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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. On his Rentmen ad he says he’s 30. Anyone think that’s a correct age for him? Gman
  2. All I know is the news articles which say he is charged with 1st and 2nd degree murder. I guess the degrees might be specific to each state and not have a universal meaning. Gman
  3. How about friendly acquaintance? I mean I don’t think friends should be charged. But in most cases would you really condescend to see someone repeatedly if you couldn’t stand him? Gman
  4. This article on Oxygen was a bit misleading. http://www.oxygen.com/very-real/former-exotic-dancer-porn-star-jordan-joplin-charged-with-murder-of-surgeon?amp The article is from this month. But it made it sound as if he had just been charged with murder in addition to theft. But I’ve seen articles from last summer that say that was when they upped the charges. It still makes me feel very weird to know I had been with him multiple times. @quoththeraven, any other lawyers on here, or other legal mavens-it seems almost a given that this was a drug death. If that’s true, unless they can prove Jordan intentionally gave the physician something with intent to kill him, how could they even think they could get a conviction on 1st Degree Murder? Gman
  5. I don’t see that it really matters as long as you and the person in question are compatible with each other. Gman
  6. So he was a skinny guy who worked for this unknown Sean? Gman
  7. I personally am not that fond of McDonald’s fries at the moment. Often they come to you incredibly hot. I’m not much for putting hot (temperature-wise) things in my mouth. I’ve never been a hot coffee aficionado. I do like tea, but not steaming. And as I mentioned above if you let the fries cool even slightly, they’re usually as hard as rocks. And even before they cool, they seem harder/more stale tasting than they did in the old days. Gman
  8. I looked at one of the above listed videos. I can’t remember which one. There was a skinny guy giving a muscular guy a massage. He then either jacked the muscular guy off and got it all over his face, or the handsome guy jerked himself off all over the skinny guy’s face Was the skinny guy supposedly Sean? If it was, I couldn’t help notice he was using that hand cream to spread all over the guys back, but he kept his watch on. Besides probably getting the watch dirty, he might scratch the guy with it. Gman
  9. Gar1eth

    Zane A

    I also wonder if he’s actually straight -he may have to nerve himself up to deal with guys-and maybe some days he just can’t handle it. On the other hand maybe he’s really gay or bi-but has trouble coming to terms with it. And of course if he’s married-and advertises as a top for men-well if he and the little woman just had sex-he’s probably not going to be much good unless he is one of the relatively blessed few with a short refractory time. The fact that he actually came to @BnaC’s hotel parking lot but couldn’t actually bring himself to come inside is really interesting. It’s too bad we’ll never know what the real story is. I guess it just goes to show that even adorable guys with large tallywackers and low hanging balls aren’t always in the catbird seat (although I’ll bet he is there a whole heck of a lot more than I am). Gman
  10. I guess since the Welsh have to support English signage it all works out. Gman
  11. You just wrote an eyeful. But I really wouldn’t want a doctor as handsome as that. If he is straight that’s just frustrating, and if he were gay that’s even worse. Number 1-I know nothing would happen due to medical ethics. Number 2- Even without medical ethics I’d know he would never be interested in me. Occasionally FB shows me the feed of a former therapist of mine. I’m not friends with him. I’m sure Facebook found his email in my contacts list , and that’s why he shows up occasionally. Well he’s cute, and so is his partner. It’s much easier being gay if your cute or handsome. It’s much easier if you are straight too. But I feel that women more often go outside the looks box than gay men do. Gman
  12. He says you can kik him. Of course I don’t know what that is. Gman
  13. My Dad would never use a bowl of water. He would always lick them and put them into the books. Gman
  14. That’s because you are pretty. I didn’t try to impress him because I knew it was a lost cause. The situation just made me sad. Unfortunately I’ve thought many of my counselors were attractive too. It had nothing to do with transference. I would’ve thought they were cute or handsome even if they had never been my counselors. I’d get a bit resentful though. They all seemed to think I should just accept being gay. And I kept thinking about how I might have found it easier to be gay if I were attractive like them. Gman
  15. This guy would be too handsome to be my doctor. As it was I used to have a gay doctor in Seattle. And obviously I didn’t know him on a personal level, but I was very envious of him. He was cute, young, in good shape, partnered, and was not struggling with his sexuality. All things I wasn’t. I moved away from the PNW for a year. When I came back I found a gay female nurse practitioner. I have to admit I don’t think she’s the brightest medical practitioner I’ve ever been to. It has nothing to do with her being a nurse practitioner. I’ve met many in the past that I thought were excellent. And I don’t think mine is necessarily bad-it’s difficult to explain. Maybe it’s because she almost never actually examines me. She does listen to my history, but almost never does much of an exam. I actually wonder how she bills since a lot of that is supposedly based not just on history taking but also how in depth of an exam is performed. In any case she’s bright enough, and I’m fairly medically savvy myself. So between the two of us, I do ok. Plus as she’s female, I have no attraction issues. I found this info on a website. I hope it helps. GLMA: Health Professionals Advancing LGBT Equality When you’re looking for a lesbian and gay friendly doctor, the organization GLMA: Health Professionals Advancing LGBT Equality(formerly the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association) is an excellent place to begin your search. Founded in 1981, the organization is the oldest and largest association of LGBT healthcare professionals in the world, and has many resources for doctors and patients: Directory – For patients, GLMA maintains a provider directory where you can find primary care physicians, specialists, and therapists. GLMA only lists providers who have affirmed their commitment to LGBT health, noting providers who are GLMA members. Resources – Along with its provider directory, GLMA also provides further information on the most important health issues affecting the LGBT community, along with transgender health resources. Providers – For healthcare providers, GLMA has a number of resources to aid with treating LGBT patients, including a four-part webinar on cultural competence to better prepare doctors and providers to care for LGBT patients. Many of GLMA’s resources, including the provider listings and webinar, are free to use, and are a great starting point for finding a trusted, gay friendly doctor in your area, especially if you’re looking for a particular specialty based on your health needs. Gman
  16. I’m sorry about the way it’s affected your family. Gman
  17. I just noticed you said you hadn’t eaten bread in 10 years. Are you on a perpetual Atkins’ Diet? Gman
  18. That’s a really good idea about asking for the fries with no salt. But do you think their fries taste as good as they used to? And I’m not talking about the way some things used to taste better when we were kids. I’m wondering since they changed their frying oil to take out the trans fat whether they did something else too, or whether you need trans fat to make them taste as they used to. I’ve also noticed that once they cool down they are as hard as rocks. Gman
  19. We obviously do live in different Americas. I grew up as part of the Middle America Economic Zone. But we were probably towards the middle to lower portion of the zone when I was younger. My Mom was reminiscing awhile back. My Dad was a traveling (by car) salesman. For a large part of my early years, he was often gone probably at least 3 to 4 days a week-although maybe not every week. Mom was telling me that sometimes when Dad was gone as a treat for us, she’d use the money she got back from returning Coke bottles to take us to McDonalds. Mom said she would order a hamburger, fries, and a drink for herself, my sister, and me. And she would order my brother two hamburgers or possibly a Big Mac. Quarter Pounders wouldn’t be invented for years and years at that point. Twelve years later when I was in high school, we had an open campus for lunch. My senior year I’m not sure if I ever ate in the school cafeteria. If I did, it was probably less than 20 times. For the most part two of my friends and I went out daily. We would take turns driving as we all had cars. We had to be quick as we only had about 30 to 45 minutes. Luckily our school was right off a main street. We mainly seemed to gravitate to McDonald’s. We occasionally went elsewhere. I can remember going to Grandy’s at least once, and a local Chinese place at least once. But it was mainly McDonald’s. I’ll admit I did get sick of it towards the end. During my first year or so in college I did try to avoid it. But by the end of college, I definitely ate there. I also ate there in grad school. And I go there now. I like Jack in the Box and KFC as well as many other fast food places too. Now I’m not saying my diet is good -far from it. But I did grow up eating the stuff too. And while of course anything I say will be excuses, when I was working and a productive member of society, my life was very chaotic. I didn’t really have the discipline or inclination to cook. So I still ate out a lot or went to fast food places. And of course this partially explains why I have my current Santa Claus physique (the other part being I’m non-athletic and don’t enjoy exercising at all-the old adage about finding something you like doesn’t really work well when there’s nothing you like), and why, for example, @Benjamin_Nicholas or @Rudynate doesn’t. Gman
  20. You’ve really NEVER been to a McDonald’s, EVER-not even as a child? What about Burger King, Jack in the Box, or Wendy’s? Gman
  21. https://www.boredpanda.com/overweight-welshman-businessman-transformation-model-gwilym-pugh/?utm_content=inf_10_2558_2&utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=socialedge&tse_id=INF_c402f160147011e8b994b71562261940 Gman
  22. He now lists himself as gay. And he lists his position as bottom. Gman
  23. It would be interesting to find out if it were true. However it would only be to satisfy some prurient curiosity of mine-or of others. If it is true, and by some chance he has always felt or only come to realize lately that he is in a body of the wrong gender, my heart goes out to him. As much as I’ve struggled being gay, I can’t even imagine the daily horror it must be to feel you are the wrong sex. And then even if you feel that way, the bravery it takes to actually have extensive surgery. I wish him, and anyone else who takes that path, only the best. Gman
  24. And on my part, I wish I was a possessor of one of those BIG COCKS that you like to talk about. Gman
  25. I’m glad you weren’t involved in the NYC Ice Cream War. http://thecomeback.com/food/nyc-area-ice-cream-truck-businesses-are-spying-on-each-other-in-mafia-like-fashion.html Gman
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