gustibus non est disputandum ( Regarding taste there can be no argument).”* Gman *Although many of us have definitely tried disputing another person’s taste here on the Forum.
  2. You’ve said it!! Options are good to have. It’s remembering to take it every day. Or you miscalculate how many you have left on a vacation. Over the last two year, I was stuck in Dallas twice over the holidays for much longer than I thought I’d be. I had brought my Truvada, but I came to the end of my prescription. My insurance only allows me to get non emergency medication back in my state of residence. I called several pharmacies back home to see about mailing me the medication. None of them would. I was getting a bit worried at the 2 or 3 tablet left stage. I finally discovered there was a hospital outpatient pharmacy that would mail me medications. Depending on how convenient it was to schedule the injection, and whether it was a painful injection or not, I might consider it. Gman
  3. I’m not so good at math, and neither is the guy in your post. But forget the math. He’s adorable. I want HIM!! Gman
  4. Zippers Tin Room What’s the third club since BJ’s closed last summer? Gman
  5. If that’s the correct link, the ad seems to be gone now. Gman
  6. For most of my life I used ‘Mom’ and ‘Dad’. When I was younger, I’m sure I used Mommy and Daddy. Both sets of Grandparents were Mamaw and Granddaddy. Gman
  7. Maybe his heart and mind are saying “no” to more interaction, but his bank account is saying “yes.” Gman
  8. It also gets even more complicated. If I’m remembering my genetics from college-or if the theory hasn’t been replaced by now-one way further diversity occurs is that in the cells that produce the sperm and egg, the maternal and paternal chromosomes can exchange material between themselves. So the resulting egg might receive a chromosome that is say 80% maternal grandmother and 20% maternal grandfather. The same thing happens with sperm. That’s a lot of different combinations that could occur. Gman
  9. Assuming it was accurate, the reason is most likely @Rudynate ’s last post. Unless you are an identical te twin (unless some kind of genetic accident occurs with extra chromosomes or something), you can receive at maximum 50% of the genetic make up of your full siblings. It’s possible you can receive less, and usually this is what happens. You have 23 sets of chromosomes-consisting of a chromosome from each parent. While it wouldn’t happen, let’s say one egg gets chromosomes completely from the maternal grandmother. And one sperm gets chromosomes from the paternal grandmother. This would create a child chromosomally unrelated to a sibling who had chromosomes set from the maternal grandfather and the paternal grandfather. This is an oversimplification. My example would lead to an embryo with two Y chromosomes which wouldn’t be viable. So this may explain, @Avalon, the differing results between you and your aunt. Gman
  10. While I can’t give you any info about actually meeting him, I can tell you I was interested in him for a long time. I recognize those pictures on his ad except for the picture of his butt. The pictures are way over 5 years old and may be closer to 10. So if everything works out, and you think you are interested in meeting him, make sure you ask for some current ones-assuming that matters to you. Gman
  11. The Jewish Diaspora would include Western and Eastern Europe. And if it was the maternal side -Jewish men were occasionally -only occasionally mind you -known to stray. Gman
  12. I’ll have to disagree. And I’m sure many others on here are with me on this. I met some of the hottest guys on here, and they were mostly gay-guys like Alec Andrews, Ace Banner, Andrew Justice (ok he’s more on the bisexual side), Dirk from Man to Man (not 100% sure but pretty positive he was gay), Gay porn star Jim Slade, Arek of NYC, Tyger formerly of Portland (gay to bisexual), Nick German of NYC, Romann (formerly of Dallas), porn star Dean Monroe, Richard from Maryland, Mike Gaite, porn star Trey Casteel and many others. It all depends on whom you select, and sometimes just the luck of the draw. Now often it’s fairly easy to guess when bisexual actually means straight- Guys like Jesse here. Just reading his ad I was fairly positive he was only g4pay. Maybe these are the guys you gravitate to, so that’s why they all seem straight to you. As for this, I’m gay and have no intention of bottoming. The idea makes me mildly queasy. Gman
  13. I think Google requires money for international calls. Your best bet might be to get foreign SIM cards when you are in that country. Gman
  14. I hate guys who say they are bisexual when they are really mainly or only straight. I realize it probably gets them more business. But it’s not honest. I’m sure I hired some straight guys in my day-I’m only really sure about one. But I didn’t even mean to do that. I’ll also admit to being tempted by straight escort Alain Deberry back when he was versatile. But I think it’s probably just as well we didn’t meet. I realize not everyone feels this way. But it was hard enough knowing a gay escort wasn’t attracted to me. But even with that I think in some cases I was able to get a genuine response from them. But with a straight escort knowing they had no real feeling for men-it would’ve bothered me. Gman
  15. I don’t watch a lot of TV anymore. If you had told me that in my twenties or thirties, I would have said you were crazy. But somewhere in my forties I started watching less. I think it was a combo of being so tired from work and deciding to read which I had always done anyway. Then what really consolidated this move away from TV, about 7 years ago I moved to the outskirts of a large city. I wanted to get cable. After they kept me on the phone for an hour which I didn’t have to place the order, they said it couldn’t be installed for a week when my only free time to have it installed was going to be in the next three days. Actually they could have installed cable and Internet, but not VoIP. VoIP needed, by law they said, a 7 day wait time. However just going ahead getting cable and Internet only was going to cost me more than the bundled cable, Internet, and VoIP. I wasn’t willing to pay more for two services than I would for three. So I never got cable, and I used a portable hotspot for Internet. Since then the most TV I’ve watched is only when back home visiting my Mom. I watch some shows occasionally on my computer or phone, but very little. My Mom and I end up watching a lot of the reality cooking shows as well as other things. Well the other day I saw a show advertised while I was online. And now I’ve found the show on the Hulu Service. The show is MasterChef Junior. All I can say is these children are only 8 or maybe 9 to 13. And they are incredible!! Gman
  16. That’s a great one, @Unicorn!!! But I do apologize. In the act of copying I accidentally left a few off. I believe these are all the missing ones. Arizona At aestus aridus est “But it is a dry heat” Arkansas Verres plus oculis amamus “We love the Razorbacks more than our eyes” California Ubi secedere possumus? “When can we secede?” Colorado Nobis stupefactivi et montes sunt “We have drugs and mountains” Connecticut Optima pitta, pessimi raedarii “The best pizza, the worst drivers” Delaware Pullorum fundos et fabricas redolens “Smelling of chicken farms and factories” Florida Semper soleas gerere “Always wearing sandals” Georgia Filiarum praenomina sunt cognomina matrum “Daughters’ first names are their mothers’ last names Hawaii Cafea, litora, lunae melles “Coffee, beaches, honeymoons Gman
  17. A few choice ones. Indiana Cum vir virum in matrimonium ducat, nostri artoptae bellarium non faciunt “When a man marries another man, our bakers do not make the cake” Kansas Supra nos semper volatis “You always fly over us Louisiana Iecoribus conviviis magnis nocere “Harming livers with big parties” Maine Cur non pars Canadae sumus? “Why aren’t we part of Canada?” Maryland Vetus Sinus omnibus “Old Bay on everything” Massachusetts Tacete, scimus nos asperos esse “Shut up, we know we are rude” Michigan Nos paenitet aquam atram habere “We are sorry we have poisonous water” Gman
  18. Gar1eth

    Mamma Mia 2

    If only Brosnan could sing!! Gman
  19. From Mcsweeney’s New Latin State Mottoes For The 21st Century: Alabama Ubi fas est discipulos in ludo verberare “Where it is still legal to beat students at school” Alaska Ab his litoribus Russiam videmus “From these shores we see Russia Hawaii Cafea, litora, lunae melles “Coffee, beaches, honeymoons” Idaho Aliquis hic dux dux manuum sit “Anyone could be a militia leader here” Illinois Multi cives hinc fugerunt “Many citizens have fled from here” Indiana Cum vir virum in matrimonium ducat, nostri artoptae bellarium non faciunt “When a man marries another man, our bakers do not make the cake” Iowa Magni porci, magni homines “Big pigs, big people” Kansas Supra nos semper volatis “You always fly over us” Kentucky Nostri equi sunt celeres, nostrum temetum forte “Our horses are fast, our liquor strong” Louisiana Iecoribus conviviis magnis nocere “Harming livers with big parties” Maine Cur non pars Canadae sumus? “Why aren’t we part of Canada?” Maryland Vetus Sinus omnibus “Old Bay on everything” Massachusetts Tacete, scimus nos asperos esse “Shut up, we know we are rude” Michigan Nos paenitet aquam atram habere “We are sorry we have poisonous water” Minnesota Aestates caldissimae, hiemes frigidissimae “Very hot summers, very cold winters” Mississippi Nostri ludi non sunt pessimi “Our schools are not the worst” Missouri Scivitisne nos sex millia speluncarum hic habere? “Did you know we have 6,000 caves here?” Montana Vetera dictio lingua Hispana conscripta est “Our old motto was in Spanish” Nebraska Segetes conversae ante oculos versantur “Fields of modified grain appear before our eyes” Nevada Lustra et aleae “Brothels and gambling” New Hampshire Candidati nos amare adsimulant “Candidates pretend to love us” New Jersey Pontes et litora claudere “Closing bridges and beaches” New Mexico Nolite pittas super tectos iacere “Don’t throw pizzas on our roofs” New York Bona nobis tributa magna auferunt “High taxes deprive us of wealth” North Carolina Nihil carnum fumosorum sine acido “No barbecue without vinegar” North Dakota Sedes vitae importuna hieme “A place unsuitable for living in the winter” Ohio Nostra flumina non iam ardent “Our rivers no longer catch on fire” Oklahoma Nulli turbines nos timent “Tornados don’t scare us” Oregon Mercatura iusta et cibi naturales “Fairtrade and organic foods” Pennsylvania Volventem Molem et Urbem Ferream cotidie bibere “Drinking Rolling Rock and Iron City everyday” Rhode Island Perlucida etiam sorbitio peloridis sit “Clam chowder should actually be clear” South Carolina Memento semper victos belli civilis “Always remember the losers of the Civil War” South Dakota Nolite nostram terram foedare “Don’t pollute our land” Tennessee Cantator in omnibus tabernis “A musician in every bar” Texas Locus futurus magni muri Future home of the big wall Utah Candida nix, candidior gens “White snow, whiter people” Vermont Cavete cervos! “Watch out for the deer!” Virginia Ecce, omnes, intecta femina in vexillia picta est “Check it out, everyone, a naked lady is on our flag” Washington Sine umbraculis “Without umbrellas” West Virginia Nonne carbo adhuc rex est? “Coal is still king, right?” Wisconsin Caeseum, cervesa, farcimen “Cheese, beer, sausage” Wyoming Venite ut fundum carissimum comparetis “Come buy a very expensive ranch” Washington, D.C. Nisi nos fallit, urbs modo est “Unless we are mistaken, this is just a city” Gman
  20. The Rentmen link going with @Tarte Gogo is inactive. Here’s the link from his Coverboy Review this week, and it shows Indianapolis as his home. Maybe he moved from NYC? https://rent.men/TylerW Gman
  21. I thought for years that my next door neighbors were Don and Dawn. Imagine my chagrin when I found out Don was actually Doug. The couple in the Kim Davis/Kentucky Marriage Case are both named David. I think one of them goes by Dave. Gman
  22. I’ve heard that nurses in obstetrics think that placentas break (normal pre-birth occurrence) more often during a full moon. Gman
  23. Gar1eth

    Mamma Mia 2

    I like the play. I couldn’t stand the movie. Gman
  24. I know it’s not the point of this thread, but I’m going to have correct you about this. While sure I’d like to say I am hung, it wouldn’t be true. I’m on the short side of normal at about 5”. It’s incredible how when you look at a ruler 1 to 2 inches doesn’t seem like a lot. But in tallywacker length an inch really is a mile. If I were even 6”, it would be so much easier to top. And now back to the thread’s subject-already in progress. Gman
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