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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. I understand what you are referring to. But I don’t know what exactly LE stands for. Gman
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bgsI9XT05c Gman
  3. He’s right about “won’t”. It doesn’t really make sense Gman
  4. Is this who you mean? http://www.criticalbench.com/images/inter-DaveRuel2.jpg Gman
  5. No not really. I think this is his second or third restart. The restarts haven’t lasted as long as his original stint of escorting. Gman
  6. It would depend if he were up to it. I mean I’m not an animal. After all the two best of the limited amount of dates I’ve ever had only involved making out for 30 min to an hour and a bit of stroking. I’d be totally fine with with that until he healed. Gman
  7. Seems to me that I also had questions on whether he really liked to kiss or not. How was he at make-out sessions? Gman
  8. Thanks for the link. I know he had great reviews. I was always ambivalent because of the lack of face pictures. And I think most of his reviews were as a top which was of no interest to me either. I was never sure if he really wanted to bottom. Plus as I indicated I really like mesomorphs better-which is not to deny Ross’s stellar body then or now. In any case I’m not hiring now, so it doesn’t really matter. Gman
  9. I think he has a cute face. And I can’t say I’m not attracted. But I’d need to be able to see a bit more of his physique. If I were still attracted after seeing those new pictures, it would still most likely not be in the way I am attracted to most of the escorts I have met. It would be more in the he’s adorable, I’d love to be friends with benefits with him, but I doubt he’d be interested in me way. I did try to meet him once. We had started a correspondence because I noticed someone in Dallas was using his pictures. I informed him, and he got the ad taken down. Shortly after that he quit for a while and then came back. He was still skinnily athletic in his pictures when he returned. I had wanted a weekend. But he had started going on about how he couldn’t sleep when there was someone else in bed with him, and it would only work with two separate beds, or maybe he said two different rooms. It didn’t sound like a great weekend. So I gave up. Gman
  10. I always enjoyed looking at the pictures at Maximun. They had some really nice muscular looking men until the last few years where they seemed to have more just athletic men-which weren’t bad per se-but I’ve always preferred bulkier muscle types. Gman
  11. I was interested-vaguely in Harlow-but more in Joe and some of the other guys on the site, who may have not been real. It seems to me I either remember posts on the Forum or reviews saying they had wanted someone else intially, but only Joe or Harlow was available when they contacted. I think I might have contacted them once. But really I was interested in Joe as a bottom. And I don’t think he bottomed. As for Luca from Dallas, I would have loved to have met him. But he was a strict top too. I miss Trey Casteel. He was a friendly, muscular bottom. http://iv1.lisimg.com/image/2378798/666full-trey-casteel.jpg Gman
  12. Thank you, O Great Earl of Sandwich!! (Maybe he should be beatified?) Now see we are opposites. I love the balsamic. I could do without the olive oil. And that brings me up to another subject. On subs you can often get oil and vinegar ( whether regular-I’m assuming apple cider type, red wine, or maybe even balsamic) added. I’m sure the oil most sub places use isn’t olive oil. My question is what good does the oil do. It’s tasteless. Why don’t they just spritz on the vinegar? And on another note, you wouldn’t believe my shock back when I lived in Wisconsin when I bit into a sub sandwich and instead of any mayo or mustard it had butter spread on the bread. This wasn’t even garlic butter-just plain butter. It wasn’t only a one time occurrence either. Don’t get me wrong. I love butter-but not really on a sub. Maybe I’m just shocked too easily. Gman
  13. I think @littlenut meant Simon’s first film was 2007. But then maybe you did too, @azdr0710. Gman
  14. I apologize. You’re right. It probably is palate related. Gman
  15. If I was attracted to the guy, I don’t think I had an age limit except in the opposite direction. I didn’t usually higher the young escorts below the age of at least 25... ( WHAT NEVER? NO, NEVER. WHAT NEVER? WELL, HARDLY EVER!!) and I really preferred guys at least in their 30’s. I had a makeout session a few years ago with a guy in his 70’s. I won’t say that’s usual for me. But he was darn cute and had this incredible hairy chest. I do wish he’d been a better kisser-oh well. Gman
  16. I have a friend. I don’t know how it happened. But several years ago he got a new primary care doctor-a younger one. Now my friend is married and bi. He used to hire-mainly erotic massage but occasionally I think for sex. I don’t think he has done either in years due to some health problems. Bu I think he might have still been hiring when he 1st started seeing this new physician. I think he revealed this to the physician. For some reason, I don’t know what the conversation was, the doctor revealed that he was bisexual. But shortly after that the physician got married to a woman-and had a least one child. I was just shocked that the physician revealed what sounded like a deep, dark secret to a patient like that. Gman
  17. I saw him once about 6 years ago. I think one or two of his pictures may date from back then. But the pictures were very accurate then. He was a nice guy. I don’t know that I felt the most connected to him. But I felt connected enough that I would have chanced a weekend with him if I could have swung it. I tried a couple of times, but our schedules didn’t match up. If you were to ask for some current pictures, and you liked what you saw, I’d definitely go for it. Gman
  18. That’s a darn shame. You’d think these guys might keep a notepad or a reminder. But with a physique like that I’ll bet he’s inundated with messages. He may simply have lost your info. You can be sure if I ever get promised a home-cooked meal by you, I will definitely not forget it-as long as it’s not seafood. Gman
  19. I’ve had some people contacting me lately on Adam4Adam and one or two on MisterX app that I was pretty sure were scammers. But Image Search gave me the same kind of results you mention. I was wondering if maybe the pictures the potential scammers were using maybe weren’t popular enough to be picked up on Image Search. I will say that I did pick up two scammers fairly recently. One of the pictures was of an armed forces guy that had apparently been used on multiple websites. The other I found was a fitness model/personal trainer that didn’t seem to be in the city the Adam4Adam profile was listed in. So I’m sure it was a scam. But again the majority of searches I’ve done lately have come up with the same results you describe. I wonder if they’ve changed their algorithm. Also I almost always do the search using the Chrome browser on my phone. I know there are some limitations on the phone browser compared to the computer browser. So I was also wondering if that might be affecting my searches. Gman
  20. I just don’t think it matters that much. I think it’s a myth. I can tell you I hate non-salted butter as a spread on bread. Gman
  21. I know people aren’t going to agree with me-but it is my solemn belief that except for the most finicky recipes, it doesn’t matter if you use salted butter in the place of non-salted butter. Now discuss. Gman
  22. You mean he should say 30’s? In the words of Mr. F Flinstone, that’s droll, very droll. Gman
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