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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. While I have no direct knowledge of the size of your tallywacker and hope I am not speaking out of turn, I’m betting both would be able to do an admirable job. They look like very capable men. Gman
  2. I’m sorry this happened. My question is have you ever seen a sleep physician to help with the insomnia. Gman
  3. It would depend on how good the time was with the known guy and how good the reviews/gossip was about the new guy. Gman
  4. I’m sure after he and I have gone together a few months, I won’t even notice them, that greasy kid stuff he has in his hair, or his too shiny forehead at all. Gman
  5. If guys are accurate on their heights and weights, I’m finding the differences in body types very interesting. For example, this guy is 5’11” and he says he is 175. I would have thought at that weight and that height he would be beefier with bulkier muscles and instead he looks much more ectomorphic than mesomorphic. I’m not saying I think he is bad looking, just more ectomorphic than I was expecting. Gman
  6. Well I can understand if we are talking paper thin lips of the elderly. But I have to say that duck lips like this don’t do a thing for me. Gman
  7. I am reading a book. One of the protagonists is a straight male, and he mentions a new female character as having ‘bee stung’ lips. Bee stung lips don’t do anything for me on either females or males. I’m trying to figure out what is the attraction for them. Is it something subliminal about receiving oral from them or that they remind guys of labia majora? What’s the attraction of them? Gman
  8. Not in the Seattle area. Going thru multiple ads for therapists, you see either the words ‘Cognitive Behavioral Therapy’ or the initials CBT (and I don’t mean Cock-Ball-Torture) frequently. Now most them of say they use a combination that includes this as opposed to being strict CBTers. Gman
  9. Last February while I was driving in the Capitol Hill Area in Seattle on a street where I had the right of way, I was T-boned on the driver’s side by Lyft driver. He had a stop sign. I’m sure he was looking at his app and not at the road. I was really shaken up by the accident. I could barely get the front door open http://Dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/86zrh0ly31j95h7/File%20Dec%2025%2C%208%2015%2006%20PM.jpeg?dl=0 The guy was a youngster in the Navy. He drove for Lyft on the weekends. Here is his car. http://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/cas25bnn3it4fuu/File%20Dec%2025%2C%208%2016%2024%20PM.jpeg?dl=0 Less than 2 months before the accident I had had to replace the coil packs in my car. I had also recently bought a new battery, and had replaced both front headlight bulbs. I was really upset at first having had to spend all that money. But the repairs actually helped me as once I sent the receipts to the appraiser, he upped the value of my car by about $1200. Gman
  10. A gay counselor of mine recommended I read Velvet Rage years ago. I wasn’t able to even get through the introduction. The author seemed to take the attitude that his experience was universal, that all gay men went through what he did. Well my experiences are my own. Gman
  11. But I love breadcrumbs-especially mixed with butter, salt, paprika and spread over pearl onions!! Gman
  12. Willson-welcome to the Forum. There are two things. #1. You are more likely to find our info relating to a masseur in The Spa section which is the section designed for info about massage. While there is overlap, a lot of guys who like massage aren’t interested in escorts and probably rarely check The Deli-and vice versa. #2. It’s always helpful to include a link, so we know exactly whom you are referring to. Gman
  13. I did once by accident. It didn’t even occur to me the guy was straight. He had checked all the options on the Rentboy check list. I had hired him for a weekend. On the way home from picking him up at the airport, he started talking about a friend (who had driven him to the airport). He said a few other things. I asked him whom he preferred-men it women. He said women. When I asked him about having checked all those boxes on the Rentboy site, he said someone had told him he’d get more clients if all the options were checked. Strangely enough while he wouldn’t really kiss, he kept asking me #1) if I was having a good time and #2) if I wanted to top him. I had the feeling he hadn’t been topped before-maybe I was wrong. But by that time I was so disgusted with the situation. Plus if he really hadn’t bottomed before, I was never good at topping guys who can’t relax their sphincter. I get soft going against a closed hole. Gman
  14. I’d say it’s like anything else. It works for some-ok it works for a lot. But it doesn’t work for everyone-just like 12 Step Programs aren’t a good fit for everyone. I don’t think counseling has been overly helpful for me. On the other hand, maybe it’s helped me more than I know-especially after the course of therapy even if not particularly during therapy. One thing to watch out for with MD’s-they have a tendency to push medications-same thing with psychiatric nurse practitioners. While everyone is different, and medications seem to help a lot of people, I’ve been tried on three different medications in the past. They always had side effects and did nothing for my mood that I could tell. Gman
  15. Thank you for your hopes for me. Have a Joyeux Noel. Gman
  16. Well you know the old saying, “It’s an ill escort that doesn’t even blow good.” At least the experience brought you here. Gman
  17. @jjkrkwood I’m glad you had that kind of relationship with your Mom. I don’t. I love my Mom. I can talk with her about a lot of things. But ya know, I don’t really want to hear about the sex life she had with my Dad or adjustments they might have had to make as they aged. And I know she doesn’t want to hear about my sex life either-what little there is of it. I’m going to hope @bigvalboy is right about the white lies. Because if the situation occurred again tomorrow, I’d probably answer the same way. Gman
  18. I went out to lunch with my Mom today. I was driving. After we finished, I asked her whether she minded stopping at a store that was a bit out of the way, so I could pick up a prescription I had ordered. The prescription was for some sildenafil. My Mom asked me what the prescription was for. I blanked a moment and then told her, “It is one of my blood pressure medications.” Gman
  19. I might be one of the fabled unicorns then. Decades of research can show whatever it wants, I am here to proclaim that I am gay, I’ve always been gay, and I don’t remember the thought or sight of a female ever causing me to have an erection (Muscular good looking guys are another story). I am gay, gay, gay, gay, gay-and I’m not even that crazy about being gay. In my mind, I sometimes wonder what it would have been like to be bisexual and able to marry a woman. But I know that not all bisexuals are able to reconcile both sets of feelings successfully. So if I can’t be straight, I’m probably better off as I am. Gman
  20. I came out to my brother and sister about 5 years ago in a long overly wrought email that took me hours to write (at a Kinko’s no less as I only had limited WiFi access where I was living thru a hot spot). I had lost my job and was feeling extremely down about being unemployed and lying-by omission to my family. I might not want to be gay. But I was tired of not saying anything about it. Throughout the writing of the entire missive, I had tears in my eyes and a lump in my throat. A few years later my sister told me it wasn’t that much of a surprise. And at least in one sense I knew what she meant. I was, at the time, a 51 year old male who had never really had a girlfriend growing up or who had never really gone out on dates/had a girlfriend as an adult. On the other hand @BasketBaller, you dated girls/women in high school and college, were known as a ‘player’ in college, got married, had three children, and unfortunately became a widower. I have to assume you’re pretty much a regular guy’s type of guy otherwise it’s doubtful women would have found you as attractive if you weren’t that type of guy. As discreet as you’ve been, unless your boys saw you out with one of your escorts, your few other encounters, or found a web browsing history, I’m willing to bet that your sons will be as surprised as your brother-in-law was when you told him. Gman
  21. I wonder what the percentage of Adonis guys are actually gay-or bisexual. And for me bisexuality really would be someone at least a 3 on the Kinsey Scale with the proviso that the reason they have gay sex is because they are really attracted to guys and like having sex with them more than just for monetary reasons. Gman
  22. On an iPhone at least some of this could be accomplished with the Do Not Disturb Feature. Gman
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