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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. Gar1eth

    Anal Eaze

    There was a former Dallas escort who used to use it routinely with me-actually it was medical grade lidocaine jelly-but same idea. His name was (Pat)Rick Bogan. He hasn’t escorted in years. And I think he has moved to Pennsylvania- his home state. I was in a condom. I don’t remember it numbing me. He still seemed to enjoy my topping him-and he still came. Gman
  2. Who knew gefilte fish (made of whitefish and pike) was a mousse? Gman
  3. There are four males in my generation in my family-my older brother, my older cousin, me, and my younger cousin. In terms of attractiveness my older cousin was a real hottie when he was young-kind of a Tom Selleck type. When my sister was in college, she happened to meet someone who went to my cousin’s high school. She asked the girl whether she knew my cousin. The girl said yes and assured my sister he was still very good looking. She told the girl, “He’s my cousin. I don’t care what he looks like.” He’s not as cute now at the age of 60, but the bones are there. My brother was also considered at least moderately handsome. He’s also just now really getting thin hair at the age of 63 when I’ve been bald since the age of 28. Even considering my cousin’s loss of looks, I am by far #4 in terms of being least attractive. I am the fattest and third shortest. I am also the least successful by a long shot. Gman
  4. I’m surprised. They would love to convert y’all. They’d probably be all happy to explain how they are spiritually one of the 12 tribes. Gman
  5. Ahh but people coming in for something are probably more primed to get together to meet. But as it’s your vision at work here Gman
  6. I’ll stick to muscle meats thank you. Gman
  7. Years ago the 1st Chicago Dinner was held in conjunction with IML. Is there any festival going on in NYC that might induce prospective attendees to attend? Gman
  8. He’s tweaking the system a little, but nothing bad. Don’t male missionaries usually go to the MTC (Mission Training Center) in Utah the summer after their freshman year at college? He’ll be going right after high school. (Most of my good friends in high school were LDS.). Gman
  9. I like Hart too. But I liked his father first. Gman
  10. We’re the reverse. I knew immediately who he was. As a young gay boy, he was one of my favorite actors. I had to Google Suzy Parker. Gman
  11. I’m with Mikey-I’d go for the onion soup minus the melted cheese on top although I love the crouton. When it comes to cheese, I like mostly pizza and cheesecake. Gman
  12. I always thought he was so handsome-him (yes I know it should be ‘he’, but it sounds better) and Lloyd Bochner. https://chicago.suntimes.com/entertainment/actor-bradford-dillman-starred-in-the-way-we-were-on-broadway-dies-at-87/ Gman
  13. Hope your medical issues are resolved in your favor soon. Gman
  14. I had trouble with a Florida rental once. I think it was at Miami. But it might have been Fort Lauderdale. It was not a name brand place. The flight ended up being delayed for like three hours. I didn’t get to the car rental place until around midnight. I think they were open 24 hours a day. I had put down my flight number. I figured they would know the flight was delayed. Instead when I got there, they thought I wasn’t going to show up I was so late. Gman
  15. From what I can tell, everyone has the same software. I’m assuming they are keeping data from it. But who knows. I wonder if there are any N.Y. professional people on the Forum who can speak to this. Gman
  16. Unfortunately you can’t post a review of someone you’ve never met. Gman
  17. I would if I could-I can’t. But I need your pot roast recipe. Gman
  18. I have never lived in San Antonio. I was in Corpus Christi for four years, and I used to wish I could live in San Antonio. Gman
  19. There is a new law that went into effect in NY State in 2016. Except in a few cases doctors will be fined if they write paper prescriptions in NY State. One of the exceptions is having the medication filled at an out of state pharmacy. The NY system is not very flexible though. If, for example the Pharmacy is out of the drug, a new prescription has to be sent. I’m not sure if that would be the case at a Pharmacy with multiple branches like Duane Reade. That’s why @jjkrkwood was having trouble getting a paper prescription. This is from a NY Times article Doctors can still write prescriptions by hand in exceptional cases, such as when the medication will be filled out of state, when there are technical problems and when the prescription is for something other than a medicine, like crutches or a wheelchair. Doctors who fail to follow the mandate “will be subject to a full range of disciplinary actions, including both civil and criminal penalties and fines,” according to the State Health Department. Gman
  20. Well aside from the fact that you’ve used the word diatribe incorrectly (could you have possibly meant jeremiad by any chance?), I was answering a question. Gman
  21. That’s easy to say here in absentia. But we don’t really know how small he is. And we’d need to ask the confirmed bottoms on the Forum how they would feel about having sex or a relationship with the guy. I can tell you I was turned down by two guys last week because I wasn’t big enough-and they were some of the only few who initially showed interest. If the apps weren’t the only way I could meet people (and please no lectures on that-it would be very difficult due to my life to meet anyone any other way), I’d be deleting them right and left. 99% of the time I’m too old, too out of shape, too small of cock, .... I could go on and on. Gman
  22. G-d love you!! I wish there were more around like you as I’m only 5”. But unfortunately there aren’t. I think people are being too cavalier about this guy’s misfortune. I’m not saying I think he should kill himself. But the majority of everyone out there saying -“Just accept it and go on” had probably never had to deal with having a small penis. I’m not saying those people might not have ‘crosses’ of their own to bear. But I came to the conclusion a long time ago that we all have different tolerance levels. This kind of thing strikes at the heart of what we feel we are as men. Should it-obviously not. But when it is such a fundamental part of being human. And to know you don’t measure up to even average ... I shudder to think how much rejection this guy has gone thru and will continue to go thru for the rest of his life. Gman
  23. It’s not like I watched it but YUCK!!! The Guy Who Played Barney the Dinosaur Now Runs a Tantric Sex Business https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/zmzgbw/the-guy-who-played-barney-the-dinosaur-now-runs-a-tantric-sex-business Gman
  24. EVIL SPATULA!! http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/hw99v8rlf1w6zcm/File%20Jan%2023%2C%203%2032%2044%20PM.jpeg?dl=0 Gman
  25. I appreciate the suggestion. But this guy is, he says, new to all this. He says the experience of being on Bear411 is “overwhelming”. I don’t know, if he’s telling the truth, whether he’s just shy, been in a relationship for a long time and not needed the apps, closeted/married to a woman, or what. I almost gave him my number. I decided a better course of action was to give him my email. He hasn’t responded and has even backed off from our previous communication where he said he would like me to top him. He never would have gone for exchanging phone numbers. I think you are overgeneralizing here. There are lots of bears only looking for otters (skinny hairy guys), chasers, or non-bear types. As for me I love hairy guys-I like smooth too. I like some bears. But I don’t like guys bigger than I am (usually as there might always be a rare exception). Part of this is due to personal tastes. Part of it is also due to my (under) endowment. It is extremely difficult for me to top guys with large buttocks. I can’t get anywhere even close to where I need to be. And no I’m not going to bottom. In general I like handsome chasers ( as long as they aren’t too young and aren’t overly twinky), otters (= skinnier hairy guys), what some would call ‘wolves’ (muscular bearish guys), average guys, athletic guys, bodybuilders, and jocks. As for being proud of being a bear, I know I’m not the only one who isn’t that fond of being as large as I am. And please don’t go on about how I could change my body type if I wanted to. Yes it’s in the realm of possibility, but it’s probability approaches zero-or shows like The Biggest Loser wouldn’t be so interesting. If everybody could take the pounds off easily, there’d be no show. Yes, I have. But I live 32 miles from Seattle. There is nowhere near as much going on where I live. I went for a time to the local gay community center on a regular basis but that never really led to anything. When I was first coming out -well I’m not exactly out now-but I’m not exactly closeted either-I went to a group in Seattle for exploring problems of older gay males. There was only one guy there close to my age. Most seemed much older. Most of them had been married and had children. One guy fell asleep during the meeting. I didn’t have much in common with them. So I didn’t go back. I also tried the Bear Movie Group. But most everyone going always came with someone else or knew several people there. I always came alone and didn’t know anyone. Only a few people would introduce themselves. For the most part they would watch the movie and then leave immediately afterwards without stopping to get a few munchies afterwards. So there was no chance to get to know the people. Since there was no chance to get to know people, I quit going. Now I don’t have the money to go out. So even if I could find a group, which I can’t , I couldn’t do anything. Gman
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