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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. I hope this post isn’t going to be too indelicate to discuss on here-but I was using a public necessary room near the dining room of my mother’s retirement facility (it was the handicap stall so much larger than the other one). As I was sitting in there reading a Men’s Health Magazine that I had picked up in their library (the story was an interview with Ben Affleck conducted by Jimmy Kimmel in case you were interested), the lights went out. Well obviously I had seen this exact same scene many, many times. I knew I was about to be attacked by a deranged serial killer—-or the timer on the lights had gone off. Gman
  2. 9 PM seems a little late for me for a business call unless he had hours posted that included 9 PM. On the other hand, if it were an emergency and you definitely needed him for the following day, that would have been my limit of the time to call. The friend could have had a woman in bed with him at 7:30 PM too. So that doesn’t seem to me like a workable rule. When I had friends -unfortunately I don’t really right now -my limit was usually 10 PM unless it was an emergency or I knew they stayed up late and wouldn’t mind a call. But there is something else to consider. While I don’t mind talking on landlines or VOIP with ‘big phones’, I hate extended conversations on cell phones. I think there is a subtle delay. That combined with trouble hearing, and dropped words make me really hate conversations on cell phone. Gman
  3. I met Eric twice years ago. Once was for a weekend. He was an extremely nice guy. He’s not a very passionate kisser. I think I remember that he wasn’t overly enthused about bottoming for me. I still like him. He’s a friendly guy. But even with the familiarity of two visits, he still wasn’t what I consider a top tier escort. He was ok. But he definitely wasn’t (for me) a Mike Gaite/ Ray Stone/Andrew Justice type escort. One other definite caveat -I just looked at his ad and I’d say at least 9 of his pictures are probably a decade old at least and in some cases more. The more current pictures, as is usual in cases like this, don’t look as good as the older ones although he still looks good for his age. Gman
  4. I’m pretty sure @Bearofdistinction is making a joke as Kathy Griffin was the usual cohost until that idiotic stunt she did with the severed head. Gman
  5. I might add to the above that one reason I really like topping even with what I wrote above is that I can lean over -hopefully stay inside-and kiss and stroke the bottom while I’m inside him. Gman
  6. I have two comments I’d like to make about this video. #1. Who in the name of great Caesar’s ghost is Amber Tamblyn? #2. As regards Andy Cohen drinking the breastmilk -I’m now faintly nauseous. Gman
  7. Now Freshfluff-I’ve actually read about this. Just like not all gays are made to bottom, women and nipples differ. Some women’s nipples are more sensitive and some less. In addition to that while sore nipples may be common with initial breastfeeding by an infant, they usually eventually toughen up. There are also hormones released during breastfeeding that make it more pleasurable for the woman. On top of that in the best cases there is the emotional attachment to the infant and the emotional satisfaction of knowing that you are supplying your infant’s lifeblood so to speak. Please don’t think I think that all women can breastfeed. That’s a myth. The large majority can most likely. But the La Leche League would never tell you about failures. Gman
  8. I’m a top. And I like to top. I never plan on bottoming. But I will freely and truthfully admit that for me receiving oral usually feels better than topping. And a guy who knows how to give oral without gnawing me with his teeth (while not being porn star thick, I am on the thick side of things. So the gnawing I receive from some guys may be involuntary on their part) and can keep me on edge for a while, will definitely make my toes curl. The other thing that can make my toes curl is if I’m really horny, and a guy knows how to kiss on my neck and my ears. I’ve almost cum hands free with a skillful necker before. Gman
  9. It took me a minute to understand this post because I almost never watch TV (I’m not being overly superior about this. I love to watch TV. For a plethora of reasons, I don’t anymore.). But for those like myself who may not be up on all the latest lingo, TWD stands for the TV show The Walking Dead. Gman
  10. I’ve been with some guys (bottoms) though who really like the Energizer Bunny School of being fucked. I’ve been with several escorts and buddies who want it fast-and hard but that goes without saying. I’m not really the perfect top for them as I think I left my Energizer Buddy capability days long years before I ever actually had sex assuming I ever would have been capable of pile driving like that. I think my style of sex is best described by the “Best Little Whorehouse in Texas” philosophy -“Lots of goodwill and maybe one small thrill. But there’s nothing dirty going on.” Gman
  11. I think ‘being turned’ is a common expression in the vampire media and in those mythological stories of completely straight guys becoming gay. Gman
  12. I wonder how many people go around limping -or walking with a catch in their steps -after bottoming. Gman
  13. Possibly with a nice Chianti-or would a white go better? Gman
  14. A few years back, possibly on NPR, there was a story about a guy making cheese from his wife’s breastmilk and selling it. Gman
  15. That’s what I was referring to. Gman
  16. According to this the average height for US Men is 5’-10”. And it seems that most of the guys I know or are out at the gay clubs are taller with heights ranging from 5-11 to 6-2. http://halls.md/average-height-men-height-weight/ Gman
  17. From the NY Post in 2016 I quit my job to breastfeed my boyfriend every two hours By Alison Maloney, The Sun A mom is breastfeeding her boyfriend — 20 years after having children. Jennifer Mulford took time off from her job as a bartender to induce breastfeeding because she wants to start an adult breastfeeding relationship (ABR) with Brad Leeson. Because she has not given birth to a baby recently, she and Brad, 36, need to “dry feed” every two hours to fool her body into thinking she is feeding a child so she starts producing milk. Jennifer was single when she stumbled across a website about ABR. She said: “When I read about the bond breastfeeding could create between two people, I was envious. “I have always enjoyed my breasts being touched during sex more than anything else, so I knew I would enjoy it.” Jennifer, from Atlanta, started searching for men who would be open to the idea of adult breastfeeding. “When I read about the pure joy it brought others, I was desperate to seek out a partner to share an emotional bond with. “I used dating sites, put messages on ABR forums and even put an advert on Craigslist, but I drew a blank. I started to think I’d never get to try adult breastfeeding.” Finally, she started chatting about the idea one night with Brad, an old boyfriend from school. “We were talking and Brad told me he had a thing for big-breasted women, and that size had always been a factor in his relationships. “I thought it was the perfect time to bring up adult breastfeeding — and see if he’d be interested,” said Jennifer. ‘We both wanted the same thing out of the relationship — a magical bond that only breastfeeding can achieve.’ - Jennifer Mulford Thankfully, Brad was instantly open to the idea: “It was like a light switch flicked in his head. I could tell from his voice that he was curious and excited.” He started doing his own research into ABR and they soon became more than just friends. She said: “At that moment I knew that I had a partner for life. “We both wanted the same thing out of the relationship — a magical bond that only breastfeeding can achieve.” Because Jennifer hadn’t breastfed for over 20 years, she had no milk to feed Brad. The couple need to induce lactation by dry-feeding and pumping her breasts every two hours, just as if she was feeding a baby. ***** Gman
  18. I could point out time and time again when Forum members have taken the escort side. Years ago I once refrained from writing a bad review because the escort, at the time, was a Forum favorite, and I knew from having seen bad reviews of other Forum favorites, that I’d be blasted by his partisans if I had sent it in. A large portion of us on here-notice I’m not saying everyone- hire because otherwise we’d never know anyone in a biblical sense. That gives escorts an awful lot of power as they have the ability to frustrate a basic biological urge. That doesn’t mean I think clients should try to take advantage. I also have long championed the rights of an escort to say they can’t deal with certain races or certain body types. It’s sad that people have preferences like that. And being possessed of a lot of avoirdupois myself, it’s painful on being rejected for that reason. But I totally understand it, and I almost always made sure ahead of time that the escort I wanted to meet was ok with full-figured guys. I also can’t deny having racial preferences (but not absolutes) myself. But look at how many people have defended an escort in a recently locked thread when his behavior has been beyond the pale. It’s been known for a long time in society that attractiveness greases the wheels. And while I don’t know that gay society is the worst about this, as a group, we are probably up there. Gman
  19. He means when his mother was turned into a zombie. He’s saying he is similar to Blade in Marvel Comics. He’s the zombie equivalent of a dhampir. Gman
  20. Didn’t the OP also write that after meals, when I am assuming they were alone, the escort ate quickly and bolted off? Gman
  21. That idea had occurred to me, but somehow I don’t think that’s it. I prefer taller guys. But short is good too. Gman
  22. I had noticed hair in my palms. Does that mean anything? Gman
  23. And I am reasonably. I have told people for years I was 5’8”. A few months back at the endocrinologist’s office, they measured me at 5’9”-so still not very tall. And it always seemed to me like I was in a minority. Most of the guys I know are at least an inch or so taller than I am-even my older brother. But I’m surprised how many guys I see on Scruff or some of the other apps that are 5’6” (sometimes as short as 5’5”) to 5’7”. Gman
  24. I always knew it was the size that counted. I’m lucky to be able to hit the prostate. Gman
  25. Jomo, you will find very few reviews that if Derek shows up, the client has a bad time. There is I know at least one on Daddy’s. Aside from that one review, the problem is his not showing up without warning. And at least in one case in this thread accepting money without showing up. These are not the actions of a stand-up guy. And yes if I were still hiring and were in Vegas, I might succumb to the lure of trying to hire him because physically he’s my type. But I’d say there are too many disappointed clients from Derek’s no shows for all the reports to be fake. Derek is incredibly handsome. And that means guys are going to continue to try to hire him no matter the risk. But at least we here on the Forum know that he flakes out frequently. Hopefully all the warnings on here will prevent people from losing money or destroying a planned vacation. I just wish the people who don’t read this Forum could somehow be warned about Derek. Gman
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