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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. It’s more of work for me. It doesn’t mean I don’t like it. But it’s definitely not as easy as falling off a log. Gman
  2. I had forgotten about it. I also just read that they don’t make Pudding Pops anymore. For all the Jello Aficionados out there I’m sorry to have to remind them that even though Jello says it’s Kosher, it’s not. Gman
  3. I was joking. But I’m sure many youngsters on the Forum have no idea who he was. His show went off when I was 5, and I’m not sure if I ever actually saw it. But I think he was the voice actor on one of my storybook-record combos (everyone remember them?), and I used to see him on talk shows. Gman
  4. I met a guy-well talked to a guy-on Grindr. All he wanted was to be f-cked-no kissing, no oral, no cuddling, no stroking. So I think it is likely. After all I’m a gay man who doesn’t like anal stimulation-well maybe a little rimming or a fingertip-but I don’t want anyone going near my prostate. So we two guys are almost diametric opposites. If I as a gay man can be allowed not to like prostate stimulation, why can’t we allow a straight man to like it? Now admittedly it can also be the first step for someone who is finally admitting an attraction to men. But I don’t think, considering the guy I described above, that it necessarily has to be. Gman
  5. I think he has an insulin pump-he is the brother who’s diabetic, isn’t he? I always wonder how difficult it is for them to hide it in all the revealing pictures he takes. I think he’s pretty damn cute-and obviously all the young girls go Ga-Ga over him. But I still think he panders to us which I’m not fond of. Or maybe I’m just jealous. Gman
  6. Years ago I went to a potluck work party. I had a jello cookbook and made some desserts-no it wasn’t a jello mold. Now this party was about 20 years ago. I’m positive I had tasted it before I brought it. I wouldn’t have wanted to bring something that I didn’t like, and I’m sure I thought it tasted good. My recollection is it was certainly something I would have eaten if offered. But to my best remembrance, the guests-there were about 10 to 12-stayed away from it like the plague. A now former friend (the former had nothing to do with the party) told me it wasn’t very good. But I don’t even remember him tasting it. Gman
  7. It’s a nice picture. But I don’t see a lot of difference between the 2018 Nick Jonas and the 2016 one in this picture. I never watched the show. Was he supposed to be drugged or just drunk? And of this was the way it was supposed to be-but I can barely tell what he’s doing to the woman much less what he is doing, if anything, to the guy, or the guy to him. Gman
  8. I just saw him on TV, and it looks like he is getting thin at the crown. So maybe Prince Charles is his father. Gman
  9. The closest I’ve come, which is nowhere close at all, is taking the Canadian from Toronto to Vancouver. The food wasn’t roasted duckling, but I do remember pork loin with a blueberry sauce. Gman
  10. I’ve had multiple wrong orders. Gman
  11. Call me unimpressed. I’d prefer they get the order right. Gman
  12. That’s a very understanding girlfriend. The dog was in 1st class, and she was in coach. They did say she bought a ticket for the peacock. Gman
  13. I realize we are all different. I’m having trouble with a therapy peacock. I guess I’m not empathetic enough. Gman
  14. I’d also like them to write my order down and not try to impress me with their memorization skills. Gman
  15. Delta Air Lines is not the only carrier cracking down on emotional support animals. A woman at Newark Liberty International Airport recently brought a peacock to join her on a United Airlines flight, according to the travel blog Live and Let's Fly. The passenger claimed that she bought an extra ticket to seat her emotional support bird, but United Airlines denied it from boarding the plane.On January 19, Delta made headlines when they announced an update to their service and support animal policy, based on their report that “animal-related incidents” such as urinating, aggression, and biting have increased by 84 percent since 2016. The airline's new rules require passengers with emotional support animals to prove that they have been well trained (and fully vaccinated). With this recent policy update, United and other airlines may follow suit by enforcing stricter regulations of their own. Current policies at United mandate that trained service and emotional support animals sit in front of the passenger's seat without obstructing the aisle. The passenger must also provide the United Accessibility Desk the appropriate documentation and at least 48-hours advance notice before his or her scheduled flight. Whether or not the United passenger followed all the necessary steps to bring her emotional support peacock onboard, the airline may have had the right to ban the bird, as it could not have feasibly sat at her feet without “protruding into the aisle,” seat or no seat. To prevent conflict and confusion over situations like this in the future, however, it is possible that United Airlines may be next to update their policies on pets of all stripes and tail feathers. Gman
  16. I was 15 or 16 the first time I jerked off. I had heard about masturbation but wasn’t quite sure how to do it. One day I was in the shower, and I started stroking. My knees almost gave out when I came. Gman
  17. I think that’s the way it worked for Seann William Scott. Gman
  18. I like onion soup and beef bourguignon. But most of the rest I can take a pass on. But what about some nice Tex-Mex with a sizzling plate of chicken fajitas? Years ago a friend took me to a place called Lauriol Plaza in DC (he also took us to some French restaurant in Annapolis). I have a vague memory of enjoying Lauriol Plaza very much. Gman
  19. Fees have gone thru the roof. They’ve increased much faster than the cost of living. I don’t see how guys afford it anymore. Gman
  20. I just saw a short clip on Porn Hub. It didn’t do a lot for me, but my libido has decided to take a few weeks of vacation without me. However looking at the size of Tim’s talkywacker made me feel bad about the size of mine. Gman
  21. There’s a place called The Hotel @ Times Square. It’s part of the Apple Hotel Group. I stayed there once years ago and thought it was a nice place. Gman
  22. I don’t think so-but maybe I said it wrong. The order of heights goes my cousin who is 6’, my brother who is 5’11”, me at 5’9”, and my youngest cousin at 5’8”. Gman
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