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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. I hired him for an overnight probably 14 years ago-this was before the first iPhone. He couldn’t stay away from texting on his BlackBerry. Gman
  2. He may be lying. But as far as I know I’m his only f-cking partner. Gman
  3. Even if Dexter is not on PrEP, it doesn’t matter for now because I am-but my insurance changes at the end of October and I probably won’t be able to afford it with the new insurance. Plus my doctors want to prescribe immunosuppressants for my myasthenia. I’m not sure how I’ll feel about going bare when I’ll be immune suppressed. Dexter has an nice house he bought a year and a half ago. He had no problems hosting. But he doesn’t want -I’m assuming it’s not just me but it could be -the neighbors to know he’s gay. So I’m not supposed to make noise when I arrive or leave. Even before the house Dexter had his own apartment. As for Ralph-he can’t host because he has a partner. I can’t host because of my living situation. And while I’m not completely closeted, I’m not 100% open-but no wife or kids hold me back. I’ll admit that being with a partnered guy disturbed me. He told me that they didn’t really have much sex. And he said they were open, and he was sure his partner had partners. He said they don’t discuss their sexual partners. But how am I to know if that was true? If he hadn’t seemed like such a nice guy, seemed to really like me so much, and my other opportunities being close to zilch, I would have said no. On top of that he lives close to 40 miles away, so we don’t see each other a lot. Ralph and I have been seeing each other around 10 months now. I’ve never met his hubby or seen a picture. It was still a worry if he truly was in an open relationship or not. But about a month ago I was reading a profile on the MisterX app. The guy was an older guy around my age. From certain tell-tale signs in the profile, I knew immediately that this was Ralph’s partner. And that he was looking for playmates. That made me feel a lot better about the situation. Gman
  4. I spent 41 years not having sex. I missed it all thru my teen-age and young adulthood when it might have been easier to find partners. (Of course that also might have saved my life from HIV). Now it’s like pulling hens teeth to find someone interested. But if I don’t get what I want/need, it might as well be mastubation and masturbation doesn’t satisfy me. I’ve made a promise to a friend that I would only go bare with him. I’m not going to go behind his back and breed someone. I’m not perfect, as you all know here, but I try to be a man of my word. And while I like having sex with Dexter, he’s proven to me over the years that all he really wants is my cock and doesn’t value me at all. He’s condescending and overly entitled. As for the the unknown guy-I’m not asking for love. I like to kiss. It hasn’t nothing to do with affection-or at least it doesn’t with strangers. It’s part of the sex act for me. Maybe it’s not for you. Let’s say equivalently @jjkrkwood someone only wanted you to top them. That’s not your style. You’d probably refuse to see them. I usually refuse guys who don’t like to kiss. It’s as simple as that. Unfortunately there aren’t that many guys who like chubs. But I’m not going to have unsatisfactory sex just because someone says they are interested. Gman
  5. Well I could have had sex -or at least partial sex twice last night, but I turned it down. The first opportunity was from an on and off f-ckbuddy I’ve known for about 6 years-Dexter. I may have talked about this guy some before. He’s about 40, 6 feet tall, athletically muscular and handsome. There are multiple problems with him. When we 1st met, he said he was interested in a boyfriend. Well that didn’t last long. Now he is very experienced. He had a prior boyfriend for years when I’ve never had any. He’s also one of those handsome well-groomed types. I’m not exactly a slob-ok I am-but this guy is more of an athletic GQ type-so it’s not like we are perfect match. He has probably an 8 inch talkywacker beautiful tallywacker-but at least with Daddy types he wants to bottom. But in the 6 years I’ve only slept over at his place twice. He’s never introduced me to anyone else he knows. We’ve never gone out in public together. Recently someone who knows of him-said the saying he wanted to be boyfriends and then backtracking is his modus operandi. Probably one of Dexter’s main problems is he is too handsome. He acts very entitled. His profile on one of the apps reeks of hubris. But he’s handsome. So he can get away with it. We hadn’t talked (texted) much on the apps for the past 6 months. But over the last two months-I don’t know what’s going on but he’s asked me to come over at least three times. He actually texted at 1 AM and said “let’s cuddle.” He’s almost never said that. I’m wondering if my refusals are making him want me more. But if we are going by past experiences, he really just wants to be topped. Then he wants me out the door. Well so why didn’t I go over to this guy’s house. #1. If we aren’t starting until 1:30 AM and we play around for at least an hour and a half-I’d probably want to spend the night. Going from past experiences, once he’s cum-it would pretty much be-“Don’t let the Door his you on the way out”. The other thing is he only wants me bare. He tells me he’s on PrEP. And I mostly believe him. I’m on PrEP too. But the problem is I have another f-buddy-Ralph. I don’t get to see him much. But as far as I know, I’m the only one topping Ralph. And we started out protected. But he wanted to go bare. We came to an agreement that if I went bare with him, he was the only one I’d go bare with. The last time I topped him was probably September because we have nowhere to really meet. We’ve played around with oral. But because of the agreement with Ralph, I can’t see Dexter because he’ll only want me bare. 2nd chance Saturday night/Sunday morning-a guy contacted me on Grindr and wanted to blow me off. But he just wanted an anonymous blow’n’ go. I prefer to know someone better. I also prefer the session to involve kissing. This guy wasn’t interested in that, so I turned him down. So I guess I shouldn’t complain I never get any offers. I do occasionally. But they are darn few. Due to circumstances, I couldn’t accept either of them. Gman
  6. Well if you’re an artist, maybe that can lead to inspiration. For a great many of us, however, it just leads to depression. Gman
  7. Thank the Powers Above I read y’all’s comments before clicking on that link. Gman
  8. I’m not so sure about that. I mean obviously open relationships work for some. But sex is also one of the things that binds people together. Without it-or it if you ‘bind’ with someone else-it could be a death knell for the relationship. Gman
  9. Grace’s Mom was Debbie Reynolds. Who played Karen’s? Gman
  10. You mean just one shot (squeeze) and just like Guy you’re good for the whole day? Gman
  11. Well you have the greatest pickings in the USA. But even so if I were there I wouldn’t usually be able to find my very favorite types. I really like tall muscular blond Nordic types or muscular redheads. Both preferably without tattoos or piercings. Those kind of guys for some reason are in very short supply even in the abundance that is NYC. Now for guys whose favorite types are Latino, Mediterranean, and similar types there are defintely a lot to choose from. Gman
  12. That’s nice then. When I hired, I tried to stay away from g4pay guys as much as possible. In general I think I succeeded, unless they were the greatest actors ever. I know some people will say well it’s not like the gay escorts were actually attracted to you either. Still there’s a difference even if I can’t explain it. To some it doesn’t matter. But it did to me. Gman
  13. So I wonder why would he block @adventurous old guy? I hope you don’t mind. But could you clarify your terms a bit better? By ‘huge’ do you mean ‘likes to’ or ‘ is an avid bottom’? ‘Huge bottom’ at least as a connotation is not how I remember masculine guys being described. Those kind of words traditionally in my experience were usually part of a conversation that went something like, “Well he looks masculine. But in reality he’s a big (huge) ol’ bottom.” Mind you I’m not saying bottoms aren’t masculine. The majority of guys I’ve topped over the years have been masculine as that’s the kind of guy I prefer. But I’d seldom describe them as ‘huge bottoms’. Gman
  14. If I could, I would. I mean that’s what I really want-a nice friend with benefits. But it’s difficult enough even with Viagra and the like for “Junior” to perk up anymore with guys I like, much less guys I’m not attracted to. So any FWB is going to need to be someone I’m attracted to not just any guy off the street. But it’s mostly a pipe dream anyway. I’ve been on the apps for 6 years and haven’t been able to find someone like that. Gman
  15. I wish it had had that effect on me. I was vaguely nauseous for about two weeks when I started it, and I occasionally had some weird dreams which I wasn’t sure were due to Truvada as I often have weird dreams. Gman
  16. Thanks for the suggestion. I tried it for a while years ago. Most of the guys who liked me, and there weren’t that many to begin with, were some combo of either other bearish guys like me, really really young, really really twinky dudes, or lived hundreds of miles away. Gman
  17. That what I was trying to say about friends. But I don’t really have the opportunity to make any unless it’s thru the apps. It’s just the way my situation is. Gman
  18. If you are talking about Brian (?Bryan), facially I found Brian adorable. He was more on the guy next door type body-wise initially. Afterwards he toned up a bit with a bit more muscle. I remember he said Mike was upset because he was trying to gain muscle at the time too. But I think Mike because of his ectomorphic body type was having trouble putting on muscle. This was of course over 10 years ago. Mike seems to have bulked up nicely since then. Gman
  19. Rather should be Mycoxain’tafloppin. Gman
  20. Oh and I always take my pointy hat off for sex. Gman
  21. Au contraire, mon ami. See my two posts. Gman
  22. After just looking at his ad, I see he has changed his preferences to Top. Good for him. He’ll probably have less guys wanting him to bottom. But didn’t he used to advertise as gay-when now he says he’s bisexual? Of course there was that time on the Forum he mentioned having a wife. And wasn’t he a proponent of safe sex at one time? But now he says he has scenes on Raw Fuck Club-ahh how the mighty have fallen. Gman
  23. I attempted to hire him once towards the latter part of his career. But I was ambivalent because while he was handsome, some things I saw on his videos made me question whether we were really compatible. So when I called and said I was a top, he started talking about how he didn’t want to bottom for everyone. It was difficult. And while I can definitely believe that, he should have just changed his ad to top only and not complained to clients about them wanting him to bottom when he was a well-known bottom. He also complained because I had given him a Google phone number. He said something about he had never had a good client with a Google phone number. Then when describing myself I told him I had a beard. He started mentioning how beards scratched up his face. At that point, I told him politely that I didn’t think we were a good match. And I hoped he had a good business trip while in Seattle. Gman
  24. I’d like to squeeze those two melons. But I’ll never get a guy like that. Don’t get me wrong. I know I’m not special. I know a lot of us will never get a guy like that. I’m just frustrated. Maybe I wouldn’t think about sex so much if I had a non-sexual friend or two. But unfortunately I’m as sh-t at having them as I am at having sex regularly-or even worse. While it’s been a month or two since I’ve topped someone, it’s been years since I’ve had good friends I could count on. Gman
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