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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. Unless I’ve misunderstood the discussions I’ve had regarding generics with my own physicians over the years (which is not impossible) or the laws of NYC are different than a lot of other states (I’ve lived in multiple states), I’d have to say that what your physician has told you seems very wrong to me. Sildenafil is a generic. Generics are approved for the same treatments as the branded drug. Many states even have laws that prescriptions can be filled with generics if the doctor approves. Would any of the physicians on the Forum comment on this? Plus from my reading of the drug information sheet for Revatio, it seems to me that Revatio is indicated for a disease called pulmonary hypertension not erectile dysfunction. Erections while using Revatio for pulmonary hypertension would be considered a side effect. As for your price for Revatio, I have to wonder if it’s being convered by your insurance. Because if not, then NYC has the cheapest prices for Revatio that I’ve ever seen. In fact I just plugged a zip code for the Upper East Side into the GoodRx app. Here are the non-insurance prices for 90 Revatio tablets using a GoodRx coupon at local pharmacies http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/pm0osfo8chu6i0y/File%20Jan%2011%2C%209%2056%2004%20AM.png?dl=0 And here are the non insurance NYC prices for generic sildenafil using a GoodRx coupon. These prices are pharmacy specific. As you can see at the bottom, Walgreens/Duane Reed would charge $432 dollars for 90 tablets whereas Acme Markets only charges $37.10 http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/duz5l6iud8lm53p/File%20Jan%2011%2C%209%2055%2043%20AM.png?dl=0 Prices can definitely change over time. I originally used the GoodRx coupon for generic sildenafil at Walmart. Then that became very expensive even with the coupon. I currently get a low price for the tablets at Safeway. (Which just as an FYI if you are in Texas would be the same price at Randall’s in Houston or Tom Thumb in Dallas). Gman
  2. Well it’s not always the best. But in many cases we have more choice. For example, I was at a lecture on Ethics in the 1980’s by one of the first women pediatric surgeons. She was probably in her early 70’s at that point. She had retired and had obtained a Master’s in Medical Ethics from the UK. While telling us about the wonders of socialized medicine, she did bring up a hypothetical of someone her age needing a kidney transplant. She said they told her the National Health wouldn’t ok it for someone her age-but that they would for her since she was a physician. So no system is perfect. Gman
  3. I realize this is an old thread. And I don’t know whether my comment will be needed. I found the thread and @jjkrkwood’s comment whole searching for something else. I’d like to make a small corection to @jjkrkwood’s comment above-and again I realize someone may have already caught it. But there are at least 63 posts in this thread, and I don’t want to go thru them all (sorry) While if not covered by insurance, it is cheaper to take the 20 mg sildenafil tablets, it’s the generic that sildenafil and not the name brand (Revatio) 20 mg which is cheaper. Revatio is very, very expensive. Here are screenshots from the GoodRx app (an app and website where you you can often obtain free coupons that give large discounts on medications that aren’t covered by insurance. Occasionally it might make the medications cheaper than expensive copays. The classic Goodrx is free. Anyone can download the app or use the website. There is also apparently a new subscription option which might save you more money-but I haven’t looked into it yet). Revatio Pricing using GoodRx at my local pharmacies http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/67ado4l1azrixo0/File%20Jan%2010%2C%209%2043%2029%20PM.png?dl=0 And the prices using the GoodRX coupon for generic Revatio-ie sildenafil http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/nm71buw1rvu92xs/File%20Jan%2010%2C%209%2043%2047%20PM.png?dl=0 Gman
  4. Happy Natal Day Anniversary -two days late!! Gman
  5. Obviously not all gay men like to kiss. So it just brings up the question of whether maybe he likes to save kissing for his private relationships or whether he’s only bisexual for money-ie gay4pay. Gman
  6. I’m not sure how not being a member works exactly. I would have thought if they had actually deleted their accounts then you wouldn’t still be able to use the @ function with their Forum ID. If you click on his name in one of his posts, however, he has chosen the option to have his profile not reachable. Gman
  7. Does that mean you decided to start therapy? Possibly you mentioned this. But it’s a long thread, and I might have missed a post or three. I’ve always had a problem understanding the concept of transference. Or at least-when I hear it described-it seems like textbooks and therapists reserve this concept for what happens between a patient... pardon me, I think we are supposed to be clients now. The Latin root of the word patient is of course pati which means ‘to suffer’. So of course we who were formerly patients need a name change to clients for the comfort of the 1% or less who know what the root of patient is. But as I was saying-I’ve never understood why this concept of transference is reserved for the therapist/client relationship. It seems to me that transference-if it is real at all-must happen frequently in most relationships. But maybe I’m wrong. It wouldn’t be the 1st time. Gman
  8. Just some FYIs here-this thread was started in 2015 by @Mikegaite-an escort who hasn’t posted on here in a long while. The last post before yours on here was 11 months ago. I’m always curious how new members find these old threads. Care to tell us how you found it, @phraughy? Also unless he has an alternate Forum identity, @Kuriousity hasn’t posted on here in at least a year. Of course it’s always possible he checks the Forum without logging in. The other interesting thing about him is that I think he said his avatar was a true picture of him. If I looked like that, I doubt I would have ever needed to have hired-or at least not needed to very often. Gman
  9. I realize all of us are different. I’m a lonely guy. But I don’t need that type of fantasy. That’s treading into a dangerous area for me. What I want from an escort is more like a friend with benefits type of relationship. And even the friend part might be asking too much. I’ve had escorts I’ve saw for several years. They always said I was pretty easy to get along with. I hope they were telling the truth. But now that I don’t hire, the only one I hear from occasionally is @Tygerscent. I thought at least one specifically (maybe a few others) actually liked me enough to occasionally check in with me. But he really hasn’t. Gman
  10. My lips are on the thicker side. I don’t know whether this is natural or if they are the only muscles I’ve ever really managed to build up. When I was a youngster, I was diagnosed with a tongue thrust. It had caused me to have a pretty large overbite. The orthodontists told my parents that if I didn’t have it corrected, once I was finished with my headgear and braces, the overbite would return. So I went to a Myofunctional Therapist for about a year. I don’t even know if this is still a possible career choice or not. But she had to train my tongue to fit in the roof of my mouth as my tongue at the time instead of arching up rested more on the floor of munchings mouth and the tip constantly pressed against my bottom teeth in stead of staying in that depression in the roof of your mouth. Please no sexual innuendoes. I was 11 and 12. I had to do several exercises both on my tongue and my lips. One of the exercises had a button tied to each end of a kite string. I had to put the button behind my lips and in front of my teeth and someone pulled on the string to bring the button out of my mouth. There was a button on the other end in case I could get a family member to put the second button in their mouth and we would play a tug-of-war. There was also another exercises. There where these plastic discs with a hole in the center. They were each supposed to weigh about as much as a marshmallow. There was a bit of twine-like the drawstring on a parka -or actually a bit thicker-like the drawstring on a bag. The string had a knot on one end. The marshmallow weights were slipped onto the string and kept from falling off by the knot on the end. I would take the free end of the string into my mouth, and I was supposed to use my lips to manipulate the string into my mouth and bring the weights up to my lips. I remember I started with only one or a couple of weights on the string, and built up to being able to bring the string up to my lips with probably 7 to 10 weights on the end. @Rudynate can you tell us anything about the state of myofunctional therapy today-or what has replaced it-for curing people of tongue thrusts? Gman
  11. I am actually attracted to many Asian men, but these guys are too androgynous for me. And I was never attracted to Mick Jagger. Gman
  12. I thought I was doing well knowing fortuitous (it does have 4 syllables after all) and defenestrate (another one with 4 syllables). But you lost me at recherché. I think I had looked it up once or twice before. But being in my dotage, it didn’t adhere. How the mighty have fallen. I remember in my senior honor’s English class in high school when I was the only one who knew (aside from the teacher, of course) that the word distaff referred to female-related things. I can’t remember now if I knew that it originally was a staff used in spinning wool into thread-i.e. women’s work. Gman
  13. He was a big burly escort-probably 6’4” at least. I actually know his real name. But I haven’t seen any info on him since 2014. It makes me wonder if he might have died. Gman
  14. That makes sense. But if you are trying to establish a relationship a guy you’ve never seen before, it seems to me it could start things off on a strident note-like bringing up a pre-nup agreement on a first date. Gman
  15. I would think that would be a good thing. Gman
  16. I’m alone most of the time. NYE and Valentine’s Day just drum my aloneness into my head more. Gman
  17. I’m very similar to you. I’ve done nothing and been alone on NYE as an adult for the majority of my life. The main exception being that a few times-the last one I remember occurring was around 2005-i had to work at night on NYE. A few of us had sparking non-alcoholic apple juice to celebrate at midnight. When I was a youngster I used to like to watch the ball drop in Times Square on TV. As an adult, I’ve grown to hate NYE and Valentines’s Day due to being alone and without a partner. Gman
  18. While I think you are mostly correct, it does depend somewhat on the training program psychiatrists go to. I think there are still some -possibly only a few these days-that seem to be more talk oriented than others. As in everything, it’s an odds game. From personal experience I can tell you that I’ve liked the majority of my therapists, but that hasn’t made a difference. Gman
  19. @FreshFluff-this may not be a good thing. I’d say that at least 70% of the therapists I’ve seen over the years have been cute to attractive. The most attractive one was straight, so what I’m about to say regarding the gay practitioners doesn’t apply to him. So here I am sitting in therapy with these attractive gay guys. And most of these practitioners, while not revealing any inappropriate details, have indicated that they had their own struggles coming out. But I would keep thinking to myself, but once they came out and accepted being gay -how much easier it was for them to find hook-ups/dates/partners than it was for me since I’m not that attractive (I’m not a Medusa by any means-just not that attractive). I was talking about this with an acquaintance of mine. I told him I had for the most part always picked gay male practitioners because I thought they could understand what I was going through better. And I told him that most of them seemed very attractive. He told me he always picked women therapists as there was no chance he was going to be attracted to them. So while it’s pleasant to sit and look at an attractive person (unless of course he’s an analyst, and you are lying down), maybe it’s better not to have a therapist you could be attracted to. Gman
  20. Is that the OctoMom-the one on the left I mean? Gman
  21. I’ll go a bit further. There’s this hot guy I know. We met about 5 years ago. This guy is extremely handsome. It’s too bad he’s not a better person. He’s about 6 feet tall, athletically muscular, and has what is most likely an *8 inch (bee-you-tee-ful) tallywacker. *As I’ve noted before, I never seem to have a tape measure around during intimate moments. This guy is probably the handsomest guy who has ever been interested in me. On the bad side- using pop psychology-because he is so handsome, he’s arrogant. And I’m betting a lot of guys let him get away with his behavior because he is so handsome. We haven’t seen each other for a while. But when we did see each other, he knew that giving oral is not my favorite thing to do. But he would still ‘go down’ on me in spite of that. Gman
  22. You might be surprised, @FreshFluff. Gman
  23. But isn’t that more of just a mental image? I mean the majority of the tallywacker is going to be inside the guy’s mouth. Will the size of the lips really influence how good getting head will feel? Gman
  24. My Hebrew isn’t very good. And if I’m not mistaken, the difficulty is increased as what we can see is the mirror image. It looks backwards to me. @FreshFluff, can you help us out with the Hebrew. It almost looks to me like it spells out “ahava” which is one of the few Hebrew words I know right off the bat. It means “love”. Gman
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