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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. Again, I’ve enjoyed most non-Chicago Uno’s Pizzerias except the ones at the airport. I posted this awhile back. This trick may be a bit quicker than using the oven. Although if you want to crisp up the whole pizza, an oven would be better. When you've refrigerated the pizza overnight, this is a really good trick. It works best with thin crust pizza, but I’d try it with deep dish too. Also when I’ve frozen the pizza, I defrost it in the microwave before putting it on the stove, and it comes out 100x better than only using the microwave. Gman
  2. Well as I indicated above I’ve been attracted to some. But I’ll admit they usually have to be what I consider incredibly attractive and muscular. And of course this poster set my 14 year old gay heart beating (even though I don’t think I knew for sure I was gay at the time). Of course my heart also went pitter patter for Perry King on the left too. Gman
  3. As a native English speaker, I have no idea what language this is in, or what it means. As for franchised Uno’s, again I’ve begin to one of the originals, and I liked it. But I thought the franchised ones in Houston and Cincinnati were very good too. I loved their mini chicken fajita pizza. It’s where I learned to love bell peppers. Anyone here from Cincinnati, Donato’s is awful too. Gman
  4. I think one of them had blue eyes. And I’m pretty sure I remember the other saying his mother was Asian. Gman
  5. It’s a British show. I think it’s called “Let It Shine”. Probably the 1st clue that it’s from the UK was that he’s from Wales and a head boy. Plus the cute Judge with the white hair is Martin Kemp from Spandau Ballet. And while I knew that was Amber Riley from Glee, I’m not sure who the other 2 judges were. But I couldn’t believe Martin only gave the kid a 3. He’s 17 and I thought he did great. I get a sneaking suspicion the kid might be gay. On the other hand it might have been nerves or the fact that he’s European (cf “Legally Blonde, The Musical”). If you like the fact that the song is gender neutral-although it’s really not as one of the lines is “I’m your man”- then you’ll probably like this version from Miscast. I love the way she taps Brian D’arcy James-the original King George with the scepter. Gman
  6. I think I’ve only been with three black escorts in my hiring days-and two were of some type of ‘mixed’ heritage. I will admit to being attracted to some few black escorts. But invariably the ones I am attracted to always advertise as tops. And it’s not like I see that they are tops and then I’m attracted to them. It’s I see their pictures, am attracted to them, read the ad, and find out they are tops. Gman
  7. I’m actually not that fond of NY style pizza. I like the thinner crust. But it seems to me the toppings -pepperoni, sausage, and etc are often thrown on at the last minute such that if you turned the pizza over they would fall off. I like the toppings incorporated and bound into the cheese. If this isn’t the way real NYC pizza is, I’ve had some bad ersatz NYC pizza. Gman
  8. The first place I ever had Uno’s was in Houston in the mid 1980’s. After that I had them in Cincinnati, Ft Worth, and Madison, Wi. They were usually pretty good. And the one time I went to one of the company Uno’s in Chicago (it was a small Uno’s and didn’t have as large a menu as the bigger restaurants), I thought that it tasted pretty much the same as the pizzas I’d had at the franchises with one exception. There is, or at least was, an Uno Franchise at Houston’s Intercontinental Airport. It was lousy. I might also have had a lousy pizza at another airport Uno’s, but I can’t remember for sure. Gman
  9. I love pizza. And yes for the purists on here I’m talking about the American Version. But I’ve pretty much always hated Domino’s. I probably first had it in college-or if not college then in grad school. I’m talking about the early to mid 1980’s. I’ve hated it so much that I’ve probably had less than 10 pieces of it since the 1990’s. Even if a committee I was on for something was serving it, I pretty much abstained. And yes I know there are many gourmands on here many of whom can make equal claims. But I’m middle class single guy from Texas who doesn’t really cook very often. I loved pizza growing up, and when I was working, I often kept late hours where pizza places were often the only thing still open. I think what made me dislike Domino’s mainly was the crust. It was doughy, and I always thought it tasted like cardboard. In general I’m not fond of thick doughy crusts unless they have some taste to them. Uno’s in my opinion has a nice deep dish crust because it has a buttery taste to it-or at least it used to. I probably haven’t had an Uno’s since around 2008. Their franchising seems to have screwed up as I know lots of their restaurants closed in the 1990-early 2000’s. Well tonight I had a coupon for Domino’s. I decided I’d look and see what they offered these days. They now have different crusts. I chose their equivalent to Pizza Hut’s Thin n’ Crispy. And it wasn’t bad. I’m not saying that I like it as well as I like Papa John’s or Pizza Hut. But it was definitely edible. Gman
  10. I always wanted to meet him. The one time I had a chance was when I was in Chicago for IML 8 years ago. Unfortunately he was busy with the festivities. It wasn’t a complete loss. I had a chance for a short meeting with Dean Monroe. I would probably have been wanting more of his versatile side than what you received @jonnychgo. Gman
  11. This must have been a really swanky hotel. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a lifeguard at a hotel pool except maybe at beach resort type. Gman
  12. I appreciate the help. After I posted, I tried two more times after multiple tries yesterday. I finally figured out what it was. But as the problem will very likely come up again in the future, I’m glad I have an answer now. Gman
  13. I don’t think that my volume was particularly large when I was young. Larger than now definitely. But still not that large. Gman
  14. Or did you mean the stiff members of the staff members? Gman
  15. Are you discounting @Larstrup’s description -assuming he wasn’t just waxing poetical because of the escort’s name-of a pulse-pounding experience? Gman
  16. I’m always confused on who is the rid-er and who is the rid-ee. Is the top the rider and the bottom being ridden or vice versa? Gman
  17. I’m betting it’s more that you’re very attractive, probably nicely hung, and young. Gman
  18. Ok this is rather embarrassing. But my iPhone for some reason logged out of my Apple account. When I logged back on, I found out that it had logged me off of all my email accounts. When I tried to log back on to the email account for the Forum, it had been so long since I had needed to log into that email, that I couldn’t remember the password. And I haven’t had good success at recovering it. So in case I can’t regain access to that email, I’d like to change the email on my Forum account. Is there a way to do that? Thanks, Gman
  19. I think Logan told me he was either bisexual or learning that he was gay. He at one point even told me-or rather texted me-that he was interested in going on a date. That never happened, and I should have known better. On the other hand we did have one freebie session. I can’t remember how far it went. I think at least one of us came -possibly both. But it was several years ago, and I can’t remember the specifics. Gman
  20. I’m guessing most likely feta. Gman
  21. As far as I know, Arek is retired. That post of mine that you quoted was from 2014. Gman
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