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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. Who said anything about authentic? After all theu use pot roast for machaca. But authentic or not, it's still delicious. And so was mine. ? On a different but related subject as it still refers to Mexican food-someday, I'm going to get the courage to cook up some caldo de res (beef soup for those whose Español is a bit lacking). Gman
  2. There's no real sauce except for the salsa. Here's the description from a Houston IHOP Menu- Machaca Scramble $9.39 Scrambled eggs with shredded beef, Jack & Cheddar, onions, jalapeños, tomatoes & tortilla strips. Served with hash browns, tortillas & our salsa. Gman
  3. Thanks a lot. It was easy-peasy and quick. I was really surprised at how quick everything came together. If you consider the time it takes to gather everything together, it probably takes 15 to 20 minutes tops. And that's just because I'm slow. The thing that takes the most time is chopping and sautéing the onions (and other stuff). It was esp easy because I cheated and used pre-cooked beef. Let me explain. I first became aware of the dish at IHOP. But not all of them have it. For example I've seen it offered at most Texas IHOPs, at the few IHOPs I've been to years ago in California, and possibly at an IHOP years ago in Madison, Wisconsin. If I did have it in Madison, that would have been the 1st place I had it. But I didn't like it at the time. I must have been crazy. Because when I tried it a few years later, I loved it and have been ordering it since. On the other hand it was almost impossible to find at the IHOPs in Washington state. In the 9 years or so I lived there, it was only on their menu a few times. Even on the current menu in Texas, it's listed down in the corner with no picture accompanying it as if they are trying to hide the dish. For those who don't know-machaca itself is some kind of dried beef popular in Mexico. I'm sure it's a holdover from the no refrigeration days. They cook the meet and let it dry out in the rafters to preserve it. Then when it's time to eat it, you soak it to soften it up. (Anyone who knows more about machaca please add in and correct any of my mistakes). For the machaca with eggs dish that IHOP serves, they cheat and use the same beef they use for the pot roast. I took a shortcut and used Hormel roast beef as I've never cooked a roast beef. Plus I'm single. Cooking a roast for one is a lot of work-it's not something you do every day even if you can save a lot for leftovers. I used this. It cost just under $6 at Walmart. And there's enough for three generous portions at least. It microwaves in 3 minutes. When it's done, cut it into pieces and shred it. Recipe 1. Onions - 3 or so slices from an onion-more if you like. 2. 3 eggs 3. About a cup of tortilla chips broken up but not totally crushed 4. 3/4 cup salsa +additional salsa after its cooked Directions 1. Saute the onions (and jalapeños if you like them) in some butter or oil until they are translucent (Here's a video on how to sauté onions if you need help. You actually don't need a lot of onions if you are only cooking for one ) 2. Heat the roast beef per directions in microwave. 3. Scramble the eggs in the same pan you sautéed and kept the onions in. 4. When the eggs are almost all the way set stir in the tortilla chips and the salsa. 5. Continue stirring until the eggs are set. 6. Stir in the shredded beef. 7. Plate and serve with salsa and warm corn tortillas [some people add jalapeños and cheese while it's cooking. But I don't like jalapeños or cheese (well I like some cheese but in limited quantities), so I don't. ] Some people also might plate it with sour cream or guacamole-but see my feelings on cheese and jalapeños for why I don't.] You could also dice some tomatoes and mix it in with the onions while they are sautéing Confession -I didn't go to the trouble to saute an onion. So I left it out. I did however make some roasted mushrooms in the oven as a side dish, and I had cut up a few onion slices with the mushrooms. Now the mushrooms to prepare and cook took about 30 minutes. But I didn't include this in the machaca time as not everyone will want mushrooms. And if you do, you can certainly start the machaca prep after getting the onions in the oven A Mexican restaurant I used to eat at in Puyallup, Washington would make the mushrooms for me as an appetizer when I ordered their machaca. I don't even think the mushrooms were on the menu. I think the manager one day asked me if I wanted an appetizer. All the appetizers pretty much had cheese, sour cream, fish, jalapeños or guacamole. None of which I eat. He asked if I liked sautéed mushrooms. I said yes. And he made some for me. I had been thinking about cooking this for a long time. But I wasn't sure how to cook the eggs with the chips. Little did I know how easy that was. I finally looked up tortilla chips and scrambled eggs on the internet and found out how easy it actually was. Prior to this I had tried looking up machaca, and my questions about the tortilla chips hadn't been answered. Since this was a last minute meal, I didn't think far enough in advance to get some corn tortillas. (One of my roomies is Colombian and has pupusas. But I didn't even think of "borrowing" a few). Gman
  4. My first time making it. And it turned out great!! I don't know why I never tried it before. An acquaintance of mine from junior high who passed a few months ago would have really enjoyed it. He was (in)famous for making meal combos with "eggy-weggys." I accompanied it with some roasted mushrooms and cherry tomatoes as you can see on the sides Gman
  5. The links don't work. Gman
  6. If the body was close, and he bottomed well, while I like to see the escorts get hard, it's not a necessity for me as I'm a top. Gman
  7. Say rather I'd prefer to be a topp-er as opposed to a topp-ee (unless of course that's what you meant) Gman
  8. Did you have a not great time with him?? Gman
  9. While anyone has the right to advertise as they wish, it is an escort site. I never really wanted to go thru hoops trying to figure out what a guy was into. Now since he's so muscular- that's one of the things I'm extremely attracted and you don't find that many guys who advertise as gay with his type of physique--so I might have contacted him. But it would have been probably against my better judgement. I occasionally hired guys who didn't list kissing. But usually only after a phone call where I let them know kissing was majorly important to me, and they assured me they could get into that. In most cases I'd say I probably should have gone with what they wrote, or rather didn't write, as opposed to what they said. If ads are in general more truthful than verbal assurances, Christian isn't in to too much with clients. If I were looking at two comparable escorts, I'll choose the one whose ad tells me more any day of the week. Gman
  10. On further review at least currently while listing himself as a versatile/top in the Position Statement he doesn't mention anal, kissing, or oral in his Likes Section. Gman
  11. I miss being able to hire Mike. ? Gman
  12. I'm in love with the ginger. Aside from his voice and face, look at the way his arms fill out his sleeves. Gman
  13. You should have seen the amount I was taking after I broke my left leg 22 years ago. I slipped on a thin film of ice-it had misted and then slipped below freezing overnight.It was a classic twisting injury. I broke my fibula right below the left kneecap and my tibia at the ankle. I had surgery and was in a long leg cast for around 10 days then a short leg cast for around a month. When I had the long leg cast on, the doctor wanted the leg elevated 23 out of 24 hours a day. It didn't feel great at any time. But during the hour it was lowered, the blood would pool and the leg/foot throbbed. I think I was taking oxycodone and Tylenol to begin with. I definitely needed it. My parents came to live with me as I couldn't do anything with my leg elevated for 23 hours a day. My Mom was worried I was taking too much. But again she wasn't the one dealing with a broken leg. I had pills left over but never really touched them once I healed. Gman
  14. Thanks. I am at risk. And it's above normal due to my chronic steroid use to control my IVIG. But I see an endocrinologist for my hypothyroidism (from 2009 to 2017 due to Hashimoto's thyroiditis but since 2017 due to a thyroidectomy for papillary thyroid cancer). And while I've had a low vitamin D for years, for most of the last two years, I've been taking 50,000 units of Vitamin D weekly, and I also take 400 mg of calcium citrate multiple nights a week. My last blood test a month or two ago-I had a decent Vitamin D level for the 1st time in I don't know how long. I had a Dexa scan back in December I think. It wasn't totally normal. But she wasn't extremely concerned. She did want me to take IV Zolendronic Acid-one of the anti-osteoporosis medications. I was scheduling it. The infusion company all of a sudden said they wouldn't take my major medical insurance for it as the reimbursement was too low. (I didn't think they were allowed to do that if they had some kind of agreement with the insurance). They would take my pharmacy benefits which were thru another company. But in addition I'd have to pay $300. I didn't really have the $300 to spare -esp when I wouldn't have had to pay anything if they had taken my Aetna Medical Insurance since I've reached my out of pocket maximum. I'm in the beginning process of seeing whether a different infusion company will take my medical benefits alone. I am a bit leery though as there are websites full of people complaining about how the zolendronic acid has led to intractable permanent bone pain. And this is a side effect listed for the medicine. It's difficult to figure out what the risk of it occurring is. Something else that may delay the infusion-I'm thinking of looking for a new endocrinologist. Mine is not the warmest person although for someone whom you basically only see every three months for them to interpret labs for thyroid cancer follow up and for hypothyroidism care, maybe they don't need to be the warmest person in the world. But she's screwed up on ordering my labs twice now. 1. There'a a substance called thyroglobulin that the thyroid produces. If it's in your blood, there's thyroid tissue there. If you've had your thyroid totally removed, there shouldn't be any there-or if there due to residual thyroid tissue-it should be very low. On the other hand if thyroid cancer resurfaces/regrows, your levels will go up. So on my testing last August, it took forever for the results to come back. Plus she had ordered testing to detect Hashimoto's Disease-which is an autoimmune disease of the thyroid. The problem with that is that #1. I already have a history of Hashimoto's. It's in my chart. #2. It doesn't matter if the test for Hashimoto's is positive ( the test detects antibodies) as I no longer have a thyroid for those antibodies to attack. And the thyroglobulin test that was needed -the results came about two weeks later than the rest. It was obvious that test had been ordered as an add on because it hadn't been ordered with the original labs. On my most recent labs she forgot to order a T4 (or at least I'm assuming she forgot as LabCorp didn't have an order for it in their system) which is one of the standard thyroid hormone tests you order to check on how someone is doing on thyroid hormone replacement. Now there is another test which gives some of the same info. But always in the past they've ordered both. So I still think this was a screw up. So if I change endocrinologists in the next few months, I'll see what the new one says about the zolendronic acid for osteoporosis has . Gman
  15. You misunderstood what I said. Or on the other hand, possibly I didn't write what I meant to. Gman
  16. He's very cute. But why do so many of these guys (not just him) feel the need to put that they are good-looking in their ad copy? Wouldn't you expect us as the consumer to be the one to make that decision? And if we didn't think a specific escort was attractive, would him telling us that he is change our mind in most cases? Gman
  17. Well I understand where you are coming from; and I agree with a lot of it. But even if you are going to start antibiotics anyway, a chest film is helpful for a baseline. Say you go in, get antibiotics, but a week later weren't improving in the way the physician expected. A chest film is done at this second visit. It would be nice to have an earlier film for comparison. Gman
  18. Using Hide Me, most of the reviews with words imply he's a top. And two of them explicitly mention taking his tallywacker. There's one review from 2017 which talks about him bottoming. Gman
  19. It's funny-I hurt my back a week ago. And I went to a doc-in-the-box. He gave me 10 Tylenol #3's. I've only used one so far as it made me light-headed when I took it. I would have killed for one when I had the rib fracture. Gman
  20. Well I wasn't seeking a lot of drugs ? What happened was... Back in October I either had a cold or maybe bronchitis. I started out with this cough. It gradually became more severe. One night after a coughing paroxysm I felt something pop in my chest. I coughed a bit the next day. But I was mainly ok until that evening. Then I had a bad coughing paroxysm where I couldn't stop coughing for a while. But what made it worse, was the fact that every time I coughed I felt a pain like a knife stabbing me in my right chest. Immediately after the paroxysm, my chest hurt so badly I couldn't sit down for a while. Standing seemed to slightly lessen the pain. I slept that night sitting mostly upright in a recliner. The following morning I started with the coughing paroxysms again and the accompanying knifing pain in my chest. These occurred multiple times an hour. I went to the ER. They did a CXR which was read as normal, and diagnosed me with a cold-or something. And prescribed me an antibiotic and a cough medication. The problem with that was that while I was having paroxysmal coughing episodes, what was really bothering me was the chest pain. I'm not sure I was really able to make that point clear enough due to the pain and not wanting to seem like an addict trying to get his fix The ER was really busy. I never even had a real room. The PA examined me in the triage room and sent me to x-ray from there. Even if I had been able to make the point about the pain, they are so worried about prescribing narcotics these days that it probably wouldn't have mattered. The codeine cough medication did nothing for me. Later in the week still in pain and coughing I saw an internist from the group I go to. I hadn't seen her before. But I wasn't able to get into my internist. She actually prescribed some Tessalon Perles for the cough which helped more than the codeine ever ha. I can't remember if she gave me any narcotics. She may have given me Flexeril-a supposed muscle relaxant. I've had it a few times before. As far as I can tellit's never done anything for me. But the internist was wondering whether I might have a rib fracture. She sent me for rib films. Later she sent me a message that the rib films were negative. But the radiologist wanted to relook at an area on my right side. When I recontacted her office, I was told that -No the x-ray was still being read as normal. Now 8 months later, I just had a new chest x-ray (taken at a different hospital than the one in October) for the cardiologist a few weeks ago because I was having some chest discomfort. He sent me a note shortly afterward saying there was nothing for me to worry about. Today I noticed the actual report of the x-ray was in my portal. I read it. LO AND BEHOLD it talks about a HEALING RIB FRACTURE ON MY RIGHT!!! I'm really glad to know now that I wasn't making up the agony I went through for 10 days. If any of you ever sustain a rib fracture, I feel for you. I wonder if they might have given me some narcotics if they had diagnosed my correctly. I know they don't want to suppress your breathing as they don't want you to develop a pneumonia from not expanding your lungs. That's the same reason they don't bind your chest anymore. But I would have been willing to risk a light chest binding. Gman
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