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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. He was definitely independent and also worked for Maximum at times. He was one of the few Maximum guys who had a face picture. Gman
  2. But when you’re hot like you, that’s expected. Gman
  3. Unless of course you are a 15 to 16 year old male going on a date. Gman
  4. Did anyone here like the smell of Polo in the 1970’s to 1980’s? I didn’t. But I had a preppy friend who basically bathed in it. Is it even still available? Gman
  5. I was born and raised in Texas. I was wondering if it might be the Frozen Margarita. It’s not. It is however a tequila based drink called a Paloma which is tequila and grapefruit juice. I have never heard of a Paloma, and I don’t like grapefruit the fruit except possibly when it has so much sugar on it that it might as well be a candied grapefruit. I can stomach a bit of grapefruit juice-but again I’d like to add some sugar. And yes I know grapefruit shouldn’t be eaten if taking certain medications. We moved to Shreveport Louisiana when I was 4, and left when I was 6. To my best recollection I wasn’t a heavy drinker then. I thought the most googled drink might be a Hurricane. It’s not. It’s a Daquiri. But I’m fond of them-especially the strawberry ones at Chilis. I’ve lived in Cincinnati, Ohio twice. Ohio’s drink is Long Island Ice Teas. If they are made well, I love them. My last one was a gosh-awful one about one year ago at a dive bar in West Seattle. But I don’t ever remember ordering one in Ohio. Last time I lived there I was on a Cider kick. I currently live in the great PNW state of Washington. The drink here is gin and tonic. I dislike gin-or at least I did when I first tasted it 20 to 30 years ago. I’m not sure I’ve had it since. I’m maybe moving back home to Texas fairly soon. I probably still won’t order a Paloma. Gman
  6. Isn’t it near Aruba and Jamaica? Gman
  7. I’ve always loved your chest!! Gman
  8. My Dad would ‘bathe’ in the stuff. And when he switched to cologne, he’d use the same amount as he did aftershave. My Mom used to tell him you didn’t need as much cologne as it was much stronger. I had a boss years ago who wore something that really smelled nice. I don’t know if it was the actual fragrance itself or the combination of the fragrance with his body chemistry. Don’t worry I didn’t go around sniffing him. But I can remember one woman who met him mentioning it, and I remember agreeing with her. I’ve only worn it occasionally over the years. I actually don’t like the way the way the smell is always in my nostrils. I find it irritating. I also don’t like the way it takes me forever to get the smell off the palms of my hands even after washing them multiple times. But I’m going to confess here, I actually like the smell of some body sprays including Axe. I can remember when I was fairly new at hiring and one escort smelled incredibly good as I was unbuttoning his shirt. I’ve also met other guys who like that smell. Gman
  9. I remember reading a letter to the editor in Playboy or possibly a letter to the Penthouse Forum years ago. A-I’m assuming-young man said he had discovered that if he drank a certain amount of alcohol before having sex, he could last forever without cuming. He said that he liked to cum, but it was like dessert after a meal. And that sometimes he didn’t mind skipping dessert. With me I’ve noticed -not that I cum very frequently now-but the last time I did-well when I cum I can normally feel the sphincter-the same one that allows you to start/stop peeing. It’s part of the feeling of ejaculation for me-squeezing down after the first squirt. The last time I came I didn’t feel that. I think my myasthenia was affecting my ability to contract whatever muscles those are. Gman
  10. Never in my ass. Just my nose. Of course I was only 5 years old at the time. Gmail
  11. I won’t dispute except to say I believe ‘client’ is the current lingo with hospital social workers/outpatient social workers. Gman
  12. Maybe I’m the only one. But I feel personally that a physician has more responsibility to a patient than a customer. A customer can be forgotten after 5 pm. I’d prefer a physician/healthcare worker who was more invested in me. Gman
  13. There’s been a push-I don’t know what bright people started it-to change the name of the ‘class of people’ who seek medical/psychological help (ie patients) to clients. I think the supposed rationale for this change is because the Latin root for the word patient is verb meaning ‘to suffer.’ This terminology has particularly taken hold in the nursing, psychological, and allied health fields. Most physicians I think still use the word patient. I’m not sure whose mindset is supposed to be affected by this change. I mean at first I thought it was supposed to make the patient feel more empowered. But in reality how many patients actually know that patient equates to suffering? So maybe the change is supposed to affect the mindset of the actual caregiver as they are the ones most likely to be taught the Latin meaning of the word? I also realize Shakespeare said, “What’s in a name?” And if clients and patients have the same type problems, then maybe there’s no difference between them. But I don’t like the change. While I realize it’s most likely a holdover from a different time in this shift oriented/managed care world we currently find ourselves in, I feel like I’m a client at my bank, cleaners, lawyers, etc. I hope the medical/psychological professionals I see are more concerned for my welfare than the average ‘professions’ that have ‘clients’. It seems to me the term client is a subtle way to try to downgrade the relationship between patients and medical professionals. If that relationship isn’t special, then going to the Doctor will always be like going thru a drive-thru quack shack where you meet a faceless/nameless caregiver and you are a faceless patient. Sure for an occasional problem that’s ok. But what if you need a professional to really take an interest in you? And once we downgrade the status of the medical professional/patient relationship to client, how long before we become merely customers? Gman
  14. Maybe since it’s now Tuesday, you’ll be feeling better. I hope so. Gman
  15. I’m not saying it’s abnormal for you to have had those desires. I had crushes on certain guys and teenagers at a much younger age. I can remember having occasional dreams about some of my PE teachers (and others) when I was around 13. Nothing much happened in the dreams. When it got to a certain point, I’d have a ‘wet dream’ and that usually woke me up. I just think 24 is too old for 17. If you said 20 and 27, I don’t know if I’d be totally sanguine. But I would prefer it. Please stay away from my man Armie!!! Gman
  16. I’d be uncomfortable with a 17 year old girl and a 24 year old guy, or a 17 year old boy with a 24 year old woman too. There are developmental stages we go thru. I’m going to that not all 17 year olds have gone thru then yet. Gman
  17. PS: One addendum. If you notice that in picture 1/6 his hair looks a lot shorter than in the other pictures where he shows his hair, that’s probably a newer picture as his hairline looks a bit more receded then in the others. Gman
  18. But a little what, @Dchotasianguy? I don’t know about the private pictures. But the main ones are probably the same ones he had up when I hired him 3 or 4 years ago. Gman
  19. If escorts only want to see, Ben Franklin, they are going to need to go to the Christ Church Burial Ground, in Philadelphia, PA. Gman
  20. I was thinking maybe @ITakeItDeep meant he didn’t save it except to here, and now it’s gone. Gman
  21. Would an app like Whatsapp, or something similar if that isn’t the app, let you have a subsidiary number? Or this article purports to have a workaround for Google voice if you are outside the USA https://lifehacker.com/5726407/use-a-google-voice-number-from-outside-the-us Gman
  22. Well as I said it was only slight!! Actually I had gone away from the Forum, pulled it back and seen that there was a new alert to my comment. Right before I pulled up your post, @BabyBoomer, I was fairly sure I knew what you were going to say. And I was RIGHT!! Gman
  23. I had a slight boyhood crush on George MacArthur (Danno). Gman
  24. It came on first in 1968. I was only 7. And @latbear4blk is two years younger than I am. Gman
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