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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. Thank you for clarifying. I appreciate it. I’m not really aware of any sex clubs in Seattle. There is something called Rain City Jacks which is I believe a group (self)masturbation club. I might be wrong about the self part. I’m not really comfortable with the idea of a sex club-I’m not that fond of bath houses either. But not knowing how sex clubs operate-I’m wondering if I’d have the same dismal luck there that I used to have when I occasionally went to a bath house. However, @jjkrkwood, I’m glad you have them as an outlet and are successful there. I’ve said an occasional Grrr to someone. And I’ve sent Grrrs as some of the apps have that option available. But I’m not really into ‘bear’ culture in the same way I’m not into the type of gay culture where you call people -both males and females-as girlfriend’ or refer to people as ‘bitches’. In the past I routinely deleted hook-up apps when they became too frustrating. But that was in a past when I could afford to hire. Now that I can’t afford to hire if the apps didn’t occasionally bear fruit-or even better than fruit-a guy who likes me chub and all and to whom I’m attracted also-then I’d never have sex at all. The apps are the only game in town unfortunately even if my success rate on them hovers near the zero end. Gman
  2. As a side note, I had wanted to hire Mike years ago. I know he advertises as a top. But some top guys are amenable to bottoming. It just may not be something they want to do as an escort. But he was definitely not interested in being versatile. His ex-boyfriend when I met him confirmed that for me too. Gman
  3. I’m trying to think-on Adam4Adam I’ve met my least number of guys over the years maybe 5 or so. Since you basically want to suck large tallywackers, sex clubs are a good place to find guys you like. Since I like kissing, body contact, and topping -and I need a decent sized bed to do that stuff. Sex clubs are not really my cup of tea. (I’m assuming by sex club you mean a bath house). Plus my success rate at bath houses and totally anonymous sex is near zero. I’m glad they work for you though. Gman
  4. Yesterday I was on Scruff. This really cute British guy ‘woofed me’. Facially he looked like a young Matthew Perry. I thanked him for the ‘woof’. We started talking. He seemed really into me-wanted to provide me some oral attention. We arranged to meet today. At midnight I get a text thru Scruff that he has to pick up some special headphones from a mall in Seattle and has no time to meet even though he isn’t leaving until Friday. After him a cute guy with a partner who lives nearer me Woofed me-we talked. He seemed interested in meeting me. He has a thing for older guys. We talk about meeting. I wake up today, and apparently either he or his boyfriend blocked me. Then a cute guy-new to the area-with from pictures- an 8 or 9 inch tallywacker who is tired of topping and wants to bottom contacted me on Adam4Adam. I told him I most likely wasn’t looking for a boyfriend only a friends with benefits situation. Now he won’t respond to texts although I don’t think he has blocked me. Finally, there is a guy on Bear411. He says he is new to it and finds it a bit overwhelming. I’m assuming it’s because he’s both new online and an attractive guy, so I’m betting a lot of guys are contacting him. The troubles are he lives 125 miles from me, and he says work is really busy for him right now. He says he’s interested in meeting. I hate trying to arrange things with guys on Bear411. Since it’s a website and not an app, it doesn’t alert you to messages unless you are logged into it. I’ve missed messages for days from forgetting to log into it. I explain that to him, and give him one of my emails. I also tell him-which I’m sure y’all all know is that the longer ‘conversations’ go on -much like escorts often tell us with long correspondences from potential clients- with these apps an inertia sets in. And it’s less likely a meeting will ever occur. (Just a note of clarification here-I’ve been talking with this guy off and on for weeks. I didn’t spring the ideas of communicating by email on him at once, nor the idea of inertia. We’ve been ‘talking’ on and off since probably at least the 2nd week of December). I tell him I’m not trying to push him though if he’s uncomfortable. He replies ‘ok’. But I’m guessing he’s a lost cause-distance and his own insecurities with a meet-up app coming into play. The sad thing is I really only appeal to guys who like bears. But I’m not really into my fellow bears (for the most part with an occasional exception) unless they are the skinnier otter types or what some might call ‘wolves’-the muscular bear types. And while there is an ‘over abundance’ of my type of bear. There is definitely a dearth of the kinds of guys I like spread over too many me-types. I’d say gay men on apps are scum. But I think it’s just men on apps in general. Some years back I had a zaftig friend who was exploring the dating waters as she was about to divorce her husband. Her app/website of choice was Pool of Fish. I remember her getting ready to go on one-maybe two- different meet and greets and the guys never showing up. She also told me she met so many guys online who wanted sex-can you imagine? I guess it’s the nature of the apps. I’ll bet women can be flaky too. It’s the anonymous nature of the apps that make it so easy to flake. I also realize I’m not perfect-but I try not to play the games others do on the apps. The one main thing I have problems with is letting people down easy if I’m not attracted to them which seem to be the majority of guys who contact me. Since I’m rebuffed 99% of the time, I know how it feels But in the case of these 4 guys-it wasn’t a situation of them needing to rebuff me as I wasn’t their type. All 4 of them indicated interest. That’s what is so frustrating when not so many do. Considering the guys who are interested in me are ‘‘rara avis’es”, ie “rare birds”, I guess it’s good that my libido is so reduced these days. It’s been two or three weeks since I last.... (hope that is not too much TMI). I do feel the need to now. But I hate to just masturbate and ‘waste it’ considering how long it can take me to ‘build back up a head of steam’ these days when I’d really prefer to be with someone. Gman
  5. I’m glad the holidays were good for you and the boys. I did have one question about your narrative. Is the oldest son’s girlfriend at school with him? As for escorts, it’s too bad Andrew Justice retired. But he probably would have required an overnight as he would have been coming in from out of town. Here are two guys who have been around for a while. I can only say that their reviews have been good as I’m not a bottom. https://rent.men/MikeAustin https://rent.men/BradHunt Brad was a porn star in his younger days. I’m sure you can find some free stuff of his online. Personally I think he is handsomer now. And while Brad advertises as versatile, if the common belief that most clients are bottoms is true, and in any case considering the size of his tallywacker, I’m sure he is asked to top much more often than he is to bottom. Gman
  6. Austin and San Antonio never seem to have that many. Gman
  7. It depends on what you like/are attracted to. I often see members here all excited about some escort that I would never pick. For example, there are some members who really like the young, twinks. And there is nothing wrong with liking legal age twinks. But for the most part, I have no attraction to them at all. So how hot ‘all’ escorts are is going to depend on how eclectic you are. You hear about-at least in books-straight guys who talk about how all women are beautiful-just some more than others. There’s probably a gay equivalent to that. But I’d say that for most us on here we aren’t quite as eclectic as that. There are types we like and types we definitely don’t. Gman
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e6NBcuO20tE Gman
  9. For years I’ve received emails from Facebook listing people I might want to be friends with. And occasionally I’ve recognized some of these people as escorts. I’ve always figured that Facebook somehow looked at my email contacts and matched emails and/or my phone contact list. That’s why I’ve never given Facebook my phone number. Gman
  10. I understand your point. But I actually find the praising to the sky comments more suspect by new-ish members—esp when there have been questionable comments made prior to their paeans of glory. Gman
  11. You see ‘smoking’ listed on so many of these profiles in their “Likes Section”. While I realize some escorts smoke, I always wonder if a lot of them just check all the options to try to appeal to the widest selection of clients. I also wonder if this guy is one of the bisexual4pay group. I’m not sure if I ever hired a guy who listed his position as ‘Ask Me’. Gman
  12. Gar1eth


    Ah we are different. While I don’t like bag check fees, I hate not having an assigned seat. I also hate that they don’t have food. And on long distance flights I’ve often thought their seats were incredibly uncomfortable. They are fine for a short jaunt from Dallas to Houston or Dallas to Austin, but I find long flights on SWA to be murder. And nowadays unless you book really, really far in advance they are just as expensive as the legacy airlines with the added bonus that depending on where you are going, if it’s a long distance flight/cross country flight, it can often take you all day as there’s a good chance you are going to have to change flights. Mind you, I don’t think American has particularly comfortable seats either. Alaska Air has pretty comfortable seats. But their seat pockets on the backs of the seats in front of you are (intentionally I’m sure) a joke. But I’m glad you made it home safely. Gman
  13. Gar1eth


    I’m glad if you are on SW that you are only going to Chicago and that you have munchies. I used to have a non-sexual friend who lived in suburb of Baltimore -actually he still does although is about to move to Atlanta. I haven’t seen him for a long time due to financial circumstances. But when I had the money, I visited and once either took a SW flight from Baltimore all the way back to Seattle or possibly it was to Dallas. In either case there was a stop in Chicago. By the time I arrived at Midway I was extremely hungry. We weren’t changing planes, but the flight attendant told us how long we had before we had to re-board. But she had the time zones mixed up. We had much less time than she indicated. I think we only had 20 minutes. I remember being in line at the Potbelly worried it was taking too long. On a the plus side, I had never been to a Potbelly before. I’m a fan of their roast beef sandwich. But I make them put extra mayo on it as it has a tendency to be too dry without it. Gman
  14. Now that would be telling. Gman
  15. My libido is pretty low too. I don’t know if it’s from low testosterone or not. Last time it was checked- a few years back it was normal. But my libido was low then too. Gman
  16. I think there is at least one lie on that website. I don’t think the drugs can be FDA approved if they aren’t legal here in the USA. One of the problems I have with these places is the problem of counterfeit drugs I saw a Dateline or similar program years ago where they found a shipment of totally fake Viagra. They looked exactly like the real thing. The only way you could tell the difference was on chemical analysis. Gman
  17. While technically the patent doesn’t expire until 2020, Teva has come to an agreement with Pfizer and is selling a generic. But Teva’s generic is still expensive. At this point, getting generic Revatio is still much, much cheaper. I can get the equivalent of 6-100 mg doses for about $19. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/viagra-to-go-generic-in-2017-according-to-pfizer-agreement/ Gman
  18. I’m sure you can get a paper prescription if you ask for it. There are always reasons-for example you might be going out of town on a trip-and need one in case you run out. Gman
  19. But the bottle itself should say the name of the prescription. If the bottle says Sildenafil, rather than Revatio, then it’s the generic. Also here are pictures of the branded Revatio. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/rbi80dz8fg84ap3/File%20Jan%2011%2C%202%2051%2013%20PM.png?dl=0 Gman
  20. Are you sure you are getting Revatio and not generic Revatio? I’ve never seen that low a price for branded Revatio anywhere. If it’s really that low, I’d love to know the pharmacy. Gman
  21. That’s a good price. If you don’t mind taking multiple tablets, the generic 20 mg tablet can probably be obtained for about the same price using GoodRx. I can get it for about .59 cents a tablet, so taking 5 costs me about $2.95. There’s the inconvenience of taking 5 tablets, but the convenience of being able to pick it up at a nearby pharmacy But thanks for the info on Big Mountain. Gman
  22. Gar1eth

    Dean Monroe

    I’ll have to agree. I hadn’t seen pictures of him in a while. It seems to me that when I saw him last, he had some stripes on his abdomen and some type of sunburst or mandala on his arm. These new ones are a shame. Gman
  23. Gar1eth

    Dean Monroe

    That’s too bad. He can be a bit reserved, but I count him in my top 10 experiences. A quick story... This was years ago. I had been visiting Los Angeles. I had always wanted to meet him. But he had retired for a bit. The day I was leaving I saw he was in LA and advertising. I believe he was staying in Beverly Hills, but I’m not familiar with the LA area so it might have been somewhere else. I decided that it was worth the possibility of missing my plane to see him. I called him up, and he was available. He gave me his directions, and I drove to see him. Once I got there, I was really nervous-not about meeting him but about missing my plane. He was very nice throughout it all. When he were finished meeting, I tried to pay him more than we had agreed upon because I had been so nervous throughout the meeting. He refused to take the extra. Gman
  24. Big Pharma is getting ridiculous. I just priced 6 branded Viagra 100 mg pills using GoodRx. The least expensive price was $389. That’s $64.83 a pill. I know I didn’t play that back around 2005. I never would have been able to afford it. I think they were around $20 a pill then. Is this massive price increase recent since the generic came out? What market are they going for? I doubt an insurance company, unless they have a deal with Pfizer, is going to cover Viagra -assuming they cover ED drugs at all-when the generic is about $18 a pill. Gman
  25. I should have said in the majority of cases generics are usually considered to be equivalent to brand name. But even I know some examples where they aren’t. I believe there can be problems with timed-release formulations with generics compared to the branded drug, I know that my father’s physician wanted him to get branded Coumadin (a blood thinner) rather than the generic warfarin. I also know that the standards for most generics don’t say the absorption has to be 100% of the branded drug-they are allowed a range of absorption. I’ve even had experience where a long time ago I was taking generic adderall. I could definitely feel a difference in effect between two different brands of generics. But as regards Revatio vs generic sildenafil, I have not been able to find anything that says Revatio is approved for erectile dysfunction and the generic of it isn’t. ***** On another note-as probably a lot of people know. Viagra itself is now generic. But the generic is still on the expensive side. Teva is one company making a generic. I found a prescription assistance program Teva was offering for those with non-governmental insurance-Medicare, Medigap, and Tricare don’t qualify either-where Teva would pay up to a $100 copay for 6 tablets. Google Teva Assistance Program and you should be able to find it. For some reason the assistance program for Viagra at least is not available in Massachusetts and won’t be in California starting sometime in June 2018. Gman
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